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Holdings Information

    • Uniform Title:Mirabilia Romae.
    • Title:In dem buechlein stet geschriben wie Rome gepauet wart vnd von dem estern kunig vnd von einem ytlich en kunige zu Rom wie sie gereigieret haben.
    • Published/Created:Gedrucket zu Rom : Durch meister Steffan Plannck vo[n] Passau ..., [1492 or 1493]
    • Physical Description:60 unnumbered leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 14 cm
    • Yale Holdings

      • Location:BRITISH ART CENTER, Rare Bks & Mss (Non-Circulating)
      • Call Number: Leaf Collection no. 0759
      • Status:No information available 
      • Provenance:Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
    • Local Notes:BAC Leaf Collection no. 0759: Imperfect: five leaves only, with woodcuts of John, Peter, Paul, and the Man of Sorrows. From a collection of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century printed leaves compiled by Frederick Werther, with his enumeration stamped in ink.
    • Notes:Title from first line of text (leaf [2]r).
      Colophon: Getrucket zu Rom durch Meister Steffan Plannck vō Passau: in de[m] iar als man zalt .M.ccc. vnd [text lost] zu der zyt des pabst Alexa[n]ders de[s] vi. In sinem ersten iar.
      Gothic type; 23 lines.
      Illustrations: 11 full-page woodcuts (with varying borders) and woodcut headpiece (arms of the empire, Pope Alexander VI and the city). Large woodcut initial capital (leaf [3]r) repeated on leaf [18]r.
    • Format:Book
    • References:Voulliéme, E. Inkunabeln der König. Biblio. (Preuss. Staatsbiblio.), 3457
      Incunabula short title catalogue, im00609000
      Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, M609
      Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, M23612
      Schreiber, W.L. Manuel de l'amateur de la gravure sur bois et sur métal au XVe siècle, 5129
    • Subjects:Pilgrims and pilgrimages--Italy--Rome--Early works to 1800.
      Church buildings--Italy--Rome--Guidebooks--Early works to 1800.
      Rome (Italy)--Description and travel--Early works to 1800.
    • Subjects (Local Yale):Incunabula in Yale Library.
      Werther, Frederick, 1881---Ownership.
    • Genre/Form:Incunabula.
      Fragments (object portions)
    • Also listed under:Plannck, Stephan, active 15th century.