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Holdings Information

    • Author/Creator:Vitruvius Pollio.
    • Uniform Title:[De architectura. English]
    • Title:The architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio / translated from the original Latin, by W. Newton, architect.
    • Publication:London : Printed for James Newton, 32, Thornhaugh Street, Bedford Square ; and sold by I. and J. Taylor, Holborn ; R. Faulder, New Bond Street ; P. Elmsly, Strand ; and T. Sewell, Cornhill, MDCCXCI [1791]
    • Physical Description:2 volumes : illustrations ; 54 cm
    • Yale Holdings

      • Location:BRITISH ART CENTER, Rare Bks & Mss (Non-Circulating)
      • Call Number: Folio A 2013 38
      • Status:Not Checked Out
      • Library Has:v. 1-2
      • Provenance:Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
    • Local Notes:BAC: British Art Center copy with cancel slips over the imprints with James's address occupying a full line above that of Taylor and other booksellers. Bound half calf, marbled paper boards. Autograph: Henry Ward, 1847. Stamp in purple ink: William Freakley. Mechanical engineer. Victoria Square.
    • Notes:Edited by James Newton.
      Newton's version of books I to V was published as volume one in 1771, together with a life of Vitruvius. Volume two (and the second issue of volume one) which was only partly printed at the time of Newton's death in 1790, was completed from his manuscripts by his brother James Newton, who was also responsible for engraving most of the plates. Some copies bear a cancel slip over the imprint, with James's address occuping a full line above those of Taylor and the other booksellers.
      Volume 1: [4], xix, [3], 122 pages, [27] leaves of plates; volume 2: [6], [123]-280, [4] pages, XX leaves of plates.
      "Observations concerning the life of Vitruvius": volume 1, pages [ix]-xix.
    • Format:Book
    • References:Fowler architectural collection of the Johns Hopkins University, 428
      English short title catalogue, T22370
      Harris, E. British architectural books and writing, 895
      Catalogo ragionato dei libri d'arte e d'antichità posseduti dal conte Cicognara 736
      Archer, J. British domestic architecture, 221.2
      British Architectural Library. Early printed books, 1478-1840, 1895
    • Subjects:Vitruvius Pollio.
      Architecture--Early works to 1800.
    • Subjects (Local Yale):Chron--1791.
      Ward, Henry--Autograph, 1847
      Freakley, William--Stamp
    • Genre/Form:Engravings--1791.
    • Also listed under:Newton, William, 1735-1790.
      Newton, James, 1748-approximately 1804, publisher.
      Faulder, Robert, 1747 or 1748-1815, publisher.
      I. and J. Taylor (Firm), publisher.