Publication: Imagen, imaginación y materia
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Universidad Complutense, Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad I
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Este artículo pretende ahondar en el sentido y valor que adoptan las imágenes
tecnológicas y mentales en los procesos de creación artística y documental, y de
adquisición de conocimiento. El objetivo es buscar interrelaciones entre las
actividades creativas y científicas fundamentadas en la utilización común de
imágenes mentales e imágenes tecnológicas. La separación drástica entre
ciencias y humanidades ha imposibilitado una visión de conjunto de los procesos
cognitivos. La imagen, en su doble acepción: mental y técnica, nos brinda la
oportunidad de realizar estudios transversales que unifiquen áreas hasta ahora
entendidas tan dispares como la epistemología, la estética y la ética.
This article focuses on the sense and value of technical and mental images in the process of artistic and documentary creativity as wefl as of knowledge acquisition. The main goal is to look for interrelations between creative and scientific works based on the use of mental and technological images. The extreme separation between sciences and humanities impede us a global vision of cognitive operations. lmage and its double value, as mental and technical, offers us the opportunity of developing transdisciplinary studies which put together oreas such as epistemology, aesthetics and ethics.
This article focuses on the sense and value of technical and mental images in the process of artistic and documentary creativity as wefl as of knowledge acquisition. The main goal is to look for interrelations between creative and scientific works based on the use of mental and technological images. The extreme separation between sciences and humanities impede us a global vision of cognitive operations. lmage and its double value, as mental and technical, offers us the opportunity of developing transdisciplinary studies which put together oreas such as epistemology, aesthetics and ethics.
Research project
Bibliographic citation
Área Abierta. N. 26 (2010)