Holdings Information
Bibliographic Record Display
Author/Creator:United States. Department of State.
Title:Certified copy of a patent granted to Increase Wilson : Washington, 1829 Jan 20.
Physical Description:1 item ; 33 cm.
Yale Holdings
Holdings Record Display
Summary:Certified copy of a patent granted to Increase Wilson, March 6, 1818, for improvement in iron and steel mill for grinding coffee, corn, etc. Signed by Secretary of State H. Clay.
- Format:Archives or Manuscripts
Cite as:United States Dept. of State, Certified Copy of a Patent Granted to Increase Wilson. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Subjects:Clay, Henry, 1777-1852.
Wilson, Increase.
Genre/Form:Patents--United States--19th century.
Also listed under:United States. Patent Office.
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