Publication: Acerca de dos mosaicos hallados en Fuente Álamo (Puente Genil, Córdoba). A tenor de los dibujos de la Comisión de Antigüedades de la Real Academia de la Historia
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Universidad de Alicante
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En el marco de las investigaciones sobre el yacimiento de
Fuente Álamo (Puente Genil, Córdoba), cuyas excavaciones
han puesto de manifiesto varias fases de ocupación
y funcionalidad diferente desde la época altoimperial
hasta la ocupación islámica, este artículo se inscribe en
el análisis de los numerosos pavimentos musivos del
asentamiento rural y aborda en concreto el estudio de
dos mosaicos perdidos que fueron hallados en el siglo
XIX, según consta en el informe de la Comisión de
Antigüedades de la Real Academia de la Historia, que
aportaba dibujos de los mismos.
Dado que los resultados de las excavaciones llevadas
a cabo en los últimos años en Fuente Álamo reflejan
que no todos los pavimentos pertenecen a la misma etapa
de la denominada en principio villa del siglo IV, este
trabajo presenta un estudio inédito de la iconografía de
uno de los mosaicos fragmentarios –con representaciones
de un thiasos marino– y el esquema geométrico del
segundo, así como su posible atribución a una de las fases
Among the researches on the archaeological site of Fuente Álamo (Puente Genil, Córdoba), whose excavations have revealed several phases of habitation with different functionality, from the imperial period of Rome to the Islamic occupation, this article is part of the study of the many mosaic floors of the rural settlement and addresses the analysis of two lost mosaics that were found in the 19th century, as recorded in the report of the Antiquities Commission of the Real Academia de la Historia, which provided some drawings. Since the results of the excavations carried out in recent years in Fuente Álamo reflect that not all the pavements belong to the same stage of the villa, which is thought to belong to the 4th century, this work presents an unpublished study of the iconography of one of the fragmentary mosaics –with depictions of a marine thiasos– and the geometric scheme of the second, as well as its possible attribution to one of the documented phases.
Among the researches on the archaeological site of Fuente Álamo (Puente Genil, Córdoba), whose excavations have revealed several phases of habitation with different functionality, from the imperial period of Rome to the Islamic occupation, this article is part of the study of the many mosaic floors of the rural settlement and addresses the analysis of two lost mosaics that were found in the 19th century, as recorded in the report of the Antiquities Commission of the Real Academia de la Historia, which provided some drawings. Since the results of the excavations carried out in recent years in Fuente Álamo reflect that not all the pavements belong to the same stage of the villa, which is thought to belong to the 4th century, this work presents an unpublished study of the iconography of one of the fragmentary mosaics –with depictions of a marine thiasos– and the geometric scheme of the second, as well as its possible attribution to one of the documented phases.
Baetica, Fuente Álamo, Asentamiento Rural, Mosaicos Romanos, Dibujos, Thiasos Marino, Esquema Geométrico, Rural Settlement, Roman Mosaics, Drawings, Marine Thiasos, Geometric Scheme
Research project
Gobierno de España. HAR2015-68059-C2-2-R
Bibliographic citation
Lucentum,N.37 (2018), pp. 165-172