Publication: Wireless Electromagnetic Radiation Assessment Based on the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR): A Review Case Study
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Employing electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in new wireless communication and sensing
technologies has substantially increased the level of human exposure to EMF waves. This paper
presents a useful insight into the interaction of electromagnetic fields with biological media that is
defined by the heat generation due to induced currents and dielectric loss. The specific absorption
rate (SAR) defines the heating amount in a biological medium that is irradiated by an electromagnetic
field value. The paper reviews the radio frequency hazards due to the SAR based on various safety
standards and organisations, including a detailed investigation of previously published work in
terms of modelling and measurements. It also summarises the most common techniques utilised
between 1978 and 2021, in terms of the operational frequency spectrum, bandwidth, and SAR values.
Bibliographic citation
Abdul-Al, M., Amar, A. S. I., Elfergani, I., Littlehales, R., Ojaroudi Parchin, N., Al-Yasir, Y., See, C. H., Zhou, D., Zainal Abidin, Z., Alibakhshikenari, M., Zebiri, C., Elmegri, F., Abusitta, M., Ullah, A., Abdussalam, F. M. A., Rodriguez, J., McEwan, N. J., Noras, J. M., Hodgetts, R., & Abd-Alhameed, R. A. (2022). Wireless Electromagnetic Radiation Assessment Based on the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR): A Review Case Study. In Electronics (Vol. 11, Issue 4, p. 511). MDPI AG.