Holdings Information
Bibliographic Record Display
Author/Creator:Bristol (England)
Title:Civitas Bristol. Tempore Petri Day, ar' major, XIVmo die Decembris anno Regni dom' Georgii decimo tertio, annoq; domini, MDCCXXVI. Whereas there is and hath been, time out of mind, a good, antient, and laudable custom, had and used within the late borough, and now city of Bristol, and the liberties thereof, that no person (not being free of the said late borough, or now city) did or could keep any shop within the late borough, and now city of Bristol, or the liberties thereof ...
Publication:[Bristol] : [publisher not identified], [1726]
Physical Description:1 sheet (1 page) : 1 wood engraving ; 42 x 33 cm
Yale Holdings
Holdings Record Display
Location:LEWIS WALPOLE LIBRARY (Non-Circulating)
Call Number: File 64 726 B776++
Status:Not Checked Out
Notes:For further information, consult library staff.
Provenance:Purchased from Robert H. Rubin; July 2016.
Digital version
Location:LEWIS WALPOLE LIBRARY (Non-Circulating)
Notes:Title from text at top of sheet.
A decree of the Common Council of Bristol signed: Cann.
The wood-engraved of the Bristol city arms is between "Civitas" and "Bristol."
Variant and related titles:Title from first line of text: Whereas there is and hath been, time out of mind
- Format:Book
References:English short title catalogue, T223509
Subjects:Commerce--England--Bristol--Early works to 1800.
Bristol (England)--Commerce.
Bristol (England)--History--Early works to 1800.
Bristol (England)--Ordinances.
Subjects (Local Yale):Brit tracts--1726.
Genre/Form:Watermarks (Paper)
Coats of arms.
Wood engravings.
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