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Bibliographic Record Display
Title:Constitutions of the convent of St. Maria zum Weiler near Cologne.
Published/Created:Western Germany (Cologne), 15th century
Physical Description:ff. 70 : paper; 185 x 120 mm.
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Yale Holdings
Holdings Record Display
Location:BEINECKE (Non-Circulating)
Call Number: Beinecke MS 961
Status:Not Checked Out
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Location:BEINECKE (Non-Circulating)
Notes:Script: copied by one hand in Gothica Cursiva Libraria.
Headings in red; instructions for the rubricator along the lower edge of the pages, mostly lost at the trimming of the manuscript. Red paragraph marks, underlining and heightening of the majuscules. Plain red initials of various sizes with interior reserved shapes.
Manuscript on paper containing 1) Augustinus Hipponensis (St. Augustine, 354-430), Regula (Informatio regularis, Praeceptum). 2) Admonitions in German to conventuals on points not expressly contained in the Constitutions: about sins, obedience to the superior, spiritual life, etc. 3) Precisions about the Constitutions: only the commissary of the archbishop of Cologne, the director of the convent or the visitators are allowed to alter the statutes on certain points. 4) Constitutions of the convent of St. Maria zum Weiher near Cologne (Sancta Maria ad Piscinam), excerpted, with adaptations, from the Constitutions of the Windesheim Congregation and the old statutes of the said convent, and promulgated by Theodericus archbishop of Cologne (Dietrich von Mörs, 1414-1463).
Binding: early plain limp parchment register binding with flap.
In Latin and German.
Purchased from Bernard Quaritch on the Edwin J. Beinecke Fund.
- Access and use:Material is open for research.
Summary:Manuscript on paper containing St. Augustine's Regula (Informatio regularis, Praeceptum), as well as excerpts from the Constitutions of the convent of St. Maria zum Weiher near Cologne and related texts.
Publications:Krämer, Handschriftenerbe, p. 455: among the 10 surviving manuscripts mentioned is a Liber statutorum 1450, sold by Antiquariat Venator, Köln, auction no. 42 (1975 February 27- March 2), lot 6, which is probably the present manuscript.
- Format:Archives or Manuscripts
Cite as:Constitutions of the Convent of St. Maria zum Weiler near Cologne. General Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Manuscripts, Medieval--Connecticut--New Haven.
Monasticism and religious orders.
Subjects (Local Yale):Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in Beinecke Library.
Genre/Form:Manuscripts, Medieval--Germany--15th century.
Also listed under:Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430.
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