Holdings Information
Bibliographic Record Display
Author/Creator:Martin, Phil., active 18th century.
Title:[Receipt for drawing and engrossing lycence for Mr Skynnor and Lady].
Production:[Great Britain] : P. Martin, 1757.
Physical Description:1 sheet ; 19 x 15 cm
Yale Holdings
Holdings Record Display
Notes:"Stephen Skynner, esqr., his bill. 1757 Decemr. [1] Drawing and engrossing lycence for Mr Skynnor and Lady to domise [i.e. demise] his copy hold estate held of the man of Marshalls £-13/4. [2] Stamps and parchment, -2/8. [3] Paid the Lord his fine as receipt, 1/1/-. [Total] £1/7/0."
Payment recorded at bottom: "22d. September 1758, recd. the full contents of this bill, Phil. [?] Martin."
On reverse: "Stephen Skynnor esqr."
Biographical / Historical note:"Drawing and engrossing" in the present context refers to the working out of a rough draft and then having the final terms of the instrument copied legibly onto parchment paper. Demise refers to the conveyance of an estate.
- Format:Archives or Manuscripts
Subjects:Martin, Phil., active 18th century.
Skynner, Stephen.
Administration of estates--Great Britain.
Genre/Form:Legal documents.
Receipts (financial records)
Financial records.
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