Publication: Tatuaje ¿Entre el arcaísmo y la moda?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Instituto de Estética
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Este artículo aborda un tema contemporáneo, pero con ecos del pasado. En efecto, los tatuajes que vemos hoy en los cuerpos que se exhiben en las calles y en las pantallas pertenecen tanto a la cotidianidad más reciente, que participa de un furor que algunos vinculan con los fenómenos de la moda en la sociedad de masas, como a un registro que se podría denominar arcaico en tanto remite a prácticas asociadas a contextos lejanos respecto de las metrópolis industrializadas. Situar al tatuaje entre el arcaísmo y la moda constituye una hipótesis de trabajo que se abordará por medio de un análisis conceptual de tipo ensayístico y recurriendo también a algunos dichos obtenidos en entrevistas con personas tatuadas y profesionales del tatuaje.
This essay deals with a contemporary issue, but with echoes in the past. Indeed, tattoos we see today on the bodies exhibited in the streets and on screens belong both to the most recent everydayness&-that participates in a furore that some link to the phenomena of fashion in mass society&-as to a record that could be named as archaic since it refers to practices for centuries associated with contexts which are distant to the large industrialized cities. Placing tattoos between archaism and fashion is a working hypothesis to be addressed by a theoretical analysis and also through some testimonies obtained in interviews with tattooed people and tattoo artists.
This essay deals with a contemporary issue, but with echoes in the past. Indeed, tattoos we see today on the bodies exhibited in the streets and on screens belong both to the most recent everydayness&-that participates in a furore that some link to the phenomena of fashion in mass society&-as to a record that could be named as archaic since it refers to practices for centuries associated with contexts which are distant to the large industrialized cities. Placing tattoos between archaism and fashion is a working hypothesis to be addressed by a theoretical analysis and also through some testimonies obtained in interviews with tattooed people and tattoo artists.
Research project
Bibliographic citation
Walzer Moskovic, A. Tatuaje ¿Entre el arcaísmo y la moda? (2019). AISTHESIS, nº 65: 95-114.