Publication: La negociación colectiva transnacional como instrumento de gobernanza mundial del trabajo del futuro
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En el contexto de la globalización, la desintegración y digitalización de los procesos productivos por parte de las empresas constituyen, sin duda, los factores más determinantes en la transformación experimentada por las estructuras socioeconómicas en la actualidad. La creación de redes de empresas multinivel, donde concurren un número indeterminado de agentes (contratistas, subcontratistas, proveedores) que intervienen en la cadena de suministro diseñada por la empresa principal, se concibe como una estrategia dirigida a la reducción de costes laborales y encuentra su máxima expresión cuando trasciende las fronteras nacionales y prescinde de los eventuales límites o restricciones que pudieran derivarse de las regulaciones estatales. Ante la inoperancia de las tradicionales instituciones de protección jurídica, concebidas a escala estatal, el objetivo del presente estudio es, precisamente, analizar el papel que puede desempeñar la negociación colectiva transnacional como instrumento de gobernanza del trabajo asalariado a nivel global, tomando como referente experiencias como las que, de forma paradigmática, representa la adopción de acuerdos marco internacionales en el seno de empresas multinacionales y otras iniciativas de interés.
In the context of globalization, the disintegration and digitalization of productive processes by companies are undoubtedly the most determining factors in the transformation experienced by the socioeconomic structures. The creation of networks of multilevel companies, where an undetermined number of agents (contractors, subcontractors, suppliers) are involved in the supply chain designed by the main company, is conceived as a strategy aimed at reducing labor costs, and finds its maximum expression when it transcends national borders and dispenses with any limits or restrictions that may arise from state regulations. Given the ineffectiveness of the traditional institutions of legal protection, conceived at the state level, the objective of this paper is precisely to analyze the role that transnational collective bargaining can play as an instrument of governance of salaried work at a global level, taking as a reference experiences like those that, in a paradigmatic way, represent the adoption of International Framework Agreements within multinational companies and other initiatives of interest.
In the context of globalization, the disintegration and digitalization of productive processes by companies are undoubtedly the most determining factors in the transformation experienced by the socioeconomic structures. The creation of networks of multilevel companies, where an undetermined number of agents (contractors, subcontractors, suppliers) are involved in the supply chain designed by the main company, is conceived as a strategy aimed at reducing labor costs, and finds its maximum expression when it transcends national borders and dispenses with any limits or restrictions that may arise from state regulations. Given the ineffectiveness of the traditional institutions of legal protection, conceived at the state level, the objective of this paper is precisely to analyze the role that transnational collective bargaining can play as an instrument of governance of salaried work at a global level, taking as a reference experiences like those that, in a paradigmatic way, represent the adoption of International Framework Agreements within multinational companies and other initiatives of interest.
Research project
Bibliographic citation
Correa Carrasco, M. (2019). La negociación colectiva transnacional como instrumento de gobernanza mundial del trabajo del futuro. Revista de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. CEF, 437-438, 65-92.