Publication: Insights to the characterization of cell motility and intercellular communication through a bioimage analysis perspective
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The study of cell migration is critical for understanding cancer cell biology. Shedding light
on the mechanisms that drive cancer cells through metastasis is essential for new treatment
development. Although there exist a large variety of processes involved in cell migration
such as cell differentiation, tissue stiffening, or intravasation, in this thesis we contribute
image analysis methods and statistical tools for the study of two of them: cell motility and
inter-cellular communication.
In the tumor Extracellular Matrix (ECM) stroma, cells follow a 3D mesenchymal migration
mode driven by cellular dendritic protrusions. Together with cellular adhesion to the
ECM, cells use elongated protrusions to exert forces and make contractile displacements.
Therefore, during cell migration, it is possible to detect varying mechanical patterns which
are closely related to the invasive behavior of the cells. However, the relationship between
cellular protrusions morphology and dynamics, and cell motility remains largely unknown.
Here we propose to analyze time-lapse microscopy videos of cells migrating in 3D Collagen
type I matrices. For that, this thesis introduces different image processing approaches
to automatically segment cells, and detect their protrusions. Specifically, we develop Deep
Learning (DL)-based workflows to accurately segment cells in the microscopy videos. We
show the need of combining classical image processing techniques to accurately quantify
protrusions in the images. Hence, we assess an additional step to analyze the morphological
information of the cell and detect its protrusions’ tips. The information extracted from
the image processing enables the study of cell motility and cell protrusion dynamics. We
find some ambiguities and limitations in the topological definition of the protrusions seen
in the videos, which lead us to redefine such structures to enable its analysis. Preliminary
results indicate a relationship between the number and length of cellular protrusions and
the cell dynamics. This preliminary characterization of cell protrusions morphology in
3D cancer cell migration can spur researchers to formulate further hypotheses about cell
motility and to design more specific biological experiments.
Thanks to the automatic quantification of cellular shape and their protrusions in timelapse
microscopy videos, it is possible to analyze large datasets for different biological
experiments. Nonetheless, one of the outcomes when applying our image processing workflows
to biological research is the impracticability of Null-Hypothesis Statistical Tests (NHST) due to the large size of the information extracted (> 1000 cells). Hence, here we
also contribute an alternative statistical method towards the analysis of such large datasets.
It assesses the differences between compared groups of biological experiments by modeling
the p-value of NHST as a function of the sample size and measuring its decay. The
results of this method are proven to be robust through simulations and real experimental
datasets, among the ones we find the results of the image processing workflow when
analyzing the morphology of cells treated with Taxol (a chemotherapy drug).
Small (30 − 200 nm) extracellular vesicles (sEVs) are cell-derived nanoscale particles
involved in inter-cellular communication. They transport molecular information that goes
from the parent to the receiver cell. SEVs are known to be present in a plethora of physiological
and pathological processes. In cancer, it is known that they contribute to the changes
in the tumor micro-environment or are involved in the formation of the pre-metastatic
niche. However, the study of sEVs is a relatively new topic in science so their role in many
biological processes is still unknown. Because sEVs are crucial in cellular communication,
there is a growing interest on characterizing them and discovering their potential on
clinical applications and therapies. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is the most
extended image acquisition technique for the study of nano-scale structures. However, the
complexity of nano-scale sEVs sample preparation for TEM prevents the acquisition of
clean images. Hence, life-scientists cannot automatically anlyze their images with common
user-friendly image processing software. We propose the implementation of a DL-based
pipeline for the instance segmentation of sEVs in highly heterogeneous TEM images. The
method uses a fully residual U-Net to segment the TEM images and the Radon transform
to solve clustered sEVs. We evaluate the approach on three different datasets and show an
improved performance over the compared state-of-the-art methods.
Despite the potential of all the image processing methods shown here for cancer research,
their use still relies on human engineering. The last contribution of this thesis
faces the problem of building easy-to-use and open-source environments for the deployment
of DL models: deepImageJ. It is a user-friendly plugin for ImageJ to run trained DL
models on images in one click. It defines a general model format independent of the neural
network architecture or the programming language used to implement it. Thus, it sets
a bridge to connect model developers with final users. DeepImageJ interface is designed
for bioimage applications: the technicalities of the model are hidden while those relative
to the bioimage metadata are summarized. The deepImageJ environment is thought to
improve user experience and to support developers’ work. Trained models can be disseminated
through the model repository synchronized with the BioImage Model Zoo
( Hence, developers can avoid working on additional scripts
to release their pipelines and their work will gain larger visibility. We expect deepImageJ
to become a key contributor to the democratization of DL in bioimage analysis.
Mención Internacional en el título de doctor
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