Holdings Information
Bibliographic Record Display
Author/Creator:Dodd, Thomas, 1771-1850, auctioneer, publisher.
Title:A catalogue of the extensive and choice collection of prints, formed by the late Robert Morse, Esq. of Clarges Street, Piccadilly : in this valuable collection is comprised the most estimable productions of every engraver of distinguished talents, from the origin of the art to the present time : and including some of the rarest and finest specimens of the ancient German artists, also an extensive and very choice collection of etchings, by the most eminent Flemish painters; and nearly the entire works of Hogarth, Hollar, Bartozolli, Woollett, Sir Robert Strange, Cornelius Vischer, Jonas Suyderhoef, Gerard Edlinck, Nantuieul, Masson, Mellan, Drevet, &c. &c. : and a matchless collection of the works of John George Wille, in proofs and variations : a very valuable and extensive collection of British Portraits, commencing with the reign of Alfred the Great, and continuing in progression to the great Epoch : comprising the rarest portraits by Faithorne, Glover, Hollar, Loggan, Marshall, Passe, Vandrebanc, &c. : also, a large portion in the present reign from the paintings of Sir Joshua Reynolds &c. : together with a collection of prints from the paintings of Vandycke, in proofs and variations, in four imperial volumes : Strutt's Dictionary of Engravers, illustrated by upwards of 2820 specimens, many of extraordinary curiosity and rarity : a few books connected with the fine arts : splendid gallery works & books of prints, and several superb portfolios with leaves : which (by order of the executors) will be sold by auction, by Mr. Thomas Dodd, at no. 42, Old Bond Street, (four doors from Piccadilly,) on Wednesday, May 15, 1816, & twenty-seven following days (Sundays excepted), at twelve o'clock each day.
Publication:[London] : [Thomas Dodd], [1816]
Manufacture: London : Smith & Davy
Physical Description:191, [1] pages ; 26 cm
Yale Holdings
Holdings Record Display
Local Notes:BAC: British Art Center copy is not annotated. Number 1 of 2 auction catalogs bound together. The volume bound in contemporary half calf. Armorial bookplate of Baron Northwick. Spine title: Morse Sale 1816.
MUDD,AUCT X348 D66 1816/5/15: Priced in ms. Bookplate is three bees (drypoint), with initials "K.C." (Katherine Cameron, bookplate created for Arthur Kay, her husband). Inscribed: "A.K. / FLORIFERIS. / UT. APES. IN. / SALTIBUS.OM- / NIA LIBANT / OMNIA. NOS / ITIDEM / DEPASCIMUR / AUREA. DICTA". Binder's spine title: Morse's prints and books. Sum total of sale noted in ms. at end.
Notes:3602 lots.
Date of sale: May 15-June 15, 1816.
Place of sale: London.
- Format:Book
References:Lugt, F. Répertoire des catalogues de ventes publiques, 8893
Subjects:Morse, Robert, -1806--Art collections--Catalogs.
Banck, Pieter van der, 1649-1697.
Bartolozzi, Francesco, 1727-1815.
Drevet, Claude, 1697-1781.
Edelinck, Gérard, 1640-1707.
Faithorne, William, 1616-1691.
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677.
Mellan, Claude, 1598-1688.
Nanteuil, Robert, 1623-1678.
Passe, Crispijn van de, approximately 1565-1637.
Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792.
Strange, Robert, Sir, 1721-1792.
Suyderhoef, Jonas, approximately 1610-1686.
Van Dyck, Anthony, 1599-1641.
Visscher, Cornelis, 1629-1658.
Wille, Johann Georg, 1715-1808.
Woollett, William, 1735-1785.
Portraits, British--Catalogs.
Art auctions--England--London--Catalogs.
Subjects (Local Yale):Chron--1816.
Cameron, Katharine--Bookplate.
Northwick, John Rushout, Baron, 1770-1859--Bookplate.
Kay, Arthur, 1861-1939--Bookplate.
Genre/Form:Auction catalogs--1816 05 15-06 15.
Auction catalogues--1816 05 15-06 15.
Auction catalogs.
Also listed under:Smith & Davy, printer.
Great Britain--England--London.
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