The development of a novel impingement heat transfer device

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Current central receiver Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants using molten salt as a heat transfer fluid operate at around 565 ◦C for heat addition in a thermodynamic cycle. Adding heat at a higher temperature can improve the thermodynamic performance and may reduce the cost of power. One way to achieve this is by using pressurized air solar receivers operating under a high concentration of solar flux at an outlet temperature of around 800 ◦C and a thermal efficiency exceeding 80 %. A novel high-flux impingement heat transfer device, called the Tadpole, is developed to improve the heat transfer and pressure loss (performance) characteristics of solar receivers such as the Spiky Central Receiver Air Pre-heater (SCRAP) concept. The Tadpole is scrutinized through an experimental comparison with a conventional jet impinging on the inner wall of a hemisphere. The device demonstrates promising capability by exceeding the performance characteristics of the impinging jet. Multiple dimensional degrees of freedom in the Tadpole's flow domain facilitate obtaining a favourable combination of heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is developed to enable investigating the application potential of the Tadpole. The Four-Equation Transition SST turbulence model demonstrates satisfactory experimental validation with a deviation of < 5 % for the heat transfer coefficient and < 23 % for the total pressure loss. The application potential of the Tadpole within the SCRAP concept is explored and compared with a previous favourable impinging jet configuration. It is estimated that the implementation of the Tadpole instead of this impinging jet can result in a 43 % reduction in the total pressure loss of a SCRAP spike or improved spike tip thermal absorption with a reduction in the spike tip temperature of 33 K. This improved thermal absorption may lead to an improved lifespan of the receiver. However, the receiver's performance improvements are estimated to marginally (< 1 %) improve the coupled solar hybrid Brayton cycle efficiency and specific fuel consumption. Based on the Tadpole concept, a novel central air receiver technology called the SUNflower is conceived as an alternative to the SCRAP receiver. An initial performance outlook estimates that an air outlet temperature of 800 ◦C can be reached at a thermal efficiency of below 63 %. A limitation of the concept is an insufficient exterior surface area to absorb the incoming flux which causes a high surface temperature and radiative heat loss. The SCRAP concept is more suitable because of its larger absorber surface area. Further work on the advancement and integration of the Tadpole within the SCRAP concept is therefore recommended. To avoid localized overheating, the SUNflower requires a relatively uniform incoming solar flux distribution. A new heliostat aiming strategy called Blossaim is developed to flatten an incoming flux distribution on a circular aperture receiver. An analytical investigation incorporating a Heliopod heliostat field demonstrates promising performance in reducing the peak flux magnitude by 66 % with a reduction in the Heliopod field's optical efficiency of only 2 %.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huidige sentrale ontvanger Gekonsentreerde Sonkrag (GS) stasies wat gesmelte sout as warmte-oordragvloeistof gebruik, werk teen ongeveer 565 ◦C vir hittetoevoeging in 'n termodinamiese siklus. Hoër temperatuur hitte-toevoeging kan die termodinamiese benuttingsgraad verbeter en dit kan dalk die koste van krag verminder. Een manier om dit te bereik is om gebruik te maak van höedruk lugontvangers wat onder 'n hoë konsentrasie van sonvloed funktioneer by 'n uitlaat temperatuur van ongeveer 800 ◦C en 'n termiese benuttingsgraad van meer as 80 %. 'n Nuwe hoë-vloed botsing warmte-oordrag toestel, genaamd die Paddavissie, word ontwikkel om die warmte-oordrag en drukverlies (prestasieeienskappe) van lugontvangers, soos die Stekelrige Sentrale Ontvanger Lug Voorverwarmer (SCRAP) konsep, te verbeter. Die Paddavissie word ondersoek deur 'n eksperimentele vergelyking met bestaande straal botsing op die binnewand van 'n halfrond. Dit word gevind dat die Paddavissie in staat is om die prestasie-eienskappe van die botsingstraal te oortref. Verskeie dimensionele vryheidsgrade in die Paddavissie se vloeigebied vergemaklik die verkryging van 'n gunstige kombinasie van warmte-oordrag en drukverlies eienskappe. 'n Berekeningsvloeidinamika (CFD) model word ontwikkel om die toepassingspotensiaal van die Paddavissie te ondersoek. Die Vier-vergelyking `Transition SST' turbulensiemodel is gestaaf met die eksperimentele resultate met 'n afwyking van < 5 % vir die warmte-oordragskoë siënt en < 23 % vir die totale drukverlies. Die toepassingspotensiaal van die Paddavissie binne die SCRAP ontvanger word ondersoek en vergelyk met 'n vorige gunstige botsingstraal konfigurasie. Die implementasie van die Paddavissie in plaas van hierdie botsingstraal in die SCRAP kan lei tot 'n 43 % vermindering in totale drukverlies of verbeterde warmte-oordrag binne die spitspunt met 'n vermindering in die spitspunt se temperatuur van 33 K. Hierdie verbeterde warmte-oordrag kan lei tot 'n langer leeftyd van die ontvanger. Hierdie verbeterings van die ontvanger mag egter lei na marginale verbeterings in die gekoppelde Brayton-siklus se benuttingsgraad en spesi eke brandstofverbruik van < 1 %. Gebaseer op die Paddavissie, word 'n nuwe sentrale lugontvanger-tegnologie genaamd die Sonneblom ondersoek as 'n alternatief aan die SCRAP ontvanger. 'n Aanvanklike vooruitsig skat dat 'n uitlaat temperatuur van 800 ◦C bereik kan word teen 'n termiese benuttingsgraad van minder as 63 %. 'n Beperking van die konsep is 'n onvoldoende absorber oppervlakte om die inkomende vloed op te neem. Hierdie veroorsaak 'n hoë oppervlaktemperatuur en hoë stralingshitteverlies. Die SCRAP ontvanger is meer geskik weens 'n groter absorberoppervlak. Verdere werk aan die bevordering en integrasie van die Paddavissie binne die SCRAP ontvanger word dus aanbeveel. Om gelokaliseerde oorverhitting te voorkom, benodig die Sonneblom 'n relatiewe eenvormige inkomende vloedverspreiding. 'n Nuwe heliostaat-mikstrategie genaamd Blossaim word ontwikkel om 'n inkomende vloedverspreiding op 'n sirkelvormige ontvangeropening te produseer. 'n Analitiese ondersoek wat 'n Heliopod-heliostaatveld modelleer, toon belowende prestasie met 'n 66 % vermindering van die maximum vloeddigtheid en 'n vermindering in die Heliostaatveld se optiese benuttingsgraad van slegs 2 %.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Solar Energy, Heat Transfer, UCTD, Transmission of heat, Molten salts, Thermodynamic cycles