Publication: Las mujeres en la prensa deportiva: dos perfiles
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El propósito del presente estudio fue analizar la imagen que la
prensa deportiva española transmite de las mujeres y cómo ha evolucionado
en los últimos años (1979 – 2010). Para ello, se realizó un análisis de las
informaciones donde al menos aparecía una mujer (n = 4877) en los cuatro
periódicos deportivos de mayor tirada. Y dentro de las informaciones se
analizaron a los protagonistas (hombres o mujeres) (n= 20928) y se examinando
siete variables para determinar los perfiles de mujer (n= 12195) que
protagonizan las informaciones: número de protagonistas por información,
género, si es protagonista principal, la ocupación, su función en la información,
la relaciones familiares mencionadas, cómo se presenta a esa persona
en la información y si está directamente citada en el artículo. En general se
distinguen dos perfiles de mujeres que protagonizan la prensa deportiva: la
propia del ‘Ámbito Deportivo’, y “otras” que se han dado en llamar ‘Invitadas’,
por lo general familiares, parejas, famosas o aficionadas. Se observa
un aumento de la presencia de estas últimas a lo largo del tiempo lo que
produce un aumento de la invisibilidad de las deportistas.
The purpose of this study was to find out which image of women transmits Spanish sports newspapers and how it has evolved in recent years (1979-2010). Were analyzed all articles where a woman appeared (n = 4877) in the four largest circulation sports newspapers. And then, were analyzed the protagonists (men or women) (n = 20928) and seven items to determine the patterns of women (n = 12195) on the sport news: main character amount, gender, if main character, occupation (or charge), its role in the information, mentioned family relationships, how that person presents information and if it is directly cited in the article. The results show that there are two patterns of women in the Spanish sport news: the characteristic ‘Sportswomen’ and “other”, that we have called “invited”, usually they are families, couples, famous or lovers. We observed an increase in the presence of the “invited” woman over time, and this is one of de causes which increase invisibility of ‘Sportswomen’.
The purpose of this study was to find out which image of women transmits Spanish sports newspapers and how it has evolved in recent years (1979-2010). Were analyzed all articles where a woman appeared (n = 4877) in the four largest circulation sports newspapers. And then, were analyzed the protagonists (men or women) (n = 20928) and seven items to determine the patterns of women (n = 12195) on the sport news: main character amount, gender, if main character, occupation (or charge), its role in the information, mentioned family relationships, how that person presents information and if it is directly cited in the article. The results show that there are two patterns of women in the Spanish sport news: the characteristic ‘Sportswomen’ and “other”, that we have called “invited”, usually they are families, couples, famous or lovers. We observed an increase in the presence of the “invited” woman over time, and this is one of de causes which increase invisibility of ‘Sportswomen’.
Research project
Bibliographic citation
Cuadernos de psicología del deporte, vol. 14, nº 1, 2014, pp. 91-102