Publication: Aplicación de técnicas activas para el control de restricciones en el desarrollo de bases de datos
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En las metodologías de desarrollo de BD nos encontramos que los modelos
conceptuales que aplicamos son cada vez más ricos y capaces de recoger con mayor
precisión las especificaciones del dominio. El problema surge cuando queremos
mantener esta semántica en la siguiente fase de la metodología, la fase lógica. La
mayoría de estas metodologías utilizan el modelo relacional para transformar el
esquema conceptual a un esquema lógico. Para ello, se aplican un conjunto de reglas
de transformación. Estas reglas son, en general, muy básicas pues solo especifican la
transformación de los elementos más simples y sencillos del modelo conceptual, esto
implica una pérdida de semántica significativa, que lleva al diseñador a controlar y
comprobar las restricciones de integridad del dominio fuera de la BD. Para
representar las restricciones de integridad, el estándar SQL3 y la mayoría de los
SGBDs comerciales proporcionan dos maneras: mecanismos declarativos y
mecanismos procedimentales. Los mecanismos declarativos aportan una base
fundamental y estrategia tradicional para reforzar las reglas básicas de negocio (Not
Null, Default, Unique, Primary Key, Foreign Key , Check, Domain y Assertion). Sin
embargo, estas cláusulas no son capaces de expresar todas las restricciones de
integridad incluidas en un modelo conceptual, por eso, se utilizan mecanismos
procedimentales como reglas activas/disparadores para poder controlar estas
restricciones dentro del SGBD.
En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se propone incorporar reglas activas para preservar
todas las restricciones de integridad asociadas a un dominio dentro de la BD y
proporcionar a los diseñadores herramientas que faciliten la generación automática
de estas reglas, el análisis de su comportamiento teniendo en cuenta las interacciones
con el resto de elementos de la BD y su visualización.
El trabajo está enmarcado dentro del proyecto "Plataforma de gestión de procesos
software: Modelado, reutilización y medición“. TIN2004/07083
Abstract: In database development methodologies, conceptual models are more abstract and concerned to express more accurately the semantics of the real world. A problem is produced when we want to maintain this semantics in the following phase of methodologies: the logical phase. Most of these methodologies are agree with the application of the relational model to transform the conceptual scheme into a logical scheme. To do that, a set of transformation rules is applied. These rules are basics and simples, they specify the transformation of the simplest conceptual elements and this implies a lost semantics. Therefore, databases developers must employ different mechanisms to enforce database consistency. To verify integrity constraints, the recent SQL standard and almost all commercial DBMSs support two ways: declaratively mechanisms and procedural mechanisms. Declarative mechanisms provide a fundamental base and traditional strategy to enforce business basic rules by using constraints such as: Not Null, Default, Unique, Primary Key, Foreign Key, Check, Domain, and Assertion. Because of these constructors are insufficient to express all integrity constraints, procedural mechanisms active rules/triggers are used in order to control these constraints inside the DBMS. In this doctoral thesis work, incorporating active rules into database are proposed to preserve all integrity constraints associated. Moreover, we provide some tools to facilitate: automatic rules generation, rules analysis, and rules behaviour visualization considering the interactions with the reminder of elements. This work is part of the project "Software Process Management Platform: modelling, reuse and measurement". TIN2004/07083
Abstract: In database development methodologies, conceptual models are more abstract and concerned to express more accurately the semantics of the real world. A problem is produced when we want to maintain this semantics in the following phase of methodologies: the logical phase. Most of these methodologies are agree with the application of the relational model to transform the conceptual scheme into a logical scheme. To do that, a set of transformation rules is applied. These rules are basics and simples, they specify the transformation of the simplest conceptual elements and this implies a lost semantics. Therefore, databases developers must employ different mechanisms to enforce database consistency. To verify integrity constraints, the recent SQL standard and almost all commercial DBMSs support two ways: declaratively mechanisms and procedural mechanisms. Declarative mechanisms provide a fundamental base and traditional strategy to enforce business basic rules by using constraints such as: Not Null, Default, Unique, Primary Key, Foreign Key, Check, Domain, and Assertion. Because of these constructors are insufficient to express all integrity constraints, procedural mechanisms active rules/triggers are used in order to control these constraints inside the DBMS. In this doctoral thesis work, incorporating active rules into database are proposed to preserve all integrity constraints associated. Moreover, we provide some tools to facilitate: automatic rules generation, rules analysis, and rules behaviour visualization considering the interactions with the reminder of elements. This work is part of the project "Software Process Management Platform: modelling, reuse and measurement". TIN2004/07083