Holdings Information
Bibliographic Record Display
Author/Creator:Busby, Thomas Lord, ill.
Title:Costume of the lower orders of London : painted and engraved from nature / by T.L. Busby.
Published/Created:London : Published for T.L. Busby by Messrs. Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, Paternoster-Row; at the Artist's Depository, 21, Charlotte-Street, Firtzroy-Square, (one door above Goodge-Street,) ... [1820]
Physical Description:iv, [24] p., [24] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Yale Holdings
Holdings Record Display
Local Notes:BAC: British Art Center has two copies. Copy 1 is the Abbey copy. First issue: spelling of Mattman on plate 7 is not corrected. Signature not added to plate 8 "The fortune teller". Has bound with it:: Busby, T. L. Fishing costume and local scenery of Hartlepool in the county of Durham. London, 1819. Copy 2 is in the original 6 parts, in publisher's printed wrappers. Later issue: spelling of Mattman on plate 7 is corrected to Mat Man and signature added to plate 8.
Notes:Engravings by and after Thomas Lord Busby.
Printed by W. Clowes, Northumberland-court, Strand.
Plates dated from 1 Nov. 1819 to 15 Aug. 1820.
Added engraved title page in French and English.
Selected exhibitions: “Pleasures and Pastimes" (Yale Center for British Art, February 21 - April 29, 1990).
- Format:Book
References:Abbey, J.R. Life in England in aquatint and lithography, 1770-1860, 423
Kunstbibliothek (Berlin, Germany). Katalog der Lipperheideschen Kostümbibliothek (2. Aufl.), 1025
Tooley, R.V. English books with coloured plates, 1790-1860, 123
Colas, R. Bibliographie générale du costume et de la mode, 491
Fairman, Elisabeth R. Pleasures and pastimes, 139, 158
Clothing and dress--England--London--19th century.
London (England)--Social life and customs--19th century--Pictorial works.
Subjects (Local Yale):Chron.--1820.
Etching, Colored--Specimens--1820.
Clowes, W.--Printer.
Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy--Publisher.
Also listed under: Pleasures and Pastimes (Yale Center for British Art, February 21, 1990-April 29, 1990)
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