Holdings Information
Bibliographic Record Display
Title:John Milton [art original].
Production:[England], [approximately 1740]
Physical Description:1 painting : oil ; oval sheet 17.5 x 15 cm
Yale Holdings
Holdings Record Display
Location:LEWIS WALPOLE LIBRARY (Non-Circulating)
Call Number: Folio 724 743 H432 Box 3 Folder 19 (Oversize)
Status:Not Checked Out
Notes:One of ten portraits in oil and other drawings included in George Vertue's set of engravings: The heads of the most illustrious persons of Great Britain (London : John and Paul Knapton). See all catalog records by searching call number: LWL Folio 724 743 H432 (Oversize).
Click here for circulation status or to request this volume (The heads of the most illustrious persons of Great Britain).
Digital version
Location:LEWIS WALPOLE LIBRARY (Non-Circulating)
Medium:laid paper.
Notes:Title devised by curator, based on published print after this drawing.
Artist unknown.
After a painting owned by Arthur Onslow at the time of creation.
Laid in a collection of engravings from a series published by J. and P. Knapton: The heads of the most illustrious persons of Great Britain. Formerly owned by George Vertue. Purchased from The Old Print Shop, November 1957.
Summary:Oval portrait of John Milton as a young man, bust in frontal view, wearing a ruff and buttoned jacket.
Publications:These drawings were used as the basis of the published engraving: Samuel Clarke by Jacobus Houbraken, after Thomas Gibson, published by John & Paul Knapton, line engraving, circa 1740.
- Format:Visual Material
Cite as:John Milton. The Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University.
Subjects:Milton, John, 1608-1674, depicted.
Subjects (Local Yale):Vertue, George, 1684-1756--Ownership.
Genre/Form:Portrait paintings.
Also listed under:Onslow, Arthur, 1691-1768, associated name.
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