Publication: Sobre algunas limitaciones a la Europa a la carta en materia Schengen: comentario a las sentencias del TJCE de 18 de diciembre de 2007 (Reino Unico C. Consejo, C-77/05 y 137/05)
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Las dos Sentencias dictadas por el TJCE el 18 de diciembre de 2007 adquieren una relevancia especial porque, por primera vez, el TJCE ha contribuido a clarificar (aunque sólo sea parcialmente) el rompecabezas de la integración diferenciada en el espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia en lo que se refiere a la participación en tal espacio de Estados miembros que originariamente no participaban. En particular, el TJCE ha fijado el sentido y alcance de los arts. 4 y 5 del Protocolo Schengen y las condiciones que deben cumplir Reino Unido e Irlanda para poder participar en medidas e iniciativas que desarrollan el acervo de Schengen. En particular, el TJCE ha limitado el derecho de estos Estados miembros a adherirse a dicho acervo en aras de su integridad y coherencia, subordinando la aplicación del art. 5 del Protocolo de Schengen a la previa aplicación del art. 4 del mismo Protocolo. Igualmente, el Tribunal ha fijado las condiciones que ha de cumplir una medida o iniciativa para ser considerada como un desarrollo de Schengen.
The sentences passed by the Court of Justice of European Communities on 18 December 2007 are relevant because for the first time, the Court of Justice has shed light (al least partially) the puzzle of differentiated integration with regard to the areas of justice, freedom and security. To begin with the Court makes it clear how articles four and five of the Schengen Protocol can be interpreted, and which conditions need to be satisfied by the United Kingdom and Ireland to take part in the proposals and initiatives to build upon the Schengen acquis. More precisely, the Court of Justice has limited the right of United Kingdom and Ireland to take part in these proposal and initiatives; the Court subordinates the application of article five of the Schengen Protocol to the prior application of article four. Finally, the Court establishes the conditions that need to be satisfied by a proposal or initiative to be considered “to build upon the schengen acquis”.
The sentences passed by the Court of Justice of European Communities on 18 December 2007 are relevant because for the first time, the Court of Justice has shed light (al least partially) the puzzle of differentiated integration with regard to the areas of justice, freedom and security. To begin with the Court makes it clear how articles four and five of the Schengen Protocol can be interpreted, and which conditions need to be satisfied by the United Kingdom and Ireland to take part in the proposals and initiatives to build upon the Schengen acquis. More precisely, the Court of Justice has limited the right of United Kingdom and Ireland to take part in these proposal and initiatives; the Court subordinates the application of article five of the Schengen Protocol to the prior application of article four. Finally, the Court establishes the conditions that need to be satisfied by a proposal or initiative to be considered “to build upon the schengen acquis”.
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Revista General de Derecho Europeo, junio 2008, nº 16