Publication: Público y privado: de nuevo sobre el papel del Estado
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Movimiento por la Paz -MPDL
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La delimitación entre lo público y lo privado forma parte del debate sobre el modelo de Estado que ha estado dominado durante las últimas décadas por los postulados neoliberales bajo el paradigma de la crisis del Estado de bien- estar. Se trata de un debate con unas importantes implicaciones ideológicas que se encuentra determinado por las exigencias de la Unión Europea. La crisis provocada por la Covid-19 ha supuesto un punto de inflexión en este debate ya que ha sido necesario un enorme despliegue del Estado para contener y superar la crisis sanitaria y económica, y que puede continuar para afrontar los demás desafíos a que amenazan al Estado de bienestar garantizando así su continuidad.
Public and private debate is connected to the state model debate that has been dominated in recent decades by neoliberals under the paradigm of the crisis of the welfare state. It is an ideological debate that is determined by the European Union. The crisis provoked by Covid-19 has been a turning point in this debate, as a big government has been necessary to contain and overcome the health and economic crisis, and which can continue in order to face the other challenges that threaten the welfare state, thus guaranteeing its continuity.
Public and private debate is connected to the state model debate that has been dominated in recent decades by neoliberals under the paradigm of the crisis of the welfare state. It is an ideological debate that is determined by the European Union. The crisis provoked by Covid-19 has been a turning point in this debate, as a big government has been necessary to contain and overcome the health and economic crisis, and which can continue in order to face the other challenges that threaten the welfare state, thus guaranteeing its continuity.
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Bibliographic citation
Vida Fernández, J. (2021). Público y privado: de nuevo sobre el papel del Estado. Tiempo de paz, n1 142, pp. 8-23