Publication: La organización de las mariscadoras como agentes de transformación social
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Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
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En este artículo se analiza el proceso de transformación llevado a cabo por las mariscadoras a pie gallegas entre 1995 y 2002. El marisqueo a pie es una actividad tradicionalmente desarrollada por mujeres. La tesis fundamental que se defiende es que la organización de las mariscadoras fue decisiva en este proceso. La organización de las mujeres ha sido fundamental para transformar una actividad informal en una profesión regulada, con reconocimiento y protección. Estas mujeres, al organizarse, introdujeron modificaciones respecto al medio ambiente, las instituciones y sus comunidades. Ellas gestionaron los recursos naturales, desarrollaron el cultivo y ocuparon posiciones de responsabilidad dentro de las cofradías de pescadores.
This paper attempts to analyze the process of transformation of shellfish gathering on foot in Galicia between 1995 and 2002. The shellfish gathering on foot is an activity that traditionally has been developed mainly by women. We emphasize in the article that the role of shellfishers’ organizations in this process has been decisive. Women’ organizations has been essential in this process to transformation of an informal activity into a regulated activity, which gave full recognition and protection to women shellfish gathers. Women, by establishing their own organisations, modified the dynamics of the social, institutional and natural systems of their local communities. They manage the resource, develop extensive shellfish farming, and join established male organisations and to assume positions of responsibility within the governing bodies of these organisations.
This paper attempts to analyze the process of transformation of shellfish gathering on foot in Galicia between 1995 and 2002. The shellfish gathering on foot is an activity that traditionally has been developed mainly by women. We emphasize in the article that the role of shellfishers’ organizations in this process has been decisive. Women’ organizations has been essential in this process to transformation of an informal activity into a regulated activity, which gave full recognition and protection to women shellfish gathers. Women, by establishing their own organisations, modified the dynamics of the social, institutional and natural systems of their local communities. They manage the resource, develop extensive shellfish farming, and join established male organisations and to assume positions of responsibility within the governing bodies of these organisations.
Research project
Bibliographic citation
Em Debate, n.7 (2012), pp. 82-106