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THE SPINSTER'S STORY. l?"tl"er Plaiafic-ld, E-pii?ster, of lklartb?ar, "Il'-d witi Ito tell a. -fory wiii(-,h has haunted Ilr?"e I have haard it. SOTI)E- vert d,ar fr.eiids in Yarmoutu, ,w zuln riet,s -.go I ,j-*nt a n-tonth or more th rflo En- 'J,Tlc-, daN, v.,us up -.t the sold?ers' 11 ur[x-n ?l- Iliv.F'rid turned down Ala,in-street oil Flb' 'v4v to t)',e Thinking to make a t uriiel Ok",r to lortlai'd-gtr,et, and E.Ilt,:Li)4ed a-inong .?ionic I)tli.-id, tc, hlve nc-, outlet. -l'Ot t-tiought it rx,ble to lo-, Ya'lmouth, f,-ut I certairi'ly did that re-tracin- illy won(ieridg at ?hi?h N-UIDY of the hoii?gE,?q III rc,?tioTt to 'he ,trcets, I met rk?,,i)ectabl?- ?koiyiaii of a,hoiit 45 .t iii a'n(-at gre-?- all)a,ca gowi). xv.;th I E, ,njd (,?,ey butin,(-t, with a C,-t to 1, of whom. I i??ked to ',)c dir'e,-ted IY. e-?l. Promptly: "I aip? going ?hi-t few and Pcoonip.ny el) ipto 'or 'iiiitt t,(, ou!,e ?a m- and the k?eY from her Tx)6ki, aud unloel-ed wr I then gaw that hoi,e,.thougl, fu b--d, -.wa- L,?ifccupied. The r?to a chai?- c?ppo?,te to nie, a.-id pie.-is our- ed lhal, I adqn*rt-d the daintv white the qua;lit ld-.f,' UllI sh,"(-ned f?:rni'tbre, 89 Y alila -,Ell _-ept. in f?& it to roak?, ??ily woman fee' a I;ttl(, --n- ft '19 aPPT-ciaO'on, she ir,??iste(i lal,r?nc? me through the hotis??, If you hvve Y.,rrr,<)ut?h you -iu??t have seen iszl"' l,?k, 't- 91 h* A ,iooth, ol,]-f.?--hioii-ed En- i,g"raln C,2-?-Pet on the ru g "ld w,tq in tbi-, w?de I ltll; -.11so TJ J4Lne? %r-(l neat einsh. of goc?,i s;-zc-, -pL-.iiilv and tile" -F?hed the beds I'?k?. The- DDvvli-,tplrs, again, a SpOtt4eVS wi 'th n-ce so CcLm- a tnotb.;iig r-ould surpw tbem. TL, eri b owE., 'ilver. all cqref,?,llv k- t i7i me her tt4 _I '-h ois ,?k;n bt, 'so!, ;i,, the pieces ;Y, f forrq. I suppiqe- ',ha+, ihe t(-. reri? me the hou:e, tiLd vas 'V? her tl,at ? Tnii,-t r4?tirn to 11.?yar.l s? catin't ie aaid abrupt.y: OW"PY -t'? T c-annot live in it': I Eve th %ne," "lil'OUI- OPPOSLte. Sit doN?-n,; I viant O"talk cu. "Ile w18 Nv&s* rnY liu,band's room," she --oufdnued? ,v a' cD'Pc-r by trade. We liv(-d ogetli,?l ei-Y pl)lj He had no -clatives ex(!(,pt I)i,?z 4P?"Evvl h- I!nlleh Is dead sister's son, to whom lip w&q a,z4l'ai- d. The young fellow wig Un"mbitiolaE,, and went over to A'10glleTIv tv for a while to lp,rn a trade, i?IDIZ,,Ilg t' e'luld do bev?er there +,bai h!??? pr a Irae rE rned with quite a little iiioncy, a-!id fbiin.-olf as a carpenter and do at e found plerrty of woric -to st.. and then came ti-r-os. he ht, a lot, and set to work to I)ui',d I,e cotf it, psitly,. I think, to kcp-p rain I)ied, no d(yubt, b,muse he had Iiiq d irl to ,?hare ?l"t -,i-ith him. It aL I!-btl ycvung Ira el*-e bit of a co'Lta?,,e. btit oli"te a itild 'wav? %nd before long he ma?-ried ?n wife to live in it. I don't believe zi-v :Lqzt?s. M never did, aii-d I told bu,,b-d 'That boy is m&rrv;ng t(y,) cooii lie3, 41f'Y'I* is the wu. peo,-)Ie get them- I,vl")at 'y D, I "It" tlo-ul)le.' There would have been Iti?, of -d five -ears later. to vot marri, lw Y husband did,,n'.t like to he,,tr Tn,-e talk tligtt lle&3'- I k lDh "ew b, fi;dn't. be wzs go Fct on his r4o eK', but- ',he youiiz fel3crv bad bo-T-?-wed .4 th? 3' of Ili m to hklp fini,,h t-be a-ii(I I t?4t tb&,t entitled me to speak mv mind. Af, boy L el' a, while his nephew's wife h?Al a lit.,e a.rid, later, aTbzl?i? the oottage ?kva, Ilot quite 1,, v?attt,d e-iough for them, and they *ete to build -i addition. T:mes We not if'or then, but aviiig pi ,,)Ie -v?ithor-t k*t' th, an (I every r-"k ?,ome 'litfle m-ert iialtrol &,qk to pi,c,7'do ,iga,r-,st sickiie,.s )Wd ag, My huiiband"s aen?.ew knew we t' "I c?()lirbe. and he cam(? to him P-gairt "or to b,, -I .rt ?)II ti 1 d the addition, o'?-ermg e, iLe Nvnole place. I on't tltink be ir,?- ltwband to takc, the mortg-r?ge, f C,, 1,?ur-b he wouldn't if 't hadn't 'teen 4ro I'?e would just have ,eft that any ecuritt at all. So he took It. Mortgage, 'but, b-- aiway, felt sore tLboLt "h' owing t,iat ive were safo, I clidn t. Iril any more, tlough I alwavs th,)ugh' iii ",3plieNv livve left Ziir money' if k and h-ve g(4ne to &omebody elsc, A. 80 cra,7v to b'?illd. tio? t-lie rroi?ey wa,?, gone and the addi- ?"ZT. Ilf!d th?) times becaipe harder than %tIir That ??ummer my hisband tock a. big lie "'?t t) deliver barels in New Bedfor-1. fte UL,&-r-'stimated on the omtruct. Ycru of tilt:?s being hard, there was a great t4 L at""Petition. He suffered a big Ices on kw r4,ct, but he waq a prou?d, strict mr-,i, tho,a carriefi it through witiieut a, w(?rd, kr4 gh it ,hook him badly. Something <)f t-li? 'idrt fat. rl,,Pt '.tiave happenpd to his nelphrw, hivt 111'ard t!iit his creditors w'ete giving ,,?8'90od deal of trouble. Tt, ?, 2'zcl bye t-h- time 3.ppot,&d for the t?! teace t4D .;tt fall due, I mw el,-srly &ough ?m "l?' h'l*and would losc, thit nioti-ev if 14-ft ,o h mself, so gradw-tily, lirtle' by t-lid t.'s7hoir him the,? it was 1,-s duty t. oree"05' hi-s duty to him,If snti his ',tlty r if '?4 e t'c)Wdn't we it, or w,)uldn't see it it but we used to ii.?. ke nights talki?ig tr. ?lwa I rse he could sm plairlv gb If right, -but he would 4n,)t. oewrinouit. tre,4, fD--I()Se' he wid 'it will Isring all his OIL IiM.x 'Is 'it any rea??n why we ll;tg Oft our Tnon4ey,' I asked, 'bec-auw iv. A )?e 't'O^ d'd t?%? -S 9 Wlizt did lie build for ? Why 90 ']Ito debt' If oiif hou-.c- wa3 m6rt- C'51;ld Wouldn't we fz?xpect to let it go if we ,ft" t l,fti'o'%P'av9 lb would I)e a me-rey to him kto '?Old +,, "I' gi-ve him the siirplu-- ;ifter it ia -he e a gettleme-nt, v?ith Iiis c?mditorq. could aaew.' The I t* to Ot-ke my hueb%nql, "lid bef. tAt re weiat for not-hing. ?o-ee-,ng pres him on nwht aiid dav wwen- had the OPPortimitr, ont-il at length he th, ,t'o fOrecl(-Ae and give the youriz fellow ,,Ne8 plus* C,h ittw no int-Prt-,st on the morf,- TIJ ,ai7- et h. "I I saw clearly that, he intended to O,Qt 19 Yle!3be- have all the monev to lielp him of Ili f3 difficultie, That; ihor-ou?,,Iiiy frigh- so h?m no peace -L,,it-ii 1 zot a from him to dep<>sit all but fo In Inv name. Then T felt spfe, ,re,L,l tb.(, 'Property (wne to bA -,old udder ?'itr tke Dephew had gone to Allegber?y to to mise a little monev, and, to the f O'Vervor)e. no one' would bid a Taore, that, just suffcl-"Pnt to secure the ellp one dar came a I-etter from Alle- ll%Q. 'hich i would have opened h-.id I dkd it ,o much for hi,3 sal-e. it oh, iugt two words. a,, _h_, T s&w the rontentt3 of took on more tha-n evex, and b eatd tImA his nephew bad omnri, 1 jr??led -h-WI feaj-, for his reason. At I 'rg'ue with him, &h?c)w,'ng how Diu?iii it "alght h.-i,ve been. ie younw fellov h4ve failed anyhow, and we might hav4, rlol, t, ey be?-,ider,. But he irould not Then I tried t4D -omfort him, but "Jí Y a.ns\Vered dead sister's ,-)n. She died in alld I prouaiged to c?are foi? him w If ray boy. 1 am a, murderer. e frighteaed. I ttid to coty- him j, -rOh b eciild not. 'NVbat -ljiisine, ballo said. 'He wae jity dead si-st-er'.s ent for the pa?,tor and the e4tdcr,,?+. "iDl bL, had r.othing 7,,roiig; ti,at I -ii-?e(I the mor -V)ov: tll,i 31, lriil h"'Ped hitn al'] fie could ?t hir, o,'v'n riF.I, Ch Wre, but he oily &bock Iiis he-ad. '1' kil!(-d him! I killed him! H' ead -?on There iN-a,,j tlm"e be v-, illd have believed ever3-thi-ng the 'a,id, for be -as happy in 1, k'-Ic?w the clerg-,v to be aTrL,rif.d of --?-emecl out of lilmse"f, III ncitb(-r s(-eiiif7 nor oyi I)iN and, -.ot com?, ?oir,.? n!E %? I *ag ?-,o anxioiis ibout -h down tc, tb"? ;OT?i*azc?. Is;' )Pcn and he bi,(l evident,.y ()T-'y his W,k' There wm a, tittle dar'k hi's baci-, the shop whore h* hai -,tor.-d kep-s, anci thi!lgs. I entcre.tl ihpt 3art b,2ating so-theit it thitinped "y ide, !trd there h--?4 -,l??-as haag?ng S A-,Td ]lot h%ve 1'ten?d to ?hi,3 story 4 "litt??? 'f it bd ..tlbepn- tist '?hc fl-.inated me. I couldm net A I saw that she did no' know. f,,error-r )riL-k,,n d lost sh-- sh(-Uld rca Y face, When sh-a st,),)ped -Lt, BP*eil, aiad n-taking sonic, I am sure, "lue I b,,i,ried from tle. houif, -4,e Mel th, %riqi I ?, r,4Br qiii?Icly b(-fore ?,,h, coul ;Jek th') door to follow "New Y,rk Cont-n,,erc!ial Adver-



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