Growth and physiological parameters related to shoot dieback in Pterocarpus angolensis DC seedlings

Mwitwa, Jacob Pacific
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT:Six experiments, five in the glasshouse and one in the field near Nelspruit, were carried out to ascertain the effect of factors related to shoot die-back, and of water treatments on the growth and physiological responses of Pterocarpus angolensis seedlings. The study was undertaken to broaden the knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of shoot die-back in order to enhance our ability to regenerate the species. The following experiments were carried out (a) Assessment of biomass accumulation; anatomical characteristics of the shoot apical meristem; foliar, stem and root concentration of micro- and macronutrients associated with each phenophase, (b) Effect of seedling age and seed source on the occurrence of shoot die-back under field conditions; (c) Water treatment effects on ChI. afluorescence traits of£'. angolensis seedlings obtained by assessing the fluorescence yield of photosynthetic samples subjected to dark- and light-adaptation; (d) Genetic variation in shoot die-back and other traits of sixteen halfsib families of £.. angolensis from Malawi, Namibia and Zambia grown over two die-back seasons. Experiments conducted revealed the following 1. Patterns of growth observed in phenophases are indicators of seasonal changes in annual biomass allocation to the shoot and root. Phenophases such as leaf loss and stem senescence, whether shoot die-back occurs completely or not, are directly related to the decline in above-ground biomass and declined rate of increase in root biomass respectively. Leaf flush, expansion and maturation result in increased biomass accumulation whilst shoot die-back has a minimal downregulatory effect on root biomass accumulation compared to the shoot. Shoot dieback is not sudden, therefore from the first day of germination, seedlings synchronise growth and development with the occurrence of shoot die-back. 2. Phenophasic concentration of foliar N, Ca and Mg, stem Fe and Cu and root concentrations of P, K, Mg, Fe and B are associated with shoot die-back. Patterns of mineral nutrient concentration obtained in foliage and roots but to a lesser extent in the stem, may be related to nutrient remobilisation during shoot dieback. Higher relative mineral nutrient changes during leaf yellowing and shoot die-back may be an indication of the removal of significant volumes of mobile nutrients from senescing tissues. 3. The volume of the shoot apex of E. angolensis remains constant during different phenophases which points to seasonal uniformity in the size of the apical dome. Changes in phenology associated with declined growth, or shoot die-back, is revealed through declined cell number in the tunica which is a reflection of declined mitotic activity. 4. Shoot die-back occurs in all seedlings from nursery stock planted under field conditions and all seedlings of up to two years experience complete shoot dieback. Shoot die-back takes place irrespective of seed source or the age of nursery stock that is planted. Survival after the first shoot die-back is normally low. Water treatments had no significant effect on the function of PSIJ reaction centres of P. angolensis nursery seedlings. In the case of both dark- and light-adapted leaves, water treatment had no significant effect on the measured Chi. a fluorescence parameters or the calculated parameters (specific activities, phenomenological fluxes, structure-function and performance indexes and drivingforces). 5. Water treatments affect the shape of ChI. a fluorescence transients of lightadapted compared to that of dark-adapted photosynthetic samples of E. angolensis. No significant water treatment effect was obtained for extracted and technical Chi. afluorescence parameters, specific fluxes, quantum efficiencies and phenomenological fluxes. Quantum yield, relative electron transport and quantum yield limitation, de-excitation rate constants, structure-function, performance indexes and driving forces were also not significantly different across water treatments.6. Genetic variation was observed to exist among 16 halfsib families from Malawi, Namibia and Zambia. High heritabilities were obtained for shoot die-back and other traits, indicating that shoot die-back is genetically controlled. The trait is passed from parents to offspring and it is highly probable that it occurs, throughout its natural range, in all seedlings. Since shoot die-back is genetically programmed, it remains crucial to the ability of a seedling to regenerate in the following rainy season
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Ses eksperimente, vyf in die glashuis en een in die veld naby Nelspruit, is uitgevoer om die effek van faktore wat verwant is aan die terugsterwing van lote op saailinge, sowel as om die effek van waterstres op die groei en fisiologiese responsies van Pterocarpus angolensis saailinge, te ondersoek. Die studie is ondemeem om die kennis en begrip aangaande die regenerasie-dinamika van die spesies te verbeter. Die volgende eksperimente is uitgevoer: (a) Evaluering van die effek van jisiologiese veranderings op biomassa; blaar-, stam- en wortelkonsentrasies van spoor- en makro-voedingselemente, en anatomiese eienskappe van die apikale meristeem van die lote. (b) Effek van saailingouderdom en saadbron op die voorkoms van lootterugsterwing onder veldtoestande. (c) Waterbehandelingseffekte op Chi. ajluorisensie eienskappe van ,e. angolensis saailinge wat verkry is deur die jluorisensie te evalueer van fotosintesemonsters wat aan donker- en lig-adaptasies onderwerp is. (d) Genetiese variasie in loot-terugsterwing en ander groei-eienskappe van 16 halfsib families van ,e. angolensis vanaf Malawi, Namibia en Zambia wat gekweek is oor twee terugsterj-seisoene. Die eksperimente het die volgende aan die lig gebring: 1. Groeipatrone waargeneem gedurende die fenofases is indikatore van seisoenale veranderings in jaarlikse biomassa allokasies aan die loot en die wortels. Fenofases soos blaarverlies en lootafsterwing, ongeag of loot-terugsterwing volledig is of nie, is direk verwant aan die afname in bogrondse biomassa en afnemende tempo van toename in wortelbiomassa respektiewelik. Bottende blare, vergroting en rypwording van blare lei tot toenemende biomassa akkumulasie terwyl loot-terugsterwing 'n minimale afskalende effek op akkumulasie van wortelbiomassa het in vergelyking met die van die loot. Loot-terugsterwing is nie skielik, met ander woorde vanaf die eerste dag van ontkieming sinchroniseer saailinge groei en ontwikkeling met die voorkoms van loot-terugsterwing. 2. Fenofase konsentrasies van en veranderings in blaar N en Ca en loot Fe, asook veranderings in waargenome wortel N, K, Ca, Mn, Cu, Zn en B is sterk geassosieer met loot-terugsterwing. Patrone van minerale voedingselementkonsentrasies wat in blare en wortels, en in minder mate in die loot, verkry is, mag direk verwant wees aan hermobilisering van voedingselemente gedurende loot-terugsterwing. Hoe relatiewe minerale voedingselementveranderings gedurende die vergeling van blare en lootterugsterwing mag 'n indikasie wees van die verwydering van betekenisvoUe hoeveelhede mobiele nutriente vanaf sterwende weefsel. 3. Die volume van die groeipunt van r. angolensis bly konstant gedurende verskillende fenofases wat dui op seisoenale uniformiteit in die grootte van die apikale koepel. Veranderings in fenologie ge-assosieer met afnemende groei, of loot-terugsterwing, word gerejlekteer deur afnemende selgetaUe in die tunika wat dui op afnemende mitotiese aktiwiteit. 4. VoUedige loot-terugsterwing kom voor in aUe saailinge vanaf die kwekery wat in die veld geplant word tot op die ouderdom van twee iaar. Dit kom voor angeag van saadbron of ouderdom van saailinge ten tye van planting. Oorlewing na aanvanklike loot-terugsterwing is normaalweg laag. 5. Water behandelings het geen beduidende effek op die funksie van PSII reaksiesentra van r. angolensis kewekery-saailinge gehad. Vir beide donker- en lig-aangepaste blare is geen beduidende waterbehandelingseffek verkry vir waargenome ChI. a jluoresensie parameters of die berekende parameters (spes ifieke aktiwiteite, jenomenologiese jlukse, struktuur-funksie-indekse, "perjormance-indekse oj" driving forces" ). 6. Genetiese variasie tussen 16 halfsibfamilies vanaf Malawi, Namibie en Zambie is verkry vir loot-terugsterwing en ander groei-eienskappe. Dit dui op genetiese beheer van terugsterwing en dat die eienskap oorerjbaar is, en waarskynlik in die hele natuurlike verspreidingsgebied van die spesies in aUe saailinge voorkom. Aangesien loot-terugsterwing gene ties geprogrammeer is, is dit noodsaaklik vir die vermoe van die plant om in die volgende reenseisoen te regenereer.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.
Dissertations -- Forest and wood science, Theses -- Forest and wood science, Pterocarpus angolensi -- Seedlings -- Growth, Shoots (Botany), Dieback