This is the replication archive for: Gerber, Alan S., Gregory A. Huber, Ebonya Washington. 2010. “Party Affiliation, Partisanship, and Political Beliefs: A Field Experiment.” American Political Science Review 104 (4 November): 720-744. There are 3 files, in addition to this one, in the archive. 1., is a Stata .do file that creates the anonymized replication archive. This archive does not include the data necessary to run this file, but the .do file is in the archive so you can see how we load and code the source data. 2. GerberHuberWashington_APSR_2010_AnonymizedReplicationFile.dta, which is the anonymized Stata datafile created by #1 ( 3., is a Stata .do file that conducts the analysis reported in the paper. It uses the GerberHuberWashington_APSR_2010_AnonymizedReplicationFile.dta datafile.