Holdings Information
Bibliographic Record Display
Title:Description of the view of Athens, and surrounding country; with an improved explanation, giving a complete outline of the whole picture, with numbers and references ...
Published/Created:[n.p., ca. 1830]
Physical Description:12 p. fold. front. 24 cm.
Yale Holdings
Holdings Record Display
Local Notes:BAC : Frontispiece by ----- Williamson.
BAC : Perhaps issued on the occasion of the showing of this panorama in New York, at the Rotunda, May, 1825-August, 1827.--Cf. Odell, G.C.D. Annals of the New York stage. New York, 1929-49, vol. 2, p. 167, 223, and 294.
BAC : "Price 6 1/4 cents."
SML DF919 D44: Imperfect: front. (panoramic view) mutilated.
Notes:Description of a panorama painted by Barker and Burford; based on drawings by Signor Pomardi and Robert Cockerell.
- Format:Book
Subjects:View of Athens and Surrounding Country (Panorama)
Athens (Greece) in art.
Athens (Greece)--Description and travel.
Acropolis (Athens, Greece)--Buildings.
Athens (Greece)--Pictorial works.
Also listed under:Barker, Henry Aston, 1774-1856.
Burford, J. (John)
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