Wave Power Output Smoothening through the usage of a High-Speed Kinetic Buffe

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In this paper, a new control strategy for power output smoothing in a hybrid wave energy installation coupled to a flywheel energy storage system (FESS) is proposed. The control scheme is composed by three stages: a wave generator clustering process at the farm connection point; a power filtering process; and the control of the flywheel energy storage in order to improve the power output of the hybrid wave farm. The proposed control is validated at the existing Lysekil Wave Energy Site located in Sweden, by using real generator measurements. Results show that the application of the flywheel energy storage system reduces the maximum peak power output from the wave energy installation by 85% and the peak/average power ratio by 76%. It is shown that the proposed system can reduce grid losses by 51%, consequently improving the energy efficiency of the power network. The application of the proposed control strategy allows the hybrid wave power plant to follow a power reference signal that is imposed by the grid operator. In addition, the study demonstrates that the application of the proposed control allows the hybrid wave power plant to follow a power reference signal that is imposed by the grid operator. In addition, the study demonstrates that the application of the proposed control enables a wave farm with flywheel energy storage to be a controllable, flexible resource in order to fulfill future grid code requirements for marine energy installations.



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Bibliographic citation

Rojas-Delgado, B., Alonso, M., Amaris, H. y Santiago, Juan de. (2019). Wave Power Output Smoothing through the Use of a High-Speed Kinetic Buffer. Energies, 12(11), 2196.

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