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ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION IATHONESS Her, Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. ST. D'AVJIDIS BRANCH. FATBOJi The Right* Eey-iithe Lord Bishop of St. David's. PRESIDENT The Rev..Canon Richardson. LOCAL COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. J. Williams, Esq Chairman "W. P. Propert, Esq Her. Dr. Jcnes E. Rees, Eeq W. Esq D. P. Williams., jun, Esq Capt. J Rees T. Mortimer, E-q Capt. J. Davies I Mr D. Perkins G. Owen Williams, EEq Mr 13. Bowen, jun Rev. C. Jones Capt. Oakley Rev. G. Williams Capt. Jenkins Dr. Howell I Mr T. M. Rees W. Harries, Esq Mr Henry Rees Bankers of the Royal National Life Boat Institution.— Messrs :Willis, Percival & Co., 76, Lombard Street, London E.C. Bankers of the Branch.-Meesrs Walters & Co, Haver- fordwest. Treasurer—W. Watts Williams, Esq. Honorary Secretaries. Henrv Hicks, Esq, Charles Browne, Esq. Collector.—Mr W. Simons. Coxswains of the Life Boat.-Capt. D. Hicks, Mr W. Simons. APPEAL. As the frightful and heartrending circumstin<eo httendincr Shipwreck are so well known to all, and are olnted to excite the sympathy of even hummic person, but especially of th< se who fI side "n the II" tIe Local Committee feel that they might only weaken tbeir appeal by adding any reasonings of their o » n r; the subject. Thev are, however, happy to be in a position t" Ftitc, that, thtnufch the R yal Nations] Lit. Boat InsUtut'on, the cos-t, »rm nntin^ to JE420. of theStDivi-'s i-ew Life B at snd fransportina c.ani;ige will be':ivseriu-d the locf.'liry by L 'd Dartmouth and his tenantry, on cordition U-at. some as-i»tnn<-e wards the i-xpfrii-e-, eav £200. r-f a 8ubt.+nn¡i.1 a-d (:nm"oi" fJ, at house, nd subscriptions d fr- m £ 15 120 a year to help tu rn»>ei the purtly 1 cul expense of the • xs wains' niea and ■of the cnjvr for piaiibii g in the life b at t-verv qUHler, be ciillfi-ied in our inwn ^nd its vicinit7. The Parent Institution in London will pay fill expenses of regard to the crew of our life boats for saving or atlemptin; to save life also the coat of repairs, painting, replacement of gear. &c, on the life boat, establishment. the Locft. Committee, having received the promise of such valual le assistance from the Parent Institution in London in hid of their own exertions, are anxious that the inhabitants of St David's and its neighbourhood ehould eo far as possible, have the satisfaction and the credit of helping to maintain, by then own ext-riions ttr.d from their own res' Utcea, a life boat for affording euccour to those unfortunate persons who may be cast tway on our ehori s. Without, however, the pecuniary assistance and the bearty general co-operation of the people of St David's and its neighbourhood, and Pembrokeshire at large, their dbjects and thrfle of the Society cannot be carried out in this place, ihe Local Committee, therefore, earnestly appeal to the benevolent people of St David's, and its neighbourhood generally, to aid them in this necessary and philanthropic undeitaking. Contributions in aid of the first cost of this Life Boat Establishment, and of its fu!ure permanent main- tenance, are earnestly solicited, and will be thanklully received at the Bankers < t the Branch Institution, and by all the members of the Local Committee, from whom every information can be obtained N.B.—Tl>e Bishop of St David's, and J. H Scourfield, Esq, M.P. have each given a donation of £10, DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. For Thirty years the Medical Profession have approvel. of this pure solution as the best remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACF, HEARTBURN. HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDIGESTION, And as a mild Aperient for delicate constitutions, espe ■cially adapted for Ladies, Children., and Infants When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP. 3t forms a most Atreenble effervescing draught, in which its aperient and cooling- qualities are much increased. In warm seasons and waPII cliniHtes, this simple pre- paration, when taken REGULARLY, has been found highly beneSct&l. DINNEFORD & CO., Chemists, &c, 172, New Bond Street, London; Sold by all respectable Chemists throughout he World. CA UTION.-See that "Dinneford & Co," is on each bottle and red label over each cork. TTTECTRlCrn IS LIFE. Th>« bend.ntr, formerly J used by MR PULVERMACHER, is adopted hy thers for deceptive purposes, us f hown beneath Elec ti-i(-itN- certainly produces an extrao<dinnry titalisinir influence md ree«'i)erjtti«e anion on the deh'-itmed ors«»i8, but this can alone be «ffocted by crnoine appli- ances Mieb a. PiilvermsehprV Patent Improved VOLTA- 35LKCTKIC CHAIN-BANDS, BEL'IS. See, which are the omv really electric. self-arplicable flexible BiitUnex. Their extiaordi":iry efficacy gave them a wide reputation, which quack doctors take advantage by means of advertisements, teeming with falsehood. In support of tbeir so-called electric articles and other pretended specific remedies, and calculated to entrap unsuspecting patients, and then to victimise them by deleterious medicines, intimidation, and gross extortion. The truly marvellous »fficacy of the above in a variety of dis- eases, as set forth in numerous authenticated Reports and Testimonials of (lures from roost eminerit prae titionera aud p'ticnts (see pamphlet, s. nr. post-free) is further guaranteed by A TEST SENT ON LOAN, it required, to distinguish the genuine from the spurious electric contrivances advertised by these impostors, styling themselves electricians, doctors to hospitals!! I &c. &c. arid yet disguising themselves under ever changing aliases. Single Chain-Bands from 5s to 22s; a set especially combined for restoring impaired vital enerey, from 30-; to fi^u- <T L, FllLVKR M ACHER, Galvanic Establishment, 200, Regent Street, W, London. GA LVANISM.—RHEUMATIC, NEURALGIC and Gouty Pains. Nervous Debility, Functiona Disorders, Paralysis, Chronic Rheumatism, Indigestion Liver Complaints, Nervousness, Want of Power and Vitality, Sluggish Circulation, Sleeplessness, Epilepsy, Nervous Deafness,^nd many other inverterate ailments are most successfully treated (without shock or pain) by PULVERM AUHER'S IMPROVED PATENT TOLTA-ELECTRIC FLEXIBLE BANDS, BELTS, AND CHAIS BATTERIES, which by their wonderful efficacy at,d simplicity have rendered Calvinism a self- applicable, speedy, and safe remedy, defying comparison. They are the only kind the efficiency of which is ac- knowledged in the scientific press, and certified hy the most eminent members of the faculty in England and abroad-viz; Sir C. Locock, Bart., M.D.; Sir William FeriMison, Bart,; i-ir J. R. Martin, M.D.; Dr Sieveking, M.D.; Dr Handfield Jones, Physician to St Mary's Hospital; Dr A. Clarke, Physician to the London Hos- pital, &c. Their astonishing curative powers confirmed by twenty years' successful experience, are testitied by a host of authentic reports of remarkable cures, com- piled in a pamphlet, sent post free. Real Electric Belts and Chain Bands, 6s to 22s, according-io electric power. Combined Voltaic Bands, ior restoring impaired vitaliry, 30n to 40s. New Patent Pocket Batteries from X3 to k4 (conpieie). Apply to J. L. PULVEKMACHER, Pa- ten" Galvanic Establishment, 2C0, Regent-street, London, \V., where the original documents can be n'- ape- ti d, and the effects of the apparatus tried before purchase. GIVEN A W A Y. rp O the DERIL1TATED.—DR. SMITH, theCELE JL BRaTED PHYSii"! AN for the cure ot NERVOUS DEBILITY, continues to seud by post, tree of charge, a copy of his valuable work, THE WARNING VOICE C130 ages) a Medical Work on the Cure by MEDICINE NLY of Nervous Debiiity Painful Dreams, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitations of the Heart. Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Siglif and Memory, Indigestion, Loas of Energy and Appetit Pains in the Back and Timidity, Seli-Distrost, Dizznif Love of Solitude, Groundless Fea<s kc. This import book contains the PRESCRIPTIONS and INSTR. TIONS by which MANY THOUSANDS of Dr. Sa t. patients have been restored to health and vigour, t Electricity and all other FAI.SELY CALLKD remedies liar failed. Sent free, nnder seal, to any address, on receit i of two postage stamps. i CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTFL V TllOUT FEE.—DR. SMITH will, on r.ccvi.g written statement of the patient's ease, be most happy* end gratuitously for the benefit of those suffering from ^c,vous Debility, Exhau.itn n, unj a, uis< ..su it 0"1 his work, a letter of advice, gi. i»g ptala dire. t oi, r ho means of cure, D SM TH 8, Burton Crescent, LBodon, W u THOMAS J ONES, MARBLE AND STONE MASON, MERLIN'S HILL,, ITA VERFORDWEST. MO XUME MTS, TOjlilS, ANI) HEADSTONES, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS READY FOR INSPECTION, WINDOWS OF BATH AND OTiiSR STONE, AND ALL KINDS OF CHURCH WORK, MARBLE AND ST.ONE CH:tMN EY PIECES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANTIQUE AND MODERN. DRESSED MASONRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, EXECUTED OF THE MOST REASONABLE TER2iti. Estimates Given for all Descriptions of Marble and Stone Work, 190 ESTABLISHED 1812. H. A N D T. r R O C T O R Invite the attention of Agriculturists to their SPECIAL BONE MANU RES, Which are of a superior quality, and the most economical that can be used. PROCTOR'S TURNIP MANURE | PROCTOR'S WHEAT MANURE, PROCTOR'S MANGOLD MANURE, J PROCTOR'S BARLEY MANURE, PROCTOR'S POTATOE MANURE, j PROCTOR'S GRASS MANURES. 1-30NE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME Full particulars sent free by post on application to Messrs Proctor, or their Agents. A DRESS.-H. AND T. PROCT O R, A GR1ClJLTlJll.1L CHEMISTS, CAT H A. Y, B R I S T 0 L. WORKS,—BRISTOL, BIRMINGHAM, CHESTFP AND WARWICK. AGENTS:— Mr Henry Sfratton, Milton. Pembroko I Mesc^s rfavies Brothers, Drefach, Llanybytber Mr T Parker, Cardigan I Mr John N- Evan#, Aheravron Mr W. Vaughan, Fishguard j Mr John Davies, Aberystwith 42 — .s,Rp4.lD> mAi?* ON TSAFETI THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST .7 T, jwl CARSONS PAINT, PATRONISED BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, | THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I RAILWAY and CANAL COMPANIW, TAB INDIAN GOVERNMENT, | THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | COLUEBIBS, IRON MASTERS, KO., 7,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds of OUT-BOOS WORK, And is proved, P-l' a test of upwards of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. It is especially applicable to Iron Rooting, r Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and Wagons, Gates, &c. &c., and all exposed work, effecting a. Saving of more than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," and at same time avoiding the objections to all paints sold m xed ready for use. Per Cwt. COLOURS. PerCwt. White Bright Red Light Stone 1 Dark Red J Bath Stone Chocolate f Cream colour >o0«. >MTico^cAsioS^it Purple Brown .» r L ght Portland StonoV f PA! NT Black Portl ud Stone ) LANu°rACTonED |JJ|—Jjm Bronze Green Buff (for Stables). } WTERCARSO^S' Bright Green Oak colour ) 0/?o V-S Medium Green I Lead colour t Deep Green .( Light Lead or Slate 28s. Blue J Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &c. CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of. the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &:c. 3 Cwt. delivered CARRIAGE FREJS to'all RAILWAY STATIONS in the United Kingdom. Patterns and Testimonials sent Post Free on application. No Agents. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.O.; And 21, BACH BLOB'S WALK, DUBLIN. ONS' P A t N T. The history of this great rcraady is the most wonderful that the world has ever j| known. It establishes the all-important fact that WUEUEVSR disease exists it's | searching and healing properties are in most cases equal to its subjection and cure. I DISOBDE3S OP TI-im STOMACH | Are the sources of the deadliest maladies. 2s ow, what is the operation of the Pills ? | They cleanse the bowels, regulate the litei% briu^ the relaxed oi' irritated stoiriach | into a natural and healthful condition. Changing sickness into health. | 15TT3 OP PEMAIiB.3. | At the two epochs in life in which the system undergoes the raost important | "I,wl critical changes, the Pills are priceless in their effect in disorders to which the f sex is liable and at the turn of life are a safeguard against evil consequences. | WEAEI1TSSS -A.2STX3 :DEE::t:t.JITY.. | These Pills remove all symptoms of debility, languor and Weakness, as they ■; act upon the mainsprings of life and give strength and vigour to the systenl. £ — THE BEST EBMSDT IC3STOW2T FOR Asthma. Debility. IiHlnevr/.a. Stono and Gravel. 1 Bilious Complaints. Diarrhcea. Livar Cjniplaiuts. Socoudafy Symptoms |, Blotehes on. the Skin. Female irregularities Piles. Weakness,from What- |»_ Coaetipatioa of the Bowels. Indigestion. Retsntion ofUi'ine. ever cause, &c. &c. t ¡tj- CA.UTION !None are genuine unless the words flo17oii.'a>i, Lonrhn, are }v discernible as a Watermark in every leaf of the book of directions which may be > plainly seen by holding it to the lUfd.—Sold at the manufactory of Professor k HiLl))W,\Y, 2!j,4, Strand, London, and all in Medicine, in boxes at 1';1. 1-i-d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and '*■)•}.—Tliere is a considerable saving by uking tiie larger sizes.—Very co| iou.s directions for use are affixed to each be J PATENT rVCALVANlC^ CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, AND POCKET BATTERIES. TFIESE HIGHLY IMPKOViSD INVENTIONS j render EkclrlCIIY Pi rfpctly IoIclf.appi;cllble, in 1\ mild coiitinuoin (orrp, and extremely tifffneions, no S if'° i. °r unP'eHsant sensation heing experie ced, whereby it becomes a trm- touieain o' health and vigour, 7peedlly soothing apon sin^ pains, r< sniniiiiing toipid •10108, reviving tlio sluggisU (unctions ol life, and im. paitin? renewed energy and vitality to constitution* en'eebitd (iy various influences. The daily increasing /u5r8 bv PULVERW,u:HER'.> m L IJI' U- UALVAN 1C SYSTEM i* so extetuive and varied, tiiat it (oiLibly points to tliis invtntion as the embryo of a universal remedy» 'PHE FOLLOW JNG'TI.STfMONlf signed by the dtie oi tiie bngiish meiiicai (acuity lias been re- ceived:— We, the undersigned, have much pleasure" "iin tes'i'yirig that AirJ.L.PULVEKMACH ER'S" rcceiit^ iuiproverneniN lit his Voltaic H;ctei ;es" and G.tivunic Appliances tor Medical Pur-" P0ses ftre greai nnportance <.o Scientific" '^Medicine, and tiint fse io entitled to thu con-" ||^deration and ^upport of everyone disposed" 'to (uther t(i« acivitucement of real and uselul progress." Daled this 9M> day of M.trcb, 1866." "SikCHAKLKS LOCUCK. Bart., M.L)., F.RC P HKNltV" HOLLAND, Hilrt, M.u.F RS." "SIR W.\I. FERGUvSSuM, Bar; F.It S." "ED WD. H. StEVEKiNG. M D. F.KC P "SihJ. RANALD MAitTIN, I'.R.C.S," PULVERMACHER'S SYSTEM is also approved of r. by an official report oi tue Academje de Medicine, Paris; Royal Society of London; Roya'. College ot Physicians, J.ondon; and the Imperial Facu>ty of Vienna; and its curative virtues are con tinned by thou- sands of private testimonials 01 cures effected. (See P.»uiphiet «ra:i;) These fauis uppeal to the good sense of every sufferer to avail inmselt of this scicniitic a d curative progress to which the inventor has tie voted a lifetime ot btudy and llibour. as an ardent disciple 01 that great benefactor ef mankind, the late illustrious electrician. MICHAEL FAKADAY. P U LV E It :'vI A 0 HER'S MEDICO GAL VAN'C JL C d A INS are < xce. dingly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction of dift, or the lea't derangement of he patient's habits and daily occupations, in the luiiowiug •maladies:— ■Rheumatism iTic T;Cioreux Sluggish Circulation Gout Indigestion (Trii.ary Disorders Soiat:ca Deafness Paralysis l.u'nb;iK0 >p.;s!i.s Epilepsy Neuralpria Femule Complaints Nervous Debility .tted& Toothache jCoi.stipation FunctionulDisorders Liver Complaints I Cramp &c., oic. The effects 01 the application of PULVER.VI ACHER'S CHAINS in any 01 the above disorders is immediately perceptible-tbe relief of palll instantaneous. PRICE LIST of PULVERMACHER'S GALVANIC JL CHAIN BANDS, BELTS, and BATTERIES, B. CHAIN-BAND lor Nervous Deafness, Head. Tooth, and Face Ache, and Noises in the Head„.21s to 30s. B. CHAIN-BANDS for Loss of Voice and oilier I tfec- tions ot the Throat IDs 6 I to 21s N. CHAIN-BANDS lor Sciatica, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and Gouty Pains, Local Paralysis, Cramp, &c. 18s to 22s, and 40s B. CH AIN-BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion, Liver. Chest, and Functional Disorders, Nervous Debi ity, &c, worn as a Belt 22s to 40s, and 55s B. CHAIN-BANDS for Writer's Cramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c .22s to 30s, and 40.. B. COMBINED CHAIN-BAND for Central Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility, Functional Disorders, &c 30s to 5ils A complete Set of COMBINED CHAIN-BANDS, BELlS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring "itlll Energy.Sa to 96 No Guivanic Bunds or Belts are genuine but those bearing the jncsimile of J L. PUL VERM A VtiElVS signature on the label CAUTION—A PERPETUAL INJUNCTION in CHANCERY dated lhtn August, 1869, was granted to J. L. PCLVKRMACHER S'gaiUSt ALFRED BARROWS. alias C. D. HAMMOND, alias HKNIIY JAMES, alias C. 1' RAFHEY, their Mssi>tams, agents, and servants, re-trainiiig the- salif person or persons, und"rapenaity of £ 5000, from deceitfully advertising Belis, &c, delusively representing them as e!eotric. This decree is primed in extenio in PULVFRMACHER'S PAMPHLET of Testimonials md Beports of cures containing other valuable information, sent post free on application to the Sule Inventor and Patentee J. L. PULVERMACHER, GAL VANlC ESTA BLISHMENT, 192 200, REGENT STREE r, LONDON, W. AMENDMENT OF THE SAEMON FISHERIES IN THE COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. Present Subscribers to the Amendment of the Salmon Fisheries in the County of Pombroke. dEs.d. W. Walters, Esq 500 J. H Scourtield, Esq 5 0 0 W Fortnr.e, Esq 2 10 0 John Stokes, Esq 5 0 0 Rev C. H Barbara 1 o G. R. G. Rees, Esq t. o J. L. G P. Lewis, Esq 1 i Rev. Mr Jones 0 10 Colonel Peel • 100 M. A. Saurin, Esq 10 0 Mr John Brown 1 j 0 C. E. Bowen, Esq 10 0 E. T. Mas'j, Esq 110 H- Leaeh, Esq 10 0 R. P. Davies, Esq 10 0 Capt Chamte s 1 1 0 Major Wi'-lan 1 1 C S H»rford, E-q 110 Rev R. Lewis 0 10 0 Capt Wortliineton 10 0 J. O. T Edwardes, Tsq 1 0 0 Capt 0. Edwardes 110 W, Davie*, Esq 1 1 0 GeolR" Le Hunte, Esq 100 Rev J. H. A. Philipps 1 1 0 Archdeacon Clarke 10 0 Rev. J. Tombs 10 0 T. T Edwardes, Esq 1 0 0 Mis Edwardes 2 2 0 Baron de Rntzen 2 0 0 Capt Gower. 3 3 0 1 John Harvey, Esq 110 R. Llewellin, single donation 500 Rev. Mr Chandler 110 Alfred Starbiick, Esq 0 10 0 M Owen, Esq.. 500 Colonel Edwardes, M. P. 5 0 0 Thomas Meyrick, Esq. 100 W. M. PHILLIPS Clerk Qoard. IB- TRADE MARX. PURE AND UNADULTERATED. IMPORTANT TO DAIRYMEN AND CHEESEFACTORS, ll. J. F U L L W 0 0 D & Co's (Late R. J. Fullwood & Bland's) JtlGHLY CELEBRATED FLUID EXTRACT or ANNATTO, FOR COLOURING CHEESE AND BUllER- fJ^HIS valuatde article is prepared from the finest 1_ quality of the true Vegetable Annatio only, war- ranted perfectly pure, innocuous, and FREE FROM ANY ADULTERATION WHATEVER; it will be fuund the most convenient and certain preparation for the purposes of colouring Cheese and Butter; prodoceaa rich golden tint, so much esteemed in the London and other great markets, without injury to their natural flavour, or discolouring the Whey Butter, with half the usual trouble to use, and the certainty of colouring the whole Dairy ol Cheese or Butter alike; is tree trom sedi- ment, will immediately incorporate or mix with the Milk or Cream. It has now been introdneed upwards of thirty years, and has obtained a considerable repute in the North and West of England, where it is used by the largest and most experiented Farmers, and is also in genera! demand in the Dairies ot Scotland, Ireland, Holland, and Ger- many. IN COLOURING BUI'i'Eli it will be found by far superior arid much cheaper than any other article ;n use for that purpose. 1KEPARED ONLY BT R. J. F U. L L WOO D & Co, Jl ANA TTO WO RKS, SOMERSET PLACK, HOXTON, LONDON, Importers, Successors, ana Sole Manuiacturcrs of the Original Fullwood's Annatto, Established 1785. To prevent Fraud, our Annattos are stamped as above, an e, be ir our rade Mark-a Stag with Olive-branch. bom i.y all r- s).t table l>ru^gUis, Grocers, and berse- facto,.s tl, k,il- (jum "I full il "Sure: Quarts 5s; Two Quarts, 10s; Pin a. 2s 9,); Hal' Pints, s 9d; and Half-quarter I' i ts, fid ach, D140 M n. A. iF. :B A Y N 13 U N, DENTIST, Ve consulted at POTTER'S LIBRARY, r FK!!>Y. OCTOBER 22nd, NOVEMBER 191 DECEMBER J7th. Residence—3. Dynevor Place, Swansea. EXCELLENT BEEF TEA, FOR 2jd A PINT. SK for LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of MEA'I ll. Only sort Wairanted Genuine by the Invenu.i. Baron Liebig, wiiose s'ciiaiure is on every genuine jar. Supplied to the Biiiish, Prussian, French, hu«9i;r; Dutch and other Govern went*. BILIOUS and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Su Heartache, Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness. Gidd ness, Spsem«, and all Disorders of the Stomach an Rowels, are quicklv removed bv that well known remed' FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH- They unite tt, reco»nmendrtiion of a railil operation with the most sue ue«sfui effect; and where an apr-rient is required notbin can be better adapted. Sold by all Medicine Venders, price 1* IJd and 2s 9t per boju IVf ONEY to LEND, in to\Vn or country, from £ 101 iVJL and upwards, for a term of years, on persona security. Interest 5 per cent. Also several sums ori morgage of freehold or leasehold property, at 3-1 pe* cent- No commission charged.—Apply to William Russell, E-q. late W, Wood, Esq. Solicitor, 15, Dover- place, London, S.E. Established 1839. 223 BENSON'S WATCHES CLOCKS I GOLD JEWELLERY Of all kinds. I of all kinds. I. Of the Newest Designs. Lever Drawing-Room Bracelets Horizontal Dining-Room Brooches Chronometer Carriage Ear-rings Keyless Church Lockets Chronograph Hall and Shop Necklaces Mr BENSON, wtio holds the appointment to H.R H. the Prince of W ale-, has just published two Pamphlets, enriched and embelli lied with lilustra.ions—one upon Watch and Clock Making, and the other upon Artistic Gold Jewellery. These are sent post free for 2d each. Persons living in the country or abroad can select the article required, and have it forwarded with perfect safety. 25, Old Bond Street; and the City Steam Works, 58 & 60, Ludgate Hill, London. 117 CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S PK biD SOUPS, IN PINT AND QUART TINS, KEADiT FOR IMMEDIATE USE. Mock Turtle, Ox Tail, Jullionne, Real Turtle, Mulligatawny, Hare, &c, &o. Retail of all Grocers and Italian Warehousemen Whole- sale of the Manufacturers, CROSS AND BLACKWELL, PURVEYORS TO HER MAJESTY, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. 276 276 FOR SAFETY IN DIPPING, OR POURING SHEEP, USE HARDWICCE, GUERIN 6 Co's GLYCERINE DIP. A CERTAIN Cure and Preventive of Soab." Deadly .k to all Insect and Parasitic Life Enables She<p to rest well and thrive. Free trom all Po sona detrimental to Man ind Live Stock It improves the growth and quality of the woo!, adding weight and lustre. Price 6d per lb, 1 lb (or 5 sheep or 6 lambs. Pamphlet, with particulars and testimonials of leading ana ysts and farmers, post free. on application to Hardwicke, Guerin & Co, Sole Manufacturers and Exporters, 60. Mark Lane. E.C Works, Do i Street, Limehouse, E. Sample Keg of 201b lor 100 sheep sent (paid) to all Railway Stations for 10s Gd. 295 AGENTS WANTED IN EVERP TOWV. *KA«E MAM? O,JYV ]DD 0 KINLOCH's CATALAN. Crown Red Catalan 20s per doz 1 •Crown" White 20s „ 1 onftieg Diamond" Red „ 17s > ,^5 "Diamond" White „ 17* I Star" (Red & While) 15s „ j The Red" Wine. full-bodied, delicious, fruity Port flavour. The" White" exquisitely delicate, rich and nutty, equal to Madeira These Wines are recommended by medical m- n as the most strengthening ever known. Anentfor Haverfordwest :-E. H. ELLIS, 94, Dew- street. O'LUNTER'S Claret, 123 6d per dozen, bottles included- our label. T HINE & Co's old Cognac Brandy, at 4s per bottle, bottled in France, is the finest at the price-our label. C. Kinloch & Co, Buckiesbury London. KI N L O C H S CATALAN First introduced and so named by us in 1862. We are the Stile Proprietors and Importers of KINLOCH'S genuine CATALAN. The word Catalan is our Registered Trade Mark. The enormous demand for this invaluable Wine has induced some Wine Merchants to offer f"r sale under the name of Catalan, Wine not resembling Kinloch's Cata- lan in quality. Note tnat Kinloch's genuine Catalan is sold in bottles with Re'tf;' Capsule and our Trade Mark. 0. KINLOOIl and Co., 14, Barge Yard Chambers Bucklerebury, London. DEPILATORY. WELLS' DEPILATORY is the only effectual remedy for the immediate and permanent re- moval of superfluous hair from the face, arms, neck, &e. This preparation effects its puurpose almost instanta- neously, without pain or injury to the most sensitive skin. Full particular Dn receipt of a stamped directed en- velope. JOHN WELLS, 113, Euston-street, near Hampstead-road, London. of Testimonials have been received from the nohitity and ladies of rank who have tried the marvellous remedy. 60 HEALTH AND HAPPINESS FOR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. I A SINGLE copy of a new medical work, written by one of the most eminent meriicul men of the present day. solely for the guidance and benefit of that class of sufferers whose affections are often self-inflicted, and who desire a speeds and private cure. For such sufferers this work is intended, showing a certain means of cure in all caøell of nervous debility, relaxation, orgftnic or local weakness, languor, blushing, debility, and various other ner'O'IS symptoms; also showing how all the so called impediments to marriage may he effectually removed; with numerous illustrative cases of parties who have been restored to the blessings of health by following the advice lnfd down in this work. Sent free to any address, on receipt of stamps to pre-pay postage. Address tu the Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingham. CAUTION. Parts of the above bo^k have been copied by several quacks Person* should he careful in whose hands they intrust their health, and read ibis Jfork before applying to any one. fo7 7- Just Published, free by Post 4 Stamps, TEETH, AND PAINLESS DENTISTRY, BY ['• TM £ 0!.D ESTADLISHED J LONDON, 56, HAHLEY STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE. MESSRS. GABRIEL are particularly successful in their system ol AIITIFICIAL TEETH, which they fix firmly in the mouth hy mean* of an ELASTIC GUlli, without springs, painlessly, and without any opera! ion:- Herald. We have much pleasure in recommending the work to our readers.'—Bucks Chronicle. • Invaluable to Clergymen, Public Orator, and Invalidss. — Court Journal. LIVERPOOL, 134, DUKE STREE LONDON J;>6' HAULEY STREET. VV. iiUiNDUn, ^64, LUDGATE HILL, EC. ERIGHTON, 38, NORTH STREET. Attendance Daily. *4" One vis!f oniy required 'rotn coun'rv natients GABRIEL'S GUTTA PERCHA ENAMEL Fosrtuppiug Decayed leeth, free by poet 20 stamps. '$1 fi. EDWARD RJ B BON, '1ANO-FORTE, VIOLIN, 4ND VIOLONCELLO TEACHER PI A XC-FOR T £ S TUX ED, ORGANS and HARMONIUMS tuned and repaired by ex- perienced wc.rkmen. lESIDENCE —6, MERLIN'S TERRACE. HAVERFOBD"WT £ JOSEPH POWjfi.L L, GROCER, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, AND COMMISSION AGENT. MAIN STREET, PEMBROKE. PRICE & R US S E L L LOUSE PAINTERS, PAPER 11ANGE Hlaziers, Lead-Light Manufacturers, &c., TOWER-HILL,, HAVERFORDWEST. PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE, f OMBARD STftEET AND CfTARING CROSS. IJ Established 1782. Insuraroes effected in all parts of the world. Prompt and liberal ioss settlements. The lulU'r-t advantages ot tue proposed remission of Dutv, secured to the Assured at nrtof 164 GEO, W. LOVELL, Secretary. A SURGEON in a large practice, requires a PUPIL for two or three year# (to take the place of one who will soon leave to pursue hjs studies at one of the j London Hospitals). He would be assisted in passing his first examination in Classics and Mathematics, and would have the privilege of attending a large County Hospital. Premium required £150. Apply to Mr Harding, Surgeon, Ripley, Derbyshire. 77 PEMBROKESHIRE AND HAVERFORDWEST INFIRMARY. O N T R I B U T I O N S, 1 R 6 9. 'nHE Secretaries of the aboTe Institution be;* tnost 1 gratefully to acknowledge the receipt of the fol- lowing sums, and would at the same time respectfully urge upon the attention of those Clergymen, Dissenting Ministers, and others in the County, who have not yet made collections on behalf of this Institution for the present year, the pressing and m^ny claims which it has on their sympathy and support. £ 9. d. Collection in JeffreystoD Church, per Rev J. D. Palmour 119 Ditto after Lecture in Milford National School Room ] 10 8 Donation by Airs Philipps. of Picton Castle 500 Collection in.TAberDa"teChapet, Milford, per Mr Wit! Garrett 1 13 6 Ditto in Baptist Chapel, Broad Haven, per Mr J. Cook 0 9 2 Ditto in St Ishmael's and Dale Churches, per Rev S. W. Sander8. 5 0 0 Ditto in Middle Mill Baptist Chapel, per Mr Henry Jenkins 2 2 8J Cattle Show Premiums BOO Donation from Mr W.J. Roberts, Creamston 050 Ditto ditto 8OO8OO" 002 Collection in Penally Church, per Rev Pre- bendary Hngbes, viear 5 5 3 Donation (4th) iroin Richard Llewellin, Esq, Tregwyut 25 0 0 Collection in Tabernacle Chapel, Haverford- west, per Rev H C. Long 5 0 0 Collection in Llawhaden Church, per Hev Danii I Jones 240 Do in Bletherston do, per Rev David Thomas 1 5 3j Do In Hubberston do, per Rev J B. Rowlands 5 0 0* Do in Prendergast do. per Rev F. Foster 2 0 0 Do in Moravian Chapel, Haverfordwest, per Rev J. liberie 1 10 6 Donation from a Poor Man 0 10 Do a fine 010 Collect on in Freyetrop Church, er RevJJack- son Taylor i J7 8i Do in Egremc-nt Church, per Rev James Phillips 0 10 0 Collection in Saint Florence Church, per Rev G. W Birkett 249 Donation from Mr Charles Payne, Billiard Roo t), Haverfordwest 0 10 6 COMPENSATION IN CASE OF INJURY AND A FIXED SUM IN CASE OF DEATH CAUSED BY ACCIDENT OF ANY KIND, MAY BE SECtJBKD BY A POLICY OF THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY An Annual Payment of X3 to X6 5s insures £1,000 at Death, And an Allowance at the rate of £6 per week for Injury RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE MAY BE PROVIDED AGAINST BY INSURANCE TICKETS FOR SINGLE OR DOUBLE JOURNEYS. I For particulars apply to the Clerks at any of the Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the Offices, 64, CORN LI ILL, & 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON WILLIAM J. VIA-AT, Secretary. Agent for Haverfordwest—MR J. BARHAM. 1 J STEAM COMMUNICATION WITH THE SOUTH OF IRELAND. Via New Milford (Milford Haven) and Waterford Daily Service (Sundays excepted). The Milford Haven and Waterford Steam Ship Com- pany's Royal Mail Steamers will ball, weather per- mitting— FROM NEW MILFORD, At 1 40 a.m, on arrival of the 4 50 p.m. Train, so as to enaMe passengers to proceed by the 10.20 a.m. Train to Limerick, Cork, &c. FROM WATERFORD, At 4 p.m, on arrival of the train from Cork. Limerick, &c so as to enable passengers to proceed by the 2.0 a.m, reaching London at 11.15 a.m. For further rartreulfirs apply to any of the Railway Stations, or to Messrs Jackson & Co, New Miltord, South Wales. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL For the Month of OCTOBER, 1869. The Liverpooland BristolChannel Steam Navigation Company* Steam Ships SOVEREIGN, Capt, Gitibs WINDKUVIERE,Capt. J. Barret* MONTAGU, Cmt Speakman AKNIVYKRNON,Capt Campbell JANK BACON, °apt. Work J. Kennedy, Capt. Allen ARTIZAN, Capt. Roulston ] AGNES JACK, Capt. Styles LI.EWELT,yn, Capt. Tal,ait PLANTAGEFET, Capt Old MILVORD (Building) Th. above, or some other suitable vessel, is intended to sa with Goods and Passengers, (un'.esspreventedby any unforeseen Dccurrencc) as follows, with or without pilots, and libert) to jow Tessels;- From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. Saturday Oct 2 7 even Saturday 18 7 even Saturday 9 12 noon Sat'irdas* 23 11 morn Saturday, October 30, 5.1 even. From Milford for Bristol. Sunday, Oct 3 1 after 1 Sunday 17 1 after Sunday 10 6 room Sunday 24 5 moin Sunday, October 31, 12 noon. From JZiiford for Liverpool. Wednesday Oct 6 11 nlpht Wednesday 20 II night We<ine«dav 13 4 after Wednes lay. 27 2 alter The Steam Barge GIPSKY is intended to ply on the Milfoi d Haven, in connection with the above Steamers, carrying .poi- to and from Pembroke Dock, Haverfordwest, and the adjacent towns. FAKES:— Cabin. Deck. Teti/r* Milfird to or frimLiverpool 13s Od 6s Od lfs Milfi rd to or tvi ni Bristol 8» 6d 6s Od Us MUh.rd to or ti ini Swansea (Mumbles) 5s Od 3s 0d — NOTICE.- Th landing and tmbarcation of Goods or Passen- gers at Milford, ty whatever conveyance, whether at the cv- pence of the Steamer, or otherwise, is at the risk o: t.ht Passen- gers and the Owners of the Good* respectively. For turtnerparUculmrs see small bill, or apply to John Bacrn and Co., Manatfin^ Owners, 14, Water-street, Liverpool: G. H Evans, Bristol; Charles Lamb, Swansea; John Kenwortby and Qo., Manchester. D. HORE Aoickv rSLtA)cES- TABLE DELICACIES, | Of the Highest duality, I Manufactured by Dn (CROSSED BLACKWELlJ r PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN. l; PRqPRIKTOKS OF j CAPTAIN WHITE'S ORIENTAL PICKLE j AND CURRY PASTE. j 1 Sold retail in all farts of the World, and j Wholesale at the Manufactory, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON, PARIS BWBITKW, 18OT|/$||p j

ROYAL NAVY IN COMAIT, 4 .\iii'-...