Holdings Information
Bibliographic Record Display
Title:Er serchus goffadwrieth am ein anwyl fam, Eleanor Thomas : yr hon a fu farw Gorphenaf 27h, 1904 : yn 73 mlwydd oed : ac a gladdwyd yn Paddington Cemetery (6806)
Publication:[Great Britain], [1904]
Physical Description:1 folded card : illustrations ; 8 x 12 cm
Yale Holdings
Holdings Record Display
Summary:Folded memorial card for Eleanor Thomas. Black and silver borders on front and back. With a botanical illustrations on front cover: In loving memory.
Variant and related titles:Title on front of cover: In loving memory
- Format:Book
Subjects:Thomas, Eleanor, -1904--Death and burial.
Mourning customs--Great Britain.
Subjects (Local Yale):Chron--1904.
Genre/Form:Memorial cards.
Memorial works.
Botanical illustrations.
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