Comparison of six steady-state models for single-phase induction motors

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This study compares six different models to simulate the steady-state performance of single-phase induction motors. The different models were obtained from a basic model, based on the double-revolving-field theory, by adding modifications to include the iron losses and rotor deep bar effect. The parameters of the six models were adjusted to minimise the error between the experimental results and the results of each model. For each model, the global error was defined as an average of the current absolute errors and the active-power absolute errors. These errors were calculated in per-unit, in order to sum absolute errors associated with different physical magnitudes. The experimental results were obtained through laboratory tests, with four types of single-phase induction motors: split-phase, capacitor-start, permanent capacitor and capacitor-start/capacitor-run. The results indicate that the six models have different precision to represent the steady-state single-phase induction motor performance. The deep bar effect had a greater influence on the results than the inclusion of magnetic losses. The inclusion of different resistances for the representation of the core losses because of the forward field and the backward field did not significantly improve the error of the approximation.



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Bibliographic citation

Sorrentino, E., & Fernández, S. (2011). Comparison of six steady-state models for single-phase induction motors. Iet Electric Power Applications, 5(8), pp. 611-617.

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