Publication: Redes sociales, historia y memoria digital de la represión de mujeres en el franquismo
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Instituto de Historiografía Julio Caro Baroja. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
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En los últimos años se ha avanzado notablemente en el estudio cuantitativo y especialmente cualitativo de la represión de las mujeres durante el franquismo. Se han publicado numerosos testimonios, investigaciones rigurosas e incluso novelas, películas y documentales, a los que hay que añadir actualmente el entorno digital. En este marco, este trabajo plantea un estudio que confronta el estado de la cuestión en la historiografía con su presencia en las plataformas sociales a fin de comprobar el tratamiento que se le confiere en el contexto de las expresiones digitales de la represión franquista.
In recent years has advanced greatly in qualitative and quantitative studies about women repression during the Franco regime. In addition to the publication of several testimonies, there are rigorous research on the Francoist prisons for women, and novels, films and documentaries. Along with these new scenarios of diffusion, the digital environment currently sets a field where also express and disseminate content of this phenomenon of our most traumatic past. Within this framework, this paper proposes a comparative perspective among the state of arts with the presence of women prosecution in social platforms in order to verify the treatment conferred in the context of digital expressions of the Francoist repression.
In recent years has advanced greatly in qualitative and quantitative studies about women repression during the Franco regime. In addition to the publication of several testimonies, there are rigorous research on the Francoist prisons for women, and novels, films and documentaries. Along with these new scenarios of diffusion, the digital environment currently sets a field where also express and disseminate content of this phenomenon of our most traumatic past. Within this framework, this paper proposes a comparative perspective among the state of arts with the presence of women prosecution in social platforms in order to verify the treatment conferred in the context of digital expressions of the Francoist repression.
Research project
Bibliographic citation
Revista de Historiografía 27, 2017, pp. 341-361