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MR. JOSEPH BOTHOMLEY, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, ACCOUNTANT, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENr, (No. 29, Llanarth Street, NewpottJ RESPECTFULLY announces to his triends and the public that, having relinquished his Las> Clerkship, and embarked in the above businesses, he P a by strict attention to all matters entrosteu him, prompt settlement of all Sale accounts, to obtain their confidence and support.. hlAKBLE CiilMNEY PIECES- AH. JAMES & Co., late HENRY WATKINS, • Near St. Paul's Church, Commercial st„ Newport ENAMELLED i>LATK, BAT i, AND FORKST STON15 DiPOT. AGENTS FOR CEMENT OF ALL KINDS AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. [Kstablished 1820.] [B 137 Q1 Ci* 3IILXERS' HOLDFAST & FIRE RESISTING SAFES (non-conducting and vapourising), with all the improvements, under their Quadruple Patents of 1840 51-54 and 1855, including their Gunpowder Proof Solid Lock and Door (without which no safe is secure.) THE STRONGEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST SAFEGUARDS EXTANT. MILNERS'PHCENIX(212°) SAFE WORKS, LIVER POOL, the most complete and extensive in the world.- Show-rooms, 6 and 8, Lord street, Liverpool. London Depôt, 47A., Moorgate-street, City. Circulars free by post. Agent for NEWPORT Mr. ROBERT WEBB, Iron- n monger, &c., High-street. B 8 TOTEPJCAOTiinrAND MATHEMATICAL I.FJ_ DAY & EVENING SCHOOLS, CROSS HOUSE, STOW HHJL. CONDUCTED BY MR. ANJD MRS. O'BRIEN, AIDED BY MASTER O'BRIEN. A Dancing Class every Tuesday and Thursday Evening, from Seven to half-past Nine o'clock. i Mu-ic Classes daily, after the School duties are finished. A few Boarders can ba accommodated, who will have the benefit of all the classes, if so disposed. A-ent for the People's Provident Assurance Society also "for the Guarantee of Fidelity in situations of trust. Newport, November 17th, 1855. B 9 C- 111 LDREN^s"F ashionable BLACK SILK C MANTLES, from 5S. 6d. each. Full size WOMEN'S ditto, from 5s. lid. each. SPRING STOCK COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, at E. THOMAS'S, ALBION HOUSE, 13 Commercial-street, top of Corn-street, Newport, Mon. B -189 WESLEY AN BAZAAR, PONTYPOOL THE Public are respectfully informed that a Bazaar for the Salo of a great variety of useful and ornamental Articles,will be held (by kind permission,)in the TOWN HALL on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the 27th* 28th, and 29th days of May nest. The Bazaar will be opened each Morning, at Twelve o'clock Admission, on the first day, Is.; and on the folio wing day, 6d. Bazaar will be applied towards reducing thTl)ebt remaining on the New Wesleyan Chapel in this town, the attendance of all who take an interest in the establishment of Places of Protestant Evangelical W or- ^AKICLESTNTENLD^rthe Bazaar will be thankfully re- ceived up to the day of opening, by Mrs. Gwenway and Airs. Bytheway, on behalf of the Bazaar Committee. A Refreshment stall will be provided. "W. BY f HE^ A1-, ? Ministers. W. P. SLATER, 5 Pontypool, April 18th, 1856. — GORGET Patent Self-Adjusting SHIRT. Six for 42s. Patent ELLIPTIC 3-Fold COLLARS, 12s. the Dozen. PATENTEES, COOPER & FRTER, LONDON. AGENT. Ill HBWROITT, MUINMOTRXHOIILKE, B. ETAKS, LONDON HOUSE. List of Agents, see inside Wrapper Bradshaw's Railway Guide. B 11 NORMAL COLLEGE, SWANSEA. N PRINCIPAL-EVAN DAVIES, A.M. FREDERICK ILIFF, M.A., late Scholar and Prizeman E of Trinity Coll., Cambridge. EDW ARD BALSHAW, B.A., 5th jun., Optime, St. John's Coll., Cambridge. C. E. ROBINSON. ALORS SCHMUKE; of the University of Bonn. Special opportunities for acquiring the Modern Languages. Practical Instruction in Surveying, &c., &c. Classes constantly reading for Matriculation at the Universities. A detailed Prospftus, with Terms, References, &c &c., will be forwarded on application to the Principal. B 46 EXETER HALL HOTEL, STRAND, LONDON. E NELSON HAXELL—The Hotel is • situate in the most open part of the West Strand, contiguous to Charing Cross, the Theatres, and most objects of interest in the Metropolis. The Apartments are löfty, scrupulously clean, and really comfortable. Breakfast, with Joint, Is. 6d. Dinners, 2s. Bed-rooms, Is. 6d., 2s. Drawing-rooms, including wax lights, 4s. with Bed-room en suite, 7s. Attendance, Is. A Night Porter. B 74 IV/TEL BENNETT GILBERT, R.A, Mcm- 1JJ- ber of the Conservatoire of Leipsic, and Pupil of the late Mendelssohn and Moscholles, Organist of St. Paul's Church, Newport. Teacher of the Piano-Forte, Singing, and Composition. 174, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. B 80 "March pAPO-HAN G 1N G S March 1856. JL OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS, 1856. FRENCH AND ENGLISH, NOW ON SHOW. IMPROVEMENT IN DESIGN. GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES. COTTE HELLS' OLD-ESTABLISHED WAREHOUSES, BROAPMEAP, BRISTOL. [B 194. — TEETH. MR. R. N". OSBORNE, late of Bristol, SURGEON DENTIST, begs to inform the inhabitants of Newport and its vicinity, that at the urgent request of his Friends- and owing to the constantly-increasing de- mands for his professional services, ho has decided upon a Permanent Residence in Newport, and may be consulted Dailv at No. 17, Great Dock-street, where all the opera- tions connected with Dental Surgery may be perfoimed with the greatest care. Artificial Teeth supplied at- charges to meet all classes, and in point of execution, equal to any cione in London or Paris. It is scarcely necessary to point out the great advantage of having a RESIDENT DENTIST in a Town like Newport, especially in cases requiring prompt attention, instead of depending upon the uncertain visits of parties residing at a distance. R. N. O. hopes, therefore, by integrity and skill, to se- cure the continued support of his friends and all who may at any time require his services. N.B.—A vacancy for a Pupil. Address, 17, Dock-street, Newport. [B 141. VICTORIA LONDON DOCKS. TI1E attention of Shipowners and others is called to the reduced charges made, and the great facilities afforded by -these Docks. The charges will be found to be considerably less than those usually levied bv the other Dock Companies, in some cases full 50 per cent. Colliers waiting market, and sailing vessels fitting or laid up, are charged Id. per regis- tered ton per week. No entrance dues. 0 Further information may be obtained on application, either personally or by letter, to the Manager, Dock House, 23, Rood Lane, Lou, r B 225j C. CAPPLE, Manager. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. THE Ladies are respectfully informed that this Starch is EXCLUSIVELY USED in the Royal Lauudrv, and her Majesty's Laundress says, that although she has tried Wheaten, Rice, and other Powder Staielies, she has found none of them equal to the GLENFLI-LD, which is the finest Starch she ever used. WOTHERSPOON and CO., Glasgow and London. 0 B 20 LONDON MANURE COMPANY. Established 1840. THE above Company have the following ready for immediate delivery :— ConN MANURE FOR TOP DRESSING. BLOOD DO. „ CORN. BLOOD DO. ROOTS. Superphosphate of Lime, manufactured expressly for the liquid or other Drill. Concentrated Urate for Turnips, Mangold, Grasses, &c. PERUVIAN GUANO direct from Importers' Warehouse. Nitrate of Soda, Sulphate of Ammonia, and every Artisfi cial Manure of known value. EDW. PURSER (Sec.) Mr. HENRY JAMES, CALDICOT, near Chepstow. 40, Bridge-street, Blackfriars. [104 WR. MATTH EWS and Co., TEA and • COFFEE MERCHANTS, 19, COMMERCIAL- STREET, Newport. A large and well-selected Stock on Sale good quality combined with moderation in prices. [5 PORTABLE MANURES. T S. STONE is prepared to supply the undermentioned MANURES, which he guarantees to be of the very best quality GUANO. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The BRITISH ECONOMICAL MANURE. The LONDON BLOOD MANURE. BONE DUST, &c. Pamphlets sent Post-free. GREAT DOCK-STREET, Newport, Mon. March 14th, 1856. B 53 BEAMISH AND CRAWFORD'S CORK PORTER. | OHN HYNDMAN, BEER and PORTER MERCHANT, has received a Consignment of prime SWEET CIDER, which he is offering in suitable Lots to the Trade, at his Stores, GREAT DOCK-STREET. Newport, 24th April, 1856. [327 PHOTOGRAPHY. MESSRS. VILLIERS AND ANDREWS' PORTRAIT-ROOMS are NOW OPEN for a limited time only, at the OLD CANAL OFFICE, High- street, Newport, and at MAES-Y-DRE, ABEIIDARE. Portraits taken in the highest perfection of the Art. Family Groups, finished as Pictures, from 15s. Portraits for Brooches, Lockets, &c. a variety kept, adapted for Miniatures. [334 JOHN G.WILLIAMS, ROPE, TWINE, and SACK MANUFACTURER (opposite tin Western Valleys Station) Dock-street, Newport, returns thanks for the liberal support ho has been favoured with, and begs to announce that he has PvEMOVEDfrom 48, Commercial Road, to more commodious premises at the above address, where he hopes to have a continuanoe of patronage. [359. (A CARD.) Nr. THOMAS WILKES, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, No. 42, LLANARTH-STREET, NEWPORT, And No. 14, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. AGENT For the UNITY FIRE & LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS, and the NATIONAL LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY. TIRON BEDSTEADS IRON BEDSTEADS HE cheapest and best place for every description of Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Iron Sofas, rtocKing Chairs, &c., is at JAMES LEACH'S Depot, 117, Commercial-street, Newport utaSSS"of Household Furniture Bought, or forASaU°0d BAGA™I,LE TABLE, with Slat,.Top [364 WT70EiI OI*H-fRBOUR OF NEWPORT. TBE Undersigned, being Eight of the Commissioners of the Port or Harbour of Newport, in tneCounty ofMon mouth, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that the GENEBAL YEARLY MEETING of the Com- missioners of the said Port or Harbour will be holden on FRIDAY, the Thirtieth day of May next, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at the TowN HALL, Newport, for the purpose of Auditing the Accounts for the year ending the 31st day of March last, and to report the state of the said Harbour; and also for the transaction, of gonol"a1 busil.L0SS. Dated this Thirtieth day of April, 1856. JAMES N. KNAPP. THOMAS LATCH. GEO. W. JONES. RD. BURTON. THOS. GRATREX. FREDERICK JUSTICE. HENRY JOHN DAVIS. 346] STEPN. CAMPBELL. PRIVATE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, p at WHITCHURCH, near Monmouth. MR. MILLARD, SURGEON, & RESIDENT PROPRIETOR (licensed 1834), has Vacancies for either sex. Terms moderate. B 3 GUANO, of the best and purest quality, as imported. SOLD, warranted genuine, by S. M. and H. PHILLIPS,Iron and Oil Warehouses, Commercial Buildings, Newport, Monmouthshire. [B 186 DINING AND DRAWING ROOM CURTAINS. BIRD and SON invite the attention of the public to their Stock of Muslin and Net CURTAINS. Double-width DAMASK, in all Qualities. Handsome Fringe, GIMPS, LACES, &c. Elegant CORNICES; Brass, and other POLES; Drawing and Dining-Room Table COVERS Down QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, &c. Linen GOODS of every description Feather BEDS, MATTRESSES, &c. BIRD and SON, FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, 29, CORN-STREET, BRISTOL. 311 COUNTY COURTS. TXTHEREAS her Majesty has been pleased, T T by and with the advice of her Privy Council, to order that County Courts shall be held, after the 31st day of May next, in the town of ABERDARE and in the town of NEWBRIDGE, otherwise called PONTYPRIDD, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the first Courts will be held in the said towns, by his Honour, Judge FALCONER, at ABERDARE, on THURSDAY, the 26th day of June next, and at PONTYPRIDD, on FRIDAY, the 27th day of June next, and that causes may be entered for hearing at the said Courts, at the County Court Offices of the said towns, on and after MONDAY, the 2nd day of June next. [366 HOWARD'S ENAMEL FOR THE TEETH, PRICE ONE SHILLING. For filling Decayed Teeth, however large the cavity. It is superior to anything ever before used, as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state, without any pressure or pain, and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel, and will remain firm in tha tooth for many years, rendering extraction unnecessary, and .arrests all further progress of decay. Prepared by Mr. HOWARD, Surgeon Dentist, 17, George-street, Hanover-square, London. Sold by all Medicine Vendors, Price One Shilling. [B19 1 BURNISHING WAREHOUSE 27 and 29, CORN-STREET, BRISTOL. BIRD and SON, having bought largely before the late considerable advance in wool, are enabled for a short time to Sell at OLD PRICES Brussels Carpets 3s., 3s. 6d., 4s., 4s. 3d. per Yard. Tapestry Ditto 2s. 6d., 2s. 9Ad 3s. 3d. Kidderminster,Brussels 2s. Id., 2s. 8d. patterns j Felt Carpets Is. IQJL to 2s. lOd. Stair Carpets, Druggets, Hemp Carpets, &c., &c. Cocoa Nut Matting from Is. per Yard. Best Floor-Cloth, cut to any size, 2s. 9d. to os. per Yaid, Door Mats of every description. BIRD and SON, 27 and 29,' CORN-STREET, BRISTI-L. 310. S STALLION, 1856. TONE PLOVER, own brother to Stilton, at CANTON, CARDIFF, will Serve Mares at Six Guineas each Mare, and 10s. the Groom Half-lned Marrs, Three Guineas, and is. The Groom's Fre to be paid at the first time of serving, and the remainder on or before the 24th of JUNE next. STOXE PLOVER is by Cotherston," winner of the Derby, out (If" Wry Neck," by Slane," v> Inch horse is now serving at 20 guineas a mare. STONE PLOVER is a magnificent Bay Horse, full 16 hands high, on particularly short, strong legs, and is of great Strength and substance, of the finest possible combination blood, and warranted a sure foal-getter. Independent of his racing qualities, lie is highly calculated to get Half-bred Horses of great value, on account of his beautiful colour, symmetry, size, and action, being free from heavy hocks, splints, spavins, ring bones, twisted ancles, upright joints, and every other imperfection, and is as sound in every resp'c1" as on the day he was foaled. Applications to be made to THOMAS WILLIAMS. Canion, Cardiff, as above. B 95 CELEBRATED CLONMEL STOUT. ROB ERT H. WEIR is the appointed t\; Sole Agent for Monmouthshire, for the Sale of the Celebrated CLONMEL "STOUT," which he is prepared to offer in large quantities to the Trade. Address-Office at Mr. NEWCOMBE'S Warehouse, Newport. "(CHEPSTOW HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. P THE FIRST SHOW for this Year, wi§ take place on THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, URIJF^ high patronage and increased attractions. A Military Band will perform on the occasion. F For particulars, see Bills and Schedules, to be had OFHHFT' Secretary, Mr. J. F. IIARTL A.ND. £ Chepstow, 16th May, 1856. U W MONMOUTHSHIRE. ,{, COVET OF S E IF E It S ■' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, WA, General Court and Session of Sewers for the LEVELS* of the Hundreds ofCaldicot and Wentlooge, in the Conntv of Monmouth, will be held at the KING'S HEAD INN, itf the Town of Newport, in the said County, on THURSIJVY the 22nd day of MAY instant, at Twelve o'clock at NOWB when and where all persons who are aggrieved by presentment found against them at the last Court, niajg attend and enter their traverse thereto otherwise thsr same will stand confirmed. Dated this 6th day of May, 1856. 365] A. WADDINGTON. Clerk. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TURNPIKE TOLLS TO PB LET. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX, that the' TOLLS arising at the Toll Gates upon the Aber- carn Turnpike Roads, and called or known by the names of the Crumlin Gate, the Brrn Gate, the Boot Gate, the A1 ban Terrace Gate, the Kisca Gate, and the Newbridge Gate, will be LET BY AUCTION, to the best bidder, AT the Newbridge JnU, in the parish of Monythusloyne, in the county OF Monmouth, on Monday, the 9th day of June UE-TT, at Twelve o'clock at Noon, in the manner di- rect<xl by the Act of Parliament passed in the third and fourth years of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, For regulating turnpike roads," which ToUs produced the last year the following sums above the ex- pense of collecting them, and will be put up at those sums. Whoever happens to be. the best bidder, must at the same time pay one month in advance, if required of the rent at which such Tolls may be let, and give security, I with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads, for payment of the rest of the money monthlv. Crumlin and Alban Terrace Gates Newbridge and Risca Gates > £ 690 Bryn and JJoot Gates J And Notice is hereby also given, that the next Meeting of the Trustees or Commissioners of the said Roads, will be held at the Newbridge Inn, aforesaid, at Twelve o'clock at Noon, on the said 9th day of June next. J THOMAS MORGAN LLEWELLIN, Clerk to the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads. V Dated at Newport, the 8th day of May, 1856. [363 1- SANITARY DEPOT, NELSON STREET, BRISTOL. BUTCHER and BROOKES keep a large supply of STONE WARE PIPES, and every- Article for the Cheapest and most efficient HOUSE-' DRAINAGE. A Closet Pans, with stench traps, in large variety, in" Staffordshire Ware, Terra Cotta Chimney Tops in nu- merous designs, Plain and Ornamental Creese Tiles, Floor- ing Tiles of various makes, Vases, Fountains, &c., &c. j Agents for Ransome's" Patent Silecious Stone Goods, Filters, &c., &c.; for Wilcox and Harvey's Weston-super- Mare Horticultural Pottery Ware. CEMENTS and PLASTERS. Country Orders promptly attended to. [342. j OWXER and FRY, AGRICULTURAL\ IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS, TEMPLE-? GATE, BRISTOL, beg to call attention to the under mentioned articles £ j ONE-ROW SEED and MANURE DRILL, a moat BMa.1 pleto thing, zc6 10s. —/j ONE -HOW DRILL, for Seed only, £ 4. vL 1 PRIZE GRASS SEED DISTRIBUTOR, 12 feet long, 1,3 10s. PATTERSON'S PATENT CLOD CRUSHER, which is so constructed that it is capable of working wh/ere the ground is in a sticky state from wet. CORNE'S PATENT CHAFF CUTTERS. OAT and BEAN MILLS. GARDENER'S TURNIP CUTTERS BUSHE'S ROOT GRATERS. COZENS' Celebrated PRESS PLOUGHS, &c., &c. FOWLER and FRY are Agents for all the Principal Makers of Agricultural Implements, and always keep a largo assortment on hand in their Sho'v Rooms. Catalogues, &c., sent free, on application. [383 PROFI TABLEEMPLOYM ENT.—Persons in search of Employment, either as a source of Income, or to fill up their leisure hours, may hear of such by which means from £ 2 to £ 4 a week may be realised, in town or country, and by either sex, sta'ion in lite immaterial, by applying tc Mr. A. ROY, Orchard House, Clapton, London, enclosing stamped directed envelope for I eply. HUGH BIRD begs to inform the Agricul n turists of Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire that in addition to MANURES and SEEDS, he will in future be able to Supply AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENTS of the most approved kinds, at Maker*' Prices. He also begs to intimate that he has made an arrange- ment with Mr. JOSEPH HALL, SO long known in connection with the Implement and Wool Trade, and will be pre- pared throughout the Season, to Purchase Wool to any extent. A Stock of Implements, Corn, Seed, Guano, and Super- Phosphate of Lime, in NEWPORT CATTLE MARKET, every WEDNESDAY. Hornsby's Portable 7-Horse Power Steam Engine and Thrashing Machine to be Let on Hire. Cardiff, May, 3856. [390 NELSON STREET GLASS WORKS, BRISTOL. THE PUBLIC, by their PATRONAGE, appreciate being supplied with Table Glass, direc from the above Works, thereby saving all intermediate Profits. The finest and best Specimens of Cut Flint Glass are executed on the Premises, equal to any this country can produce, and suitable either for the Nobleman's or Trades man's Table. Extensive Show Rooms are fitted up and well-stocked with Table Glass, of the purest colour, most modern de- signs, and unique shapes. All marked at the lowest Cash Prices, in plain ficnires The Company respectfully invite public inspection! Brilliant-cut Ornamental Window Glass. Ornamental Ilall Lamps. Electro-Plated Cruet and other Frames with Glass, &e. MARK BOWDEN AND COMPANY. GILT CHIMNEY GLASSES. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. BRITISH PLATES,-4 INCH THICK, WITH GILT FRAMES:— Size of Plate. X. s. d. Size of Plate. X. s. d, 36 by 24 3 1 6 48 by 36 6 10 0 38 by 26 3 8 0 50 by 40 7 0 0 40 by 30 4 0 0 52 by 42 8 10 0 42 by 32 5 0 0 54 by 44 9 7 0 44 by 36 6 0 0 60 by 50 12 0 0 An extensive assortment of very superior Bedroom Cheval, and Gilt Chimney Glasses, always in stock. LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTORY, Nelson-street, Bristol. MAV.K BOWDEN AND COMPANY. B 18 ON SALE, AT THE DRY DOCK, NEWPORT |7INE Fresh NORWAY SPARS and a POLES, just imported. j Patent Roofing and Boiler Felts. Small and Large Chains. Iron Blocks far Contractors, Builders, &c. Zinc and Galvanized Iron Sheets. Galvanized Iron Nails. Stockholm and American Tar. Pitch and Resin. B 23 Apply to WILLMETT & SONS. TO BE SOLD, Pursuant to an Order of the f !igh Court of Chancery, made in the cause of "JONES V. PARRY," with the approbation of the Vice-Chancellor, Sir JOHN STUART, at the GREYHOUND INN, Abergavenny, on TUESDAY, the 3rd day of JUNE, 1856, at Twelve o'clock at noon, in Two Lots, certain FREEHOLD PREMISES, known by the name of TYSHAU," situate in the parish of Tregare, in thecotiuty of Monmouth, consisting of a Farm, D\vcl)ing House, Barn, Stables, and Farm Offices, and about 83 Acres of excellent Arable and Meadow Land; five miles and a half from Monmouth, nine from Abergavenny, and one and.a half from Raglan, (where a Railway fetation is expected to be shortly erected), and on the direct line to Pontypool and Newport, in the occupation of John Price, as tenant, b. l»d totU), »«»«'• D. H. Jones, mrv,Sor «ud ragmew. Sw.njaj Mr. Beniamin Jones, solicitor, Llanelly at the Oftces of the Auctioneer of Messrs. Norton and King, solicitors Mon- ^im if Red Lion-Sq«are, Agents for B. JONES, i gggj Llanelly, rlamtin s Solicitor. .TXTANTED, a respectable Young Person, to T T take the management of tbeCouuter Department of a Wine rtnd Spirit Trade at Cardiff. One who under- stands the Welsli language, would be preferred. APPLY at the Office of this Paper. J O H N S 0 U T H A L L, V "v "HARE AND GREYHOUND ,11 I.jLfJ A N D S P 1 R I T VAULTS, C°MME RCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, thank, hIs friends for their verv libei al support, and apprises them that'.the Extension te •ation of the Premises are now" CJIAPHJTEC^. Visitors will find every ACEOMMODATTO^A^^E most KF SPIRITS :ALES,* AND IUJH9HHHI>ER J* OF SUPERIOR QUALITY?" I^AMILIES and CAPTAINS supplied with HOME BRE WED BEER, PALE ALE, and DUBLIN PORTER, in Casks or Bottles. 372 CHARLES NAPPEft, PASTRYCOOK, CONFECTIONER. BREAD AND FANCY BISCUIT BAKER AND GROCER, 5T0; 65, HIGH STREEr, NEWPORT, BLIGS leave to inform his friends and the public that tbe alterations in his premi-es beiu j now romn'eted ha has REOPENED them, in partnership vtitli his brother, EDWIN NAPPI-R. C. N. takes this opportunity of gracefully acknowledging the kind pa'roisage he has for many years experi- nced, and rdspectfullv solici's a continuance of the same for the new firm, assuring his friends ami the public that it will be their constant endeavour to merit it l<y keeping articles of good nd genuiue quality, at reasonable prices, and by punctuality in attending to all orders entrusted to them. Kifhly-Ornaniented Bridecakes p ovided at a short notice; also Jellies, Blanc Mange. lees. & &c Agents fcr HUNTLEY and PALMEU'S Biscuits, Gingcr I Nik 8 &< of all kinds. Genuine TEAS and fresh-roasted COFFEES. 373 SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. AGRICULTURISTS about to use this well-known and invaluable MANURE, are informed. that they can be supplied with a genuine article, warranted JO be manufactured of bene only, from HICKMQXT'S Manure Works, Borough, London, at £ 7 per Ton, CALLAGE paid, to any Railway Station. Terms, Cash only. Agent for South Wales and the adjacent couuties, Mr. THOMAS'WATKINS, Lhuvair, near Ragland, Mon- mouthshire, to whom all orders are to be addressed. [3(58 "r GREEN MOOR INCLOSCRE. NOTICE IS HKRKBY GIVK.V, that a Meeting of the Persons interested in this Inelosure, will be held at the KING'S HEAD INN, NEWPORT, on- I'MONDAY, the 19th instant, at 12 o'clock, to take into •'consideration in what way the funds necessary, to defray the balance now unpaid, of the Expenses of this laclo- sure, shall be provided. JAMES PEACHEY WILLIAMS, Valuer. Albion Chambers, Bristol, May 9th, 1856. 380 Albion Chambers, Bristol, May 9th, 1856. 380 PvRYMNEY RAILWAY. IT?OR SALE, SEVENTY SHARES in the fljpT above Railway, on which I'G 10s. per share has been g^pply, by letter post-paid, to ALEXANDER MONT- aEaJMERI li^ Brigend of £ ikelmotile, Greenock. if April 28th, Mfl mi —^ :— iiii.ru lipiW ,u i.-s T.J. THOMAS, GENERAL HAULIER, • 10 Tredegar-street, Cardiff. (Late Alfred Barfoot, Bute Docks.) Every description of Goods &c., Hauled to all parts of the Town and Country, at moderate terms. hN.B.—Architects and Builders. r^47 JOHN SIM WOOLLEY, Manager. I, 1\' 'CARDIFF, f GLAMORGAN HOUSE, 10, SMITH STKEET. WILLIAM LEWIS, TAILOR and DRAPER, begs most respectfully to inform his numerous supporters and friends, that he has received liis new assortment of SPKING and SUMMER GOODS, which are now ready and solicits their inspection and orders. LA'VES' PATENT SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME expected shortly at Cardiff. WILLIAM DAVIES, High-street, Sole Agent foi the District. Cardiff, April 10th, 1856. [B 302 NOTICE TO SHIPPERS TO RUSSIA. THE undersigned has received instructions iL to execute, on behalf of the Imperial Russian Go- vernment, all acts required for the proper clearance of yessels at Cardiff, to and from the Ports of Russia. j-* flfT, DAVID BROWN. Cardiff, "tfa May, 1856. [307 SOVEREIGN LIFE OFFICE 49 St & James's-street, London, Found^1S45 1 RN LI TRUSTEES. Tbe^a^ipl>ott Barf ?• Bond Cabbell, Esq., M.P. SikC in- i n L enry Pownhall, Esq. Chan man. Lieut.-Col. Lord Arthur Lennox pepnty-Chairman.-Sir James Carmiohael Lrt Tlli.i akimTTy'de!^ Priill;UPaud invested Capital, Simiums received7 scar^ly exceed one-fifth of the Hence- tbe Bonuses declared by this Office are unusually large. ThusTOn a £ o00 Policy effected in 1846, £ 80 14s. has been received lor premium, while the amount now navable at death is £ 566, being a return of more than threa- fmirths of the sum invested. FOURTEEN PENCE saved Weekly, and paid to tbe Office Quarterly, or Half-yearly, will secure to a person 25 of a0,0 sum of £ 100 on his attaining tbe age of £ 5, rf*?1 AT DEATH, should that event occur previously, riaims are paid three months after proof of death. N dirges are made except the Premiums. are calculated for all ages, climates, and circum- stances connected with Life Assurance. Prospectuses, Forms, and every information can be obtained at the Office, 49, St. James s-street, London, or Of the following AGENTS. \beravon—Mr. B. M. Davies, chemist. Aber^ay1'011—Mr. John Hugh .Jones. ":I Brecon—-Mr- John Teale, Iligh-street. Brynmawr-Mr A M Jones, chemist. Cardiff-Mr. H. Beck, house agent, G3, St. Mary-street. Carmarthen-Mi. John Nathan Roberts, ironmonger. LainFetcr ,'r' TV™, ^vans, timber-mcrcliant. Landovery—Mi. J. I bom as. Clerk of the Peace's office. I Llandilo Mr. Oreorge V, ilhams, Post-office.^ —' •5 Llanelly—:Mr. W -James, merchant. llerthyi'-Ty^dvil Mr. litus Jones, Castle-street. Monmouth—Alli. lhomas Madocks, ironmonger. Newport Mr. 11- M. Partridge, auctioneer jjewtown—Mr Ueorge Bird. Swansea-Mr. John (Griffiths, 11, High-street, printer. H. D. DAVENPORT, Secretary. Active Agents required. [384 LAW LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. INSTITUTED 1823. OFFICE:— PLKET-STItEET, LONDON, v SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL-ONE MILLION. Assurances are effected on the Lives of Persons in any tinn of life, to the extent of £ 10,000 on any one life. 'o'jie profits of the Society "will hereafter be divided af 'the end of every fifth year, instead of every Seventh Year, ij, heretofore- ? Eour-fift'18 of the Profits are allotted to the Assured. The next Division of Profits will be made up to the 31st ;eceinber, 1859, when all whole-life Policies then in force, Mf two full years standing and upwards, will participate. Bonuses amounting to nearly Three Millions, have been added to the Policies at the Four Divisions of Profits inyhich have already been made. The Assets of the boeiety amount to nearly four Millions Sand a Half, and the Annual Income exceeds Four Hundred Rnd Fifty Thousand Pounds. Prospectuses may be obtained and Assurances effected through any Solicitor in town or country, or by applica- tion direct to the Actuaiy, at the office m London p direct WILLIAM S, DOWNES, Actuary. March, 1856. [B 275. .Ii TO BE LET, in the Borough of Newport, (altogether or separately, and quarterly or by the I year) the SOUTH TOWER of the CASTLE, which has been converted into STORES, with suitable Machinery, consisting of Three Floors or Granaries, averaging 400 feet of area each and an excellent Cellar. Also the adjoining Wharf on the River Usk, on which, if required, a Crane would b-3 fixed. These Premises are within 300 yards of all the Railway Stations. May be viewed on application at the Bridge Inn and particulars can be obtained from Mr. BECKINGrlAM, of the Bank; or from Mr. CORNELIUS EVANS, Auc- tioneer, High-street, Newport. [382 TO B R LET, a Small RESIDENCE, AVITLUN Half a Mile of Newport, containing Two Sitting Rooms, Four Bedrooms, Two Kitchens, Pantry, and Closets, with convenient Cellars and Outbuildings, and having sin excellent supply of Water. The new excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Effects therein to be sold, at a moderate valuation, to the incoming tenant. Any person requiring a Ready Furnished House in a healthful situation, and commanding a beautiful view of the surrounding country, will find this a most desirable opportunity of obtaining the same. For further particulars, apply to Mr. JOSEPH BOTHOMLEY, House Agent, kc., No. 29, Llanarth- street, Newport. [381 TO BE LETR and entered upon immediately, au old establishRd Double-Licensed PUBLIC- HOUSE, situated in one of the principal thoroughfares of Newport. Coming-in about £ 100 For particulars, apply to Mr. NATHANIEL WEBB, 16, Llanarth-street. [B. 303 CAERLEON, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO HE LET or SOLD, A convenient FREE- -1- HOLD RESIDENCE, with Garden, Orchard, Coach-bouse, Stable, &c., containing about Two and a Half Acres, now iu the occupation of J..T. ^Veightman, Esq. Possession may be had on the 1st of Julr next. For further particulars apply to J. R. FORREST, Esq., Venn wood, near Leominster. [329 TO GROCERS, &c. TO be LET, at a moderate rent, a HOUSE and SHOP, in Dock-street, next door to Messrs Storehouse and Co., Ship-brokers. A good trad# has been done House commodious and convenient, and adapted for letting. Apply at No. 7, Commercial-street, Newport. TO be LET, Furnished, for a few months, a D" ELLTNG-HUUSE, pleasantly situated at New- port, consisting of diuing. drawing, and breakfast-rooms, with four bed-rooms, a bath-room, &c. For particulars, apply at No. 8, Clifton-place. WANTED, TWO ASSISTANTS and an r' APPRENTICE, immediately. Apply to E. TctOMAS, Draper, ALBION HOUSE, New- port, AIon. WANTED, a LAD, who can write well.— Apply to Mr. J. D. PAIN, Dock-street, Newport. FOR SALE by PRIVATE CONTRACT, an excellent DOG CART, and PHOTON. Apply to CORNELIUS EVANS and SON, Auctioneers, 61, High-street, Newport. [392 ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY FOR SALE' Situate near Tle Corner, in the Parish (if Sash, Mon CORNELIUS EVANS & SON will SEYL C 1iY AUCTION, at the BRIDGE IKJJ, Newpert, on Wednesday, the 2lst of May, 1856, at Three o'clock in the PRECISELY, subject all that Freehold I ~TY OR DWELLING-HOUSE, Slauyhter-house, table, Piggeries, and Garden, together with all that Piece or Parcel of excellent PASTURE LAND ADJOINING containing one acre and a half, more or less, the whole bei I°<i Piece or Pared of excellent PASTURE LAND ADJOINING containing one acre and a half, more or less, the whole bei I°<i now in the occupation of Mrs. Rebecca Allen, at the low I yearly rent of zelo. The above is well situated on the side of the main road, and would prove a most desirable investment for building purposes. 's ° Auctioneer's Offices, 61, High-street, Newport, and Brook House, Llantarnam. [353 162, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, MON. Important & Unreserved SALE of IRON BEDSTEADS MATTRESSES, BEDS, &c,&o MESSRS. GRAHAM and CO. respectful^ announce that they are instructed by the proprie- tors to SELL by AUCTION, at their Rooms, as above on TUESDAY, May 27th, 1856, about 50 small IRON BEDSTEADS, with Mattresses, Beds, and Bedding, all complete. Sale to commence at Two o'clock p.m., precisely. Auctioneers' Offices, 162, Commercial-street, Newport, and 5, Angel-street, Cardiff. [391 NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. MESSRS. WEBBER and WILLIAMS beg IVjL to notifv that the SALE of the PORTABLE ENGINE and 'THRASHING MACHING, advertised to take place at the NEW CATTLE MARKET, NEWPORT, on WEDNESDAY, ibe 21st day of MAY, is POSTPONED until Farther Notice. Dated tbe 15th day of May, 1856. 119, Commercial-s'reet. FAIR OAK, CHRISTCHURCH, MONMOUTH- SHIRE. ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD BUILDING GROUND AND VALUABLE FREHOLD DWELLING HOUSES. MR. JOSEPH RO'L I10MLEY begs res- pectfully to announce that be is instructed by the Proprietor, to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the WESTGATE HOTEL, NEWPORT, on WEDNESDAY, the 21st day of MAY, 1856, at Three o'clock in the After- noon, (subject to such conditions as shall lie then anel there produced), the following highly-valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING GROUND aud FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, situate at Fair Oak, in the Parish of Christ- church, in the Coupty of Monmouth, fronting Maindee Parade and the Old Parish Rond, in the occupation of Mr. I Thomas Joiies and other.?. LOT I.-All that Piece or Parcel of FREEHOLD BUILDING GROUND, situate at Fair Oak, in the said parish of Christ church, having a corner frontage of 82 feet to Main dee-parole, an 1 a frontage of 84 feet to the Old Parish L-Load, and in depth from 16 feet 6 inches to 52 feet, ,apd containing in the whole 305 square yards or there- abouts. LOT 2 —All that Piece or Parcel of FREEHOLD BUILDING GROUND adjoining Lot 1, having a front- age of 60 feet to Maindee-parade, and a frontage of 60 feet to the Old Parish Road, and iu depth from 52 feet to 71 feet, and containing in the whole 405 square yards or thereabouts. LOT 3.—All that Piece or Parcel of FREEHOLD BL 1LDING CllOUND adjoining Lot 2, having a frontage of 40 feet to Maindee parade, and a frontage of 40 feet to the Old Parish Road, and in depth from 71 feet to feet, and containing in the whole 335 square yards or thereabouts. LOT 4.—All that Piece or Paroel of FREEHOLD BUILDING GROUND adjoining Lot 3, having a front- age of 20 feet to Maindee Parade, and a frontage of 2J feet to the Ofd Parish Road, and in depth from 86 feet to 91 feet, and containing in the whole 200 square yards or thereabouts. LOT 5.—All that Piece or Parcel of FREEHOLD BUILDING GROUND adjoining Lot 4, having a front- age of 20 feet to the Maindee-parade, and a frontage of 20 feet to the Old Parish Road, and in depth from 1'4 feet to 101 feet, and containing iu the whole 215 square yards or thereabouts. LOT 6.—All that Piece or Parcel of FREEHOLD BUILDING GROUND adjoining L )t 5, having a front- age of 20 feat to Maindee-paracle, und a frontage of 20 feet to the Old Parish Road, and in depth from 101 feet to 110 feet, and containing in the whole 233 square yards or thereabouts. LOl"7.-AJl those Two FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES, together with the Piece of Land, containing 505 square yards, fronting the same and the Old Parish Road, and adjoining Lot 6, now in the respective occupations of Mr. Thomas Jones and Mr. Isaac Thomas, at the yearly rents of £10 83. and JM 15s. LOT S.-AlI those Four newly-erected FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES, together with a Piece of band, containing 1050 square yards, fronting the same and the Old Parish Road, and adjoining Lot 7, now occupied by respectable tenants at the low yearly rents j LOT 9^ All that Piece or Parcel of FREEHOLD BUILDING GROUND, having a frontage of 28 feet to Maindee-parade, and containing 1tiG square yards or thereabouts. The above Pieces or Parcels of Ground, from their eligible situatiou, prescnt a rare opportunity to Persons desirous of Building Genteel Cottages within an easy distance of Newport.. For futher par iculars, and to inspect plans of the same, apply to the AUCTIONEER J or to Mr. F. J, HALL, Solicitor, Newport, Mon. [370 I AniiOiiiicemeuis .q TO IRONMONGERCfJANl>LE Ri> ANlP MR. ABBOTT will SftLL Ibv* AUCIIOX on MONDAY, the inst" a^ollowii aays, a large assortment of IRONMONGERY CntVrt Carpenters' Tools, Fulland Half-lifter Grates/and sfi Stoves and a general Stock of Ironmongery.. LT2L amounting to about £ 400.. Vv To suit the convenience of the Trr.de, the whole will bs put up m suitable Lots.. I" SaJe to commence each day at o'clock. 3ï1; FnEEHOLD PROPERTY.—YS7ALYBO.VT] "jVJR. ABBOTT has received instructions to offer for SALE AUCtlON, at tbe CARDIFF ARMS HOTEL, on tbe 29th of May next, TWO COT- TAGES and. GARDENS, situate near YSTALYBONT in the Parish of LIanJftff about one laile and a half from Cardiff, near the Taff Vale Railway Bridge, and Glamor- ganshire Canal. The Houses are situate in a yery flourishing neighbour- hood, and are strongly built, consisting of two raoms down and two rooms up-stairs, aud other conveniences, with a two-stalled Stable. The above can be Sold either Lease or FreehoM, in one or two lots. c Sale to commence at Six o'clock. 375 NORTH COTTAGE, CANTON. FREEHOLD PROPERTY MR. ABBOTT has received instructions to offer for SALE BY AUCTION, on the 29th day of May, 1856, at the CARDIFF ARMS HOTEL, all that detached FREEHOLD MESSL-AGE or Dwelling-House situate in ihe Llandaff Road, near the Canton Crossing known as North COTTAGE," consisting of a good front parlour, hall, kitchen, wash-house, four good bedrooms, and a large cellar, with stone benches round the salug. and well supplied with wat r. There is a good garden attached, and well stocked, with sufficient space to build Three more Houses fronting the Llandaff Road, which might be sold separately, or in one lot. The above property does not belong to the Freehold Land Society, and is subject to no restrictions. Rates and Taxes moderate. Sale to commence at. Six o'clock. 376 MR. ABBOTT wants to Uent or Purchase in a pleasant situation between Cardiff and Swansea, a Small COTTAGE, with Large Garden, for a small Family, without children, or a Piece of Freehold Lanlt for Building. 377 MR. ABBOTT has for SALE by PRIVATE CONTRACT, a Block of HOUSES, situate in the Bute Dock-road, two of which are excellent Shops, on the Direct road to the Dock, and Three comfortable Cot- tages in Maria-street.—For particulars apply at the AUC- TION MART. 373 ALTERATION OF DAY OF SALE FROM THTTR<T DAY, 20ta MAY, TO FRIDAY, 3 >th M VV TOWN OF CARDIFF. Sale of Valuable Leasehold Houses, most eligibly situate in Crockherbtown, in the Town of Cardiff. XfR. T. WATKINS is instructed bj the XtJL Trustees of tbe late JOSEPH DAVIS, Esq., to SELL BY AUCTION, at the CARDIFF ARMS HOTEL, Cardiif, oa Friday, the 30th day of May, 1856, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon, fur Three, precisely, the follow- in, very desirable Leasehold Houses LOT i.—AH that capital detached DWELLING- HOUSE, called Si'MSG GARDEN HOUSE, situate in Crockherbtown, in the Town of Cardiff, low in the occu- pation of William Fowler, Esq and held by him under lease, which will expire on the 1st day of March, 18G2> at au annual rent of £ 73 103. The premises are admirably adapted for the residence of a gentleman, and have exten- sive Gztrden, L-ttvn, Shrubbery, Paddock Coach House attmelied. This Lot has a frontage to Crockherbtown -of about one hundred feet, which is available for building. LOT 2. -An that convenient and commodious detached DWELLING-HOUSE, adjoining Lot i, with Garden (stable, and Coach-house attached, now in the occupation of J. \Y. Vachell, Esq., as tenant from year to year, at an annual reut of £ 'a0. LOT o. All those Five superior COTTAGES, adjoining Lot 2, known as SPRING GARDEN COURT, and let at rents amounting £4!J 8s. per annum. The wLole of the above (except the Paddock called the Spittle, pait of Lot 1,) are held under Lease for the unexpired term of G3 years, from the 2nd Fe- bruary last, at a ground rent of £ 15 per annum which will be apportioned between the diiferent Lots. The part of Lot 1. called tLe Spittle, is under the same Lease, for a term which will expire on the 1st December, 1861, at a rent of £ 6 Gs. per annum. LOT 4.—All that excellently-built, newly-erected, and spacious DWELLING- H O I'SE, with the extensive Sta- bling and Offices thereunto belonging, situate in Crock- herbtown, in the town of Cardiff, immediately contiguous to the Taff Vale Railway Station, now called PARK liotSE, and formerly known as the Railway Hotel," in the occupation of Air. John Browne, at the yearly rent of £100. Tiio Premises are held under a lease for three lives and for a term of 99 years, computed from 1st November, 1840, at a yearly ground rent of £10, aud are -admi- rably adapted for the purposes of an Hotel, School, or Private iiansiou. There is a Double License attached to the house. LOT 5.—All that well-known HOTEL, called the TREDEGA R ARMS, situate in Bute Terrace, opposite theGas Works, together with the Divelhng-House adjoining, now- let for a term of 15 years, at the rent of £78, together with a ground-rent of £8 per annum, arising from property adjoining. These Premises are held under Lease from Sir C. Morgan, for an unexpired term of 89 years, at a Ground Rent of £16. Any further information may be obtained on application to Messrs. LANGLEY, Cardiff; J. P. THEOBALD, Esq., Solicitor, 16, Furnival's Inn, London or to the Auctioneer. 379 GLAMORGANSHIRE, SOUTH WALES. Important, Freehold Estates, near the Town of Neath. ME SSRS. CHINNO CK & GALS wo RTHY ll nre favoured with instructions to SELL BY AUCTION, at the AUCTION-MART, LONDON, on WED- NESDAY, JUNE 11, IS06, at Twelve (unless previously disposed of by Private Treaty), The GNOLL CASTLE and HOME FARM FREE- HOLD ESTATES, si: uate on an elevated position, near the Town of Neath Comprising a noble MANSION-HOUSE, seated in a finely-timbered park, with two beautiful Lakes, surrounded by extensive and delightful Hlsasure-grounds, and several well-arranged Farms, lying together in a. ring fence, com- prising about 1,337 ACRES an excellent Residence, known as PKESWYLFA HOUSE, seated in the park and a Family Residence, in die lower park. called GUEENWAT COTTAGE the little Gnoll Cottage and Offices, Woodward's and Gardener's Houses, and numerous Cottages in the Town together with all the valuable Minerals south of the Fault, in which will be found inexhaustible veins of Coal; also important Manorial Rights, extending over a large district of the surrounding country, with Royalties, Rises, Quit Rents, and Rights of Fishery in the river Neath; the Castle Hotel, in the Town of Neath—the whole pro- ducing an actual and estimated rental of £ 1,968 PER Ann CM also, the Manor of Aberavon, with all the valu- able Minerals, including Craig-y-Tewgood, now held under Lease bv Messrs. LleweJIyn and ^om and the valuable piece of Land, known as the GNOLL MARSH, lying adja- cent to the river, between Neath aud liriTou Ferry, con- taining about 132 Acres. Plans and particulars will be published one month be- fore the Sale, and may be obtained of AA ILLIAM B. WEBSTER, Esq., tho. Gnoll, Neath. South Wales of Messrs. OSBORNE, V. AiJD, and CO., Solicitors, Bristol; at the AUCTION-MART; and of Messrs CHINNOCK and GALSWORTHY, Auctioneers and Land-Agents, 28, Regent-street, >\ aterloo-place, London [B 312. A "GOO.! INVESTMENT. FOR S.lLE Br PRIVATE CONTRACT T^IVK DWELLING-HOUSF.S, in the'Bo- _1_ rough of Newport, held on a 99 y,arsIe-,SP wbich more than 97 years is unexpired These'Housed were erected under the inspection of a first-rate architect aud are built w.th every regard to durabilh.y and conve- •» «*• 'rVvell~bllilt DWELLING-HOUSES, in the Ut Miv °i ^iaW*rmrt' on a Lease of 76 years from tho x l?i7 01'r* are no ,v to respectable Ttruants, of X*i a year> subj-jcfc each to a Ground-rent The first Five Houses will be sold either in One Lot, or Four Houses, and One House. The other Two Houses will be sold together or se- parately. 0 ie Half of purchase money may remain on mortgage. For particulars, or to treat for the purchase, apply to Mr, JOHN WILLIAMS, 3, Clifton-place, Newport. [iI4-5