Holdings Information
Bibliographic Record Display
Title:[Ewer and basin with figures in a landscape] [realia].
Production:[China], [between 1760 and 1790?]
Physical Description:ewer 1 item : hand-painted ; height 24 cm
basin 1 item : hand-painted ; diameter 26 cm
Yale Holdings
Holdings Record Display
Location:LEWIS WALPOLE LIBRARY (Non-Circulating)
Call Number: LWL Object 33 On display in the Long Hall
Status:Not Checked Out
Digital version
Location:LEWIS WALPOLE LIBRARY (Non-Circulating)
Medium:hard-paste porcelain.
Notes:A hard-paste porcelain ewer and basin, painted with figures in a landscape, of the style made specifically for the European market.
Title devised by curator.
Possibly Horace Walpole; possible Strawberry Hill Sale. Purchased by W.S. Lewis from Cogar, Lewis & Geiger, June 1955, $275.
Inscriptions: handwritten label on bottom of basin: This Ewer & Basin belonged to Horace Walpole & bought at his Sale at Strawberry Hill-- Twickenham; typescript label: Johnston.
Exhibited: "A Treasure House in Farmington." Yale Center for British Art. New Haven, Connecticut. 10/15/1999-1/9/2000, , 47; "Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill," Yale Center for British Art, 15 October 2009 - 3 January 2010; Victoria and Albert Museum, 5 March 2010 - 4 July 2010, cat. no. 242.
Variant and related titles:Formerly titled: Chinese export porcelain Mandarin pattern ewer and basin
Other formats:Also available as a digital reproduction.
- Format:Visual Material
Subjects:Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)
Subjects (Local Yale):Walpole, Horace, 1717-1797--Ownership.
Genre/Form:Ewers (vessels)
Basins (vessels)
Decorative object.
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