Original paper

Messinian chevron halite from the Red Sea (DSDP Sites 225 and 227): fluid inclusion study

Kovalevich, Volodymyr M.; Jarmołowicz-Szulc, Katarzyna; Peryt, Tadeusz M.; Poberegski, Andrej V.

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Monatshefte Jg. 1997 Heft 10 (1997), p. 433 - 450

28 references

published: Nov 24, 1997

DOI: 10.1127/njmm/1997/1997/433

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In the Messinian halite from DSDP Sites 225 and 227 fluid inclusions are present in zonal relics of chevron and/or hopper halite crystals. Microthermometric examination indicates the existence of differences in homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions in halite coming from the both studied wells. The appearance of gas phase in studied inclusions due to their partial stretching because of overheating is indicated by a correlation of homogenization temperature with sampling depth and the present temperature at a given depth. The study of chemical composition of brine inclusions indicates that basin brines were of Na-K-Mg-CI-SO4 type and ion ratios were similar to modern marine water concentrated to the beginning of halite precipitation. We suppose that the two-phase inclusions in zoned crystals of Red Sea halite may be used not only for approximate determination of temperature at the corresponding depth but also for the reconstruction of chemical composition of brines in an evaporite basin.


Red Seahopper halite crystalmicrothermometric