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3Vfld«S5(S- PRI N'ri N G OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NEATLY is EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THE Utrliit feral grating 15, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, MON BOOK-PBUFTING, BUSINESS FORMS, ACCOUNT BooKS, CIRCULARS, CARDS, REPORTS, &c. NEWPORT ROPERY COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS of PATENT FLAT and ROUND ROPE of all descriptions, Engine Yarn, Hemp, Flax, dressed and undressed, Sicks, Sacking, Twine of all descriptions, Fishing Tackle, Halters, Plough Lines, Waggon Ropes, and White Rope of all quality GENTLEMEN who desire a superior FIT and FINISH should try C. MILNES. TAILOR AND TROWSERS MAKER, 158, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. [9 GUANO, OF THE BEST QUA LITY, AS IMPORTED DIRECT FROM PERU, SOLD, WARRANTED GENUINE BY SM. AND H. PHILLIPS, IRON AND OIL WAREHOUSES, IRON AND OIL WAREHOUSES, 'r COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. [355 JO"N 15S, Chemist, 5, Hieh-st.rr.ct, Newport, Ar,FN'T FOR HORNIMAN S PURE TEA—«hw>i* flood alike, recommends these well-known Teas wiih tne utiriost con- fidence the repute in which they are held everyi1 »eie ha;s en acquired by their very excellent quality, and also fiom their bein^ always good alike. Horniman and Co. s Teas ia' Acial covering on the surface, for, consisting oily rf' dl" priny gathering, there are no brown flavourless es to be 'disguised with a coat of colour: onsequently deficient strength is never found in these Tea So secmvd • THE LONDON MANURE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1840, Are now prepared to send out the following MANURE.^ SUPERPHOSPATE OF LIME, of Best Quality, DISSOLVED BONES, CONCENTRATED URATE, MANGOLD MANURE, BLOOD MANURES, for Corn and Roots, CORN MANURE, for Spring Top Dressings, PERUVIAN GUANO, NITRATE OF SODA, and every other Manure of value. Any of the above can be obtained on the best terms from Mr. PHILIP FISHER Chepstow; Mr. C. BUL- LOCK, Weston-under-Penyard, Ross the Agents of the r:.1Dpany. E. PURSER, Secretary. 16, Fenchurch-street. 90 PR. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium,) LIGHT-BROWN COD liver OIL. "lscribed by the mo,t eminent Medical Men throughout the "«ld as the safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for SUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COI'dl'J, RIIEL" MATIHM, GOUT, OESEEAL DEBILITY, DISEASES OK THE SKIN, "I{ETS, INFANTILE WASTING, AND AI,L SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS DE JONGH'S Oil is the most efficacious, the most palatable, n,1 from its rapid curative effects, unquestionably the most eco- laical of all kinds Its immeasurable therapeutic superiority "r every other variety is established by innumerable sponta us testimonials from Physicians and Surgeons of European •mutation. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS BARON FOUQUIER. Professor of the University of Paris, Physician to his late Majesy, Louis Philippe, tie < £ <=.. I must openly acknowledge that you have ren < °ent service to science by acquainting practiti f, j T :vpr q:j cause of the frequent irregularity in the effects of God T- er <) »nd directing their attention to a proper choice. It is, t.iorefoi e with the greatest pleasure that I pay my tribute of well-meuted Praise to the successful efforts of the learned physician and cne- mist whose researches after truth have cost him so many sacri- flees, and who has shown us the way of rendering highly effec- tual the administration of one of the most powerful medicines are acquainted with." HENRY LETHEBY, Esq., M.B., F.L S, lrofPÆso" of Chemistry ami Toxicology in the Mfdical College of the London Hospital, Medical Officer of Health to theCity of London, &:c icc. "In all caseli I have found Dr. de Jongh's Cod Liver Oil pos- sessing the same set of properties, among which the presence of C hoahc compounds of iodine in a state of organic combination are the most remarkaMe in fact the Oil corresponds in all its characters with that named Huile. brum," and described as the best variety in the masterly treatise of Dr. de Jongli." It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that this descrip- tion of Oil has great therapeutical power; and, from my inves- tigations, I have no doubt of its being a pure and unadulterated rticle R. D. EDGECUMBE, Esq., M.R.C.S., Surgeo to the Royal Dispensary, Pimlico, &c &c. "I have used Dr. de Jongh's Oil in my own family with Harked success, and believe it to be in its effect superior to every ether preparation. I am desirous of introducing it into the Roya Dispensary, Pimlico, of which I am one of the surgeons. Sold ONLY in IMPERIAL Half pints, 2s. 6d.; Pints, 4s. 9d.) Quarts, 9s capsuled, and labelled with Dr. De JONGH'S stamp d signature, WITHOUT WHICH NONE CAN POSSIBLY BE GENUINE hones Chemists. SOLE CONSIGNEES, HARFORD, & Co., 77, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. SOLE AGENT AT NEWPORT, MR. T. J JONES, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, IIIGII-STREET o4 EDUCTION OF THE WINE & SPIRIT DUTIES EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY. No. 122, PALL MALL, LONDON. The Promoters of the above Company beg to announce to the Nobility, Gentry. and Private families, that they have reduced their Tariff of Prices, and now offer their Patrons the full benefit of the new enactment. SOUTH AFRICAN SHERRY.20s. & 24a. per doz SOUTH AFRICAN PORT.20s. & 24s. The fiiieet ever introduced into this country. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY 27s. '(The standard of excellence). SPARKLING EPERNAYCHAMPAGNE.34s. Equal to that usually charged (iOs. per doz. SPLENDID OLD PORT (10 years in the wood) 37s. ST. JULIEN CLARET (pure & without acidity)24s. PALE COGNAC BRANDY 44s. & 52s. BOTTLES AND PACKAGES INCLUDED. Six Dozen delivered free to any Railway Station in England or Wales. Terms cash. Country orders to be aocompanied with a remittance. PRICK LIST BENT FREE ON APPLICATION. WILLIAM REID TIPPING, Manager. Sole Agent for Newport, Mr. THOMAS WALL, 20 Dock-street, Newport. [341 DECAYED TEETH & TOOTH ACHE. Pa'ronised by her Majesty the Queen, and bis Royal Highness the Prince Consort. HOWARD'S WHITE ENAMEL, for filling decayed Teeth, however large the cavities, without pain, heat, or pressure in a short time it hardens into a white enamel and will remain fixed in the tooth for many years, render- ing the painful operation of extraction unnecessary, and arrests all further progress of decay, lhis valuable En- amel is in a soft state, so that it cannot gi ve the least pain, and may be used by any person with the greatest ease, and has the remarkable property of immediately becoming hard and sound as the Tooth itself, excluding the air and food from the nerve. It is superior to anything that has been used before, and will succeed when Hit other remedies bave faiied.- Sold by all respectable medicine vendors. -Full directions for use are enclosed with each Frice One Shilling, L^29 J} K A per Annum ADDITION TO \J INCOME.—Any respectable Tradesman or other person having a Shop or Parlour in the principal of the town in which he resides, such town being in "his district, may rea.ize this Addition to his Income by "svoting two hours upon three eveniugs per week, to a Matter of a very light easy character. t:> None need apply who cannot give satisfactory references as to his past character and present position.— Direct, '*Ith full name and address, to C. E., at Mr. EVANS', 41 Symoas'. inn, Chancery-lane, London. [370 guUlmscs. HE ONLY ABERTHAW LIME in Mon- mouthshire may be obtained of JOHN EVANS. LIME BURNER, Pillgwenlly, Newport, at the possible terms. t U DIES' B~RAN CH LIBRARY, At MISS HORNE'S BERLIN REPOSITORY, 63, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT. Convenient OFFICER to he LET. f241 H- P. BOLT, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE, HAS FOR SALE a large assortment of GLAZED STONE-WARE DRAIN PIPES of the Best Staffordshire Clay, varying from 3 inches up to 18 inches with all requisite Junctions, Bends, and Syphons. Also', a fi»e assortment of TERRA COTTA GOODS, fi for ornamenting Pleasure Grounds, &c. [16 USE ROBY'S celebrated WARWICKSHIRE SAUCE. ESTABLISHED 1S27. ROBY AND CO., PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN, ROYAL LEAMINGTON SPA. Sold by all ItaHan Warehousemen, Grocers, Fisnmongers, &c lI35 CUCOA AND CHOCOLACE. rpAYLOR BROTHERS, LONDON, from 1. their position as the largest Manufacturers of Cocoa in Europe, are enabled to supply all kinds of Cocoas and Chocolates on the best terms. Taylor Brothers' Patent Lentilized Cocoa Is pronounced by Professor Letfiebv ami Dr. Hassall to be superior in nutritious element to all others; see their Reports printed on the Labels of lJ.lC]¡ Canister. Prioe is 6d. per Ib. Also a good quality, adapted for the work- ing classes, Is. per lb. o Taylor Lrotturs Homoeopathic Uocoa Stands unequalled as an article of Diet for Homoeopathic Patients. Sold in 'lin Foil Packets, at Is. 4 I. per lb. Taylor Brothers" Soluble t.ocoa (Ihxajon Packet), Pearl Cocoa, and Soluble (lucolate, Are articles easy of Solution, and being very moderate in Price are well adapted for economical housekeepers. Sold by all Grocers and Tea Dealers. [104 MR. PAR S ON, OURGEON DENTIST, of 17, Orchard- otroot College Green, Bristol, respectfully acquaints the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of New- port and Vicinities, that he may be consulted in the various branches of his profession at the KING'S HEAD HOTEL, Newport, the second W ednesday m each month and at 2, CASTLE-STREET, Cardiff, the following TTermsf which are extremely moderate, may be known ".Sffr ■S",Tw' l"t I .'in I- APRIL. J Cardiff, Thursday, 12TIL, Y TL"5; (25 MR. GRAHAM YOUNG, SURGEON DENTIST, of No. 7, PARK- S STREET, BRISTOL, attends periodically (as for the last 12 years) at NEWR RT, the first WEDNESDAY and at CARDIFF, the following THURSDAY in every Month, when he may be consulted on all cases relating to his Profession. Mr. YOUNG'S next visit will occur as follows :— NEWPORT-At Mr. Wansbrough's, No. 4, Commercial street—Wednesday, May 2nd. CARDIFF—Mr. ferrott's, Tailor, 1'0. 2, Duke-street. —Thursday, May 2nd. [7 MR. R. N. OSBORNE, SURGEON DEXT1S7\ OF No 17, DOCK STREET, NEWPORT, BEGS to inform his patients and the public of Newport and its neighbourhood that he is pre- pared to insert ARTIFICIAL TKHTH mounted iu the VULCANIZED RUBBER BASE, a substitute for gold or other metals. By this much improved method, greater comfort, cleanliness, and utility, are ensured; the adaptation to the gums and palate being perfect. SPECIMENS FOR INSPECTION. [11 DONALD DUNCAN'ij CELEBRATED PURE SCOTCH MALT WHISKIES. In ronseauence of tho increased demand in England for the., Wl,i.ki.»■ 1IONALI) DUNCAN OPENED an ESTABLISHMEN 1 at 5, BURLEIGH- S^0EYaLSBALM0RAl'WHISKY, « wry mild » muck-admired and delicious spirit, 18s per gallon. DONAL1 > DUNCAN'S CELEBRATED REGISTERED D.D. WHISKY, CELEBRATED REGISTERED D.D. WHISKY, Of extraordinary quality and age, as supplied to many thousands of private families, to the principal clubs, hotels, he.. &c in Scotland and England, 20s. per gallon. Two gallons, and upwards, of either of the above sent to any part, or Sample forwarded, for twelve postage stamps. Terms. Cash. Orders from the country must contain a Post-Office Order.. „ •5, BURLEIGH-STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. [46 RUPTURES. BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTEUS PATENT. HUXLEY'S IMPROVED PATENT MOC. MAIN TRUSS. IEUFECTED BY THE IXVENTOR AND PATENTEE Oi THE ORIGINAL MOC-MAIN LEVER TReSS, KNOWN AS EVANs' PATENT, DATED 1841. HPHE RESULT of this Improvement is to ± DISPENSE ENTIRELY with the METALLIC LEVER SPKING, and, by a combinalion of beautifully elastic material, insure Comfort, Security, and Durability, at a little more than one-third the cost of the Original Truss. Measure required: circumference-two inches belo the Hips. Price of Single Truss, 12s. Postage lOd Double Truss, 18s. Postage, Is. 4d. ,.11 Post Office Orders payable at Old Cavendish-street Post Office," to Edward Huxley, 12, Old Cavendish- street, Oxford-street, W.. i Manufacturer of The Elastic Spiral Surgical Belt and Air Pad," for Hernia, Pregnancy, Obesity, &c. [45 LEA & PERKINS CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. i EXTRACT of a LETTER from a MEDICAL GENTLEMAN at Madras to his Brother at I VORCESTER, May, 1S61- 1 "Tell LEA & PERRINS I hat their SAUCE is highly J steemed in India, and is, a ii my opinion, the most jl lala'able as iv'ell as the I nost wholesome Sauce that |is made." The success of this most delicious .ind unrivalled condiment ine success o ,ir>T-»riiieiDled dealers to app y the name to haying mcjpled de farnestly Spunous Lomi name9 0f Lfa & PERKINS are upon ^WKAPPER. LABEL, STOPPER. AND BOTI'LE. Aianufactured by LXA & PERRINS, Worcester. <5old bv CROS«E & BIACKWELL, London; and all respectable Druggists, Grocers, and Italian Warehousemen throughout the World. 101 HENRI'S HORSE AND CATTLE FEED. HENRI'S PATENT CATTLE FEED » the most perfect preparation of the day for HORSES, COWS, CALVES, or SHEEP, as hundreds of Testimonials certify. Price 42s. per cwt. HENRI'S PIG MEAL, 24s. per cwt. HENRI'S PATENT MEDICATED HORSE FEED, administered nightly, will quickly restore Horses that are sick or off their feed, into splendid and healthy condition, without interfering with their daily work. In stables where this is used, swollen lags, cracked heels, or surfeit Boxes, containing 56 Feeds, 12s. HENRI'S FEED is the only one patented (185o), and is sold, with a Guaranteed ANALYSIS, bv HENRI S PATEN CATTLE Iked COMPANY, Steam Mills, Hull, the so manufacturers, to whom or their duly appointed Agent orders must be given, and Post Office Orders mad payable. LONDON DEPOT, 40, KING WILLIAM STREET. NEWPORT Lloyd and Barfoct. Chepstow .Philip Fisher. Brecon .Edward Webb, Corn Miller. J Pontypool Davies & Edwards, Ironmonger '1 &< LONDON HfcTlJ SE, NEWPORT, APRIL 4TH, 1860. BENJAMIN EVANS BEGS to inform his Customers that he has completed his purchased for the SPRING, and will be prepared on MONDAY NEXT, the 9th of APRIL, with a very choice aasortment of NOVELTIES in LONDON and PARIS Manufacture consisting of SILKS, FRENCH, and ENGLISH MANTLES, SHAWLS, FANCY DRESSES, PARASOLS, LACE, RIBBONS, GLOVES, and FANCY GOODS. B. E. would respectfully dir«ct attention to the MILLINERY, BONNETS, and MANTLE DEPARTMENTS, every effort having been made to secure all the leading styles. P S.—TWO EXPERIENCED YOUNG MEN WANTED. [423 JONES'S GROCERY AND PROVISION WAREHOUSE, 52, HIGH. STREET, NEWPORT, (NEARLY OPPOSITE THE OLD MASONIC IT A L L.) J J., having taken the above Premises, is determined to devote his best attention and energy to satisfy the requirements of all those who may favour hiua with their patronage, and by supplying every article of the very BEST QUALITY, at the Lowest remunerative Prices, he hopes to secure a large portion of the Public Support, for it cannot be too strongly impressed on the public mind that PRICE, irrespective of QUALITY, is no criterion of CHEAPNESS. J, J. desires particularly to call attention to Families, Hotel Keepers, and all large Consumers, to his Large and Well-Selected STOCK OF TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SPICES, &c and also in the Provision Depart- ment—Fine Old CHEESE, BACON, HAMS, &c. AGENT FOR CROSSE AND BLACKWELL'S PICKLES, SAUCES, JELLY, POTTED MEATS, MARMALADES, &c. AGENT FOR HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S CELEBRATED READING BISCUITS, &c. BRITISH WINES, &c. [320 DENTAL SURGERY. General Notice to Messrs. Mossly's Patients, and those who may I wish to consult them. TITESSRS. MOSELY, SURGEON-DENTISTS, of 30, BEKSKR'S-STREET, OXFORD-STREET, London 1.YJL have the honor to announce that they will, for the future, devote one week in each month to their practice in the Principality, and by which means they hope to meet the convenience of their patients, and so prevent the necessity of their applying elsewhere during their absence. Their days of attendance for APRIL will be on MONDAY, the 16th, GEORGE HOTEL, Chepstow on TUESDAY, the 17th. at .Mr. WILLIAMS', saddler, next door to the ANGEL HOTEL, Abergavenny; on WEDNESDAY, the 18Lh, KING'S HEAD HOTEL, Newport; on THURSDAY, the 19th, CARDIFF ARMS, Cardiff; and on THURSDAY, the 26th, at Mr. J. POWELL'S, plumber, Monnow-street, Monmourh. Private apartments at all the Hotels. Attendance from Ten to Five. Single teeth, from 5s. Sets, from £ 5. Stopping decayed teeth. 2s. 6d. Messrs. MOSELY bes» to°call the attention of their pa'ients, and those who may wish to consult them, that they can now supply Artificial Teeth, with GUTTA PERCHA GUMS or LININGS, whereby a'l pressure upon the remainin" teeth is avoided, and entirely superseding the use of wires or ligatures of any description. They are also the Patentees and Inventors of the new GCJM-COLOURED COMPOSITION, which is added to the Teeth, and prevents the lodgment of the food, and which also restores that youthful contour of countenance, so necessary in the adaptation of Artificial Teeth. Specimens of these beautiful and useful inventions may be seen, and every information given, free of expense. Every other description of Artificial Teeth, from one to a complete set, at half the usualprices. Stopping Decayed Teeth, Scaling, Children s Teeth attended, and every operation pertaining to Dental Surgery. [13 WR. MATTHEWS and CO., TEA and COFFEE MERCHANTS, 19, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. BONDED AND FREE STORES FOR SHIPS. 11 EVANS BROTHERS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, EMLYN FOUNDRY. LOWER-CROSS STREET, NEWPORT, MON. Castings of every description, not exceeding Five Tons each, made to Pattern or to Drawings. Particular at- tention paid to the Brass Line. BRASS MELTED DAILY. [344 BATCHELOR'S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIM E. 50, MARK-LANE, LONDON, NLAROH, 1860. THE high character attained by this Manure, with the numerous Prizes and Testimonials which have been awarded to it. during the FOURTEEN YEARS it has been used, prove its superiority, and war- rant its recommendation as the best Manure for Turnips, Mangolds, &c., ever introduced. Being manufactured entirely of Bone Materials, reduced to the finest state of division, by the help of the most per- fect Steam Machinery, the Acid, also, being made on the premises, and used hot from the chambers, the very highest results as to quality are obtained, at the lowest cost; in proof of which I need only direct attention to the Analysis, being the average of three, made from the bulk, now ready for delivery. In combination with ammoniacal materials, such as Sulphate of Ammonia, Nitrate of Soda, or Dried Blood, it will be found most effective for top drossings, either for Grasses or Grain Crops, producing a greater weight per a-jre than Peruvian Guano. The quantity required per acre for roots is about 3 to 4 cwt., to be drilled in with the seeds, and for top dressing 14 cwt., with ii owt. of Ammonia, in any convenient form. AVERAGE OF THREE ANALYSES OF BATCHE- LOR'S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. Bi-pbosphate of Lime 15 86, equal to Neutral ) Soluble Phosphate of Lime 24-72 Insoluble Phosphate of Lime 8-98 Total Phosphate of Lime. 33-70 BATCHELOR'S PHOSPHO-BLOOD MANURE. This will be found 10 be of the greatest value as a manure for Turnips or Mangold Wurzel in cold soils, and will be generally more certain for the lattei bulb than Superphosphate of Lime, as it contains nearly 3 per cent. of Ammonia, in addition to 25 per cent. of Phosphate Of Lime, 18 per cent. to 20 per cent. of which is soluble. It is most carefully prepared, the Blood being dry and highly concentrated, and the Bone Material in the finest state of division. It is also extremely valuable as a top dressing for grasses, and some grain crops, such as Barley and Oats, and, with some additional Ammonia, will form the best Manure for Wheat, producing heavier crops than Peruvian Guano. TERMS. Superphosphate .per ton, R6 10s. four months bill Phospho-blood Manure ditto £ 7 10s. ditto Five per Cent. Discount for Cash. AGENT FOR MONMOUTHSHIRE MR. SYDNEY TUDOR EVANS, Stores, in the Castle Tower, Newport. Office, 15, HIGH-STREET, Newport. [363 ESTABLISHED 1812. MESSRS. PROCTOR are now prepared to take Orders for their special MANURES for 1860, which they unhesitatingly slate are of a superior quality and charged at the lowest possible prices, viz :— TURNIP MANURE, WHEAT do., POTATO do,. GRASS do., BARLEY do., CLOVER do., OAT do., BEAN do. Also PERUVIAN GUANO, BONE DUST, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, &c., &c., All of which are warranted of the best quality, H. & T. PROCTOR, AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL. [54 OBINSON'S PREPARED BONE should be applied to GRASS LAND in the autumn or early the spring months. It materially increases the Crop, and permanently improves tho Her- bage, when used in proper quantities. ROBINSON'S WHEAT MANURE should be used at seed time, or as a top dressing early in spring. It produces luxuriance without rankness, strengthens the straw, and is conducive to an early maturing of the crop. SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, BONE DUST, PERUVIAN GUANO, NITRATE OF SODA, and other manures, not simply genuine, but of superior quality. Apply to J- and T. ROBINSON, Docks, Gloucester; at their works, St. Philips, Marsh, Bristol; or to their Agents. ASSISTED EMIGRATION TO NEW ZEALAND. rpHE Sailing of the "WILLIAM dW&KS. JL MILES" from Bristol having been POSTPONED till the oth MAT, the Provincial Government of Canterbury are able to offer PA to 1. few additional FAIIM LAB JDREBS d.urou.^t Emigrating young married couples are preier • Government pays part of the passage moneyi' money, sum paid by the Emigrant. Half the therefore, is sufficient, except in ,Jbe ^a £ migrant cannot for whom the charge is &10. If ? t JJJ a(jvance pay half the passage money, the Governnaen t the balance as a loan upon the promise of repayme thThe°waJes are stated to have been as follows at the end ine wages a Labourers, 6s. a day skilled hands, 8s carpenters, from 8s. to 10s farm labourers, from fis' to 8s • shepherds, from £ 45 to £ 60 a year, and rations female servants, £ 20 to £30. Applications must be made to JAMES EDWARD FITZGERALD, Esq Canter- bury Emigration Office, 32, Charing Cross, London, or to Melin. J. N.KNAPP and Co., Newport, and S. D. JENKINS and Co., Cardiff. [340 MR THOMAS W I L L I A M S, HERBALIST, YINE COTTAGE, 182, COMMERCIAL ROAD, NEWPORT, MON. [2 NOTICE. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. USE the RISCA COMPANY'S CELEBRATED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, MADE FROM BONE, L Warranted to contain 30 per tent, of Phosphate. MANUFACTURED AT THE RISCA CHEMICAL WORKS, NEAR NEWPORT. MONMONTHSMBU, PRIDE Y,7 PER Toy, SUPERPHOSPHATE of LIME can be purchased at almost auy pricA, its value entirely depending upon the quality of the article used, and the skill exercised in its preparation. At the above Works, the greatest care has been taken to produce an article combining the largest quantity of fer- tilizing properties at the lowest cost, and from the number of testimonials that the trial of it has elicited, the Pro- prietor is highly satisfied with the result. ANALYSIS ofla SAMPLE of SUPERPHOSPHATE of LIME, received from Mr. DAVID MORRIS, Risca Works, by Professor WAY. 15, Wei beck-street, London, W., Feb. 25. 1859. Moisture. 600 Organic matter* combined with water, salts of am- monia, he 9'4() Sand. 8'-LJ BI-PHOSPHATE OF LIME 1/ 62 EQUAL TO NEUTRAL SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE 27 50 INSOLUBLE PHOSPHATE OF LIME. 5-72 Anhydrous sulphate of lime 52'67 Alkaline sulphates and muriates 0-48 100 00 Soluble phosphate, 17'62, equal to 27'50 Insoluble. 572 33-22 Containing nitrogen. 0'37 Equal to ammonia 0*46" N.B.- The above excellent MANURE can be had on application to the Agent, Mr. HENRY VENNOR, Auc- tioneer, 4, Llanarth-stroet, Newport, Monmouthshire. [389 TO NERVOUS AND RHEUMATIC SUFFERER "PlO OOO DAMAGES.—This heavy sum 1 was awarded to the Inventor of the Electro Chains, on the 16'h January, 1855, by the Iligh Courts of Paris, and by those of the English, on the 30th November, 18-56. The Person condemned was Mr. C. MEINIG, (ex agent,) on the plea of defraud, and for in- fringing the inventor's rights. Let Counterfeiters be- ware. Only J. L. PULVEitNikCHEit'Sfac-siniile is on each Genuine Chain. PULVERMACHER'? PATENT MEDICAL ELEC TRO-GALVANIC CHAINS, For personal iise-a safe, certain, and speedy remedy:for Rheumatic, Nervous, and Functional Diseases, They weigh but 2 ozs., and are intendpd to be worn on the alfected parts of the body. On the first application (in fact, in an instant) the syst< m becomes light and in- vigorated, and Head, Ear, and Tooth-ache, and all acute Pains, vanish in an extraordinary manner also, in a few hours, and at most in a few days, the worst cases of Hheumatism, Gout, Lumbago. Sciatica, Neuralgia, Ner- vous Deafness, Indigestion, Liver and Female Com- plaints, Constipation, Spasms, Epilepsy, Paralysis, and many other Chronic Diseases, are totally eradicated. Thousands of testimonials of cures, both from private persons and medical practitioners in every part of the world, confirm these tacts. In the "Lite" of that, re- markable Divine, Ur. Kitto, it says.—"The instant I applied a small Pulvermacher's Chain I felt a pleasant electric current pass through my system, and imme- diately my pains left me." He w"s the greatest sufferer ever known, especially from Deafness, Paralysis, and Rheumatism. Adopted by the Acudemie de tiediciiip, Paris, and/rewarded at the Great Exhibition, 1855. Deemed worthy of the first position in the works and writings of those great Philosophers and eminen Khy sicians, Sir C. Loc>ck, Bart., Physician to Her Majesty, Golding Hird, Pereira, Latimer, Duchenne, Becquere r Pouillet, Delarive, Oppolzer, "nd maI-lyothers These Chains, as the Lancet and other medical journals states must at once convince every person 01 their extraor- dinary curative powers who will give them one moment's trial. Price 58., 10s. 6d.,—the l;3s., 18s., and 22s. most useful. J. L. PULVBKMACHGK and Co., Î;), Oxford- treet, adjoining the Princess's Theatre, London; E. J. Phillips, High-street, Newport., 117 LAVERTON & CO's II NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST: WITH 200 ENGRAVINGS of ALL REQUISITE ARTICLES for COMPLETELY FURNISHING THE COTTAGE OR MANSION, SENT FREE BY POST. LAVERTON & CO. FURNISHERS ft CABINET MA&jSfiB, I YPORT STREET, BRISTOL. [A CARD ] MR. J. A N D E R S O N, SURGEON-PHI ROPODIST, AT MP,. BUT AS S, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT, OPPOSITE THE STAR OF GWENT" OFFICE. SEE ADVERTISEMENT. [321 CORNS! CORNS! CORNS! NEWPORT NOTICE. MOST POSITIVEL Y TERMIXA TES on TVESDA Y, thea 17th instat Five p.m. In order to meet the wishes of the many Ladies and Gentlemen whom Mr. Anderson could not wait upon during the past week, and other Lidies and Gentlemen who may require Mr. A.'s services, he begs most respect- fully to state that he may The consulted till TUESDAY, April 17th, at FIVB p.m At Mr. BRIAN'S, Tailor and Draper, 174, COMMERCIAL STREET, (Opposite the STAR OF GWENT Office,) Newport. PONTYPOOL NOTICE. AT the request of many of the Inhabitants of PONTYPOOL and Neighbourhood, Mr. ANDERSON announces that he will visit that town for THKEE announces that he will visit that town for THHEE DAYS ONLY, namely, WEDNESDAY, April 18th, THURSDAY, April 19th, and FRIDAY. April 20th. Full particulars will be !:i;VHI1 in next week's Paper. TENDER FEET.—CORNS, B'TNIONS^ALLOSITIES, and DEFECTIVE TOE-N.\IL">. Extracted in Two Minutes, on a new system, without cutting or causing the least pain. Persons imy witness the removal of their own corns Wi ich is done partly by a chemical process, causing the Corn to be removed almost instantaneously from the foot. Mr ANDERSON be^s to state that he removes Defective or In-growing of the Great Toe Nails, without giving the least pain. OBSERVE!—AT HOME FROM 11 TO 5 P.M. Terms—5s. each Corn. Ladies an,1 Gentlemen attended at their own homes from Eight till Ten a.m., without extra charge. Testimonials of many other Ladies and Gmtlemen, which are not advertised, may be stlen on application. Mr. ANDERSON respectfully solicits attention to the following Testimonials:- NEWPOUT TESTIMONIALS. From W. W. MORGAN, Esq M.R.C.S.L., and L.S.A. "March 20th, 1860. "I have much pleasure in stating that Mr. Anderson has removed several corns from my feet entirely to my satisf tction. W. W. MoKGAN" From TOM LL. BREWER, Esq., Dan-y-Graig, Christchurch, Newport, Mon. "March 22nd, 1860. I have pleasure in certifying that Mr. Anderson hal, with considerable dexterity, extracted several corns that have for years past given me much pain. TOM LL. BREWER." From the Rev. F. B. LEONARD. "Brook Honse, near Newport, "March 27, 1860. "I have much pleasure in certifying that Mr. Ander- son has extracted several very painful corns from Mrs. Leonard's feet in a very skilful manner, thereby giving her the greatest possible relief. "F. B. LKONABD." From Mr. THOMAS RODERICK, Chemist. Pontypool, April 3, 1860. I have great pleasure in certifying that Mr. Anderson has extracted several soft and hard corns, also a bunion, wilhOUt> giving IDC the leant pRin, ond. iu A T«rj Citisfoo tory manner. "THOMAS RODERICK." From Mr. F. PHILLIPS, Newport, Mon. 3rd April, 1860. "Mr. Anderson has removed several very painful bard and soft corns for ine, without causing any pain. "F. PHILLIPS." From L. W. YORATH, Esq., M R.C.S, England. "Newport, March 2, 1860. "Mr. Anderson has removed two corns for me without giving me the least pain. II L. W. YORATH." P.S.-One of the corns had suppurated L. W. Y. From J. HAWKINB, Esq., F.R C.S.L. "Newport, March, 1860. "Mr. Anderson removed two painful corns from the soles of my feet without giving me the slightest pain.* "J. HAWKINS." From JAMES CHRISTIE, Esq., M.D. "Newport, March 6th, 1860. Mr. Anderson has extracted several corns for me without causing the slightest pain. "JAMES CHRISTIE" Reference is kindly permitted to W- H. Brewer, Esq., Coroner; W. James, Esq., Surgeon, Commercial-road; R. P. Edwards, Esq., Surgeon, Stow-hill. From Mr. T. B. GARRETT, Chemist. "Newport, March, 1860. "Mr. Anderson has removed one deep-seated corn from my foot without any pain. T. B. GARRETT." From Mr. THOMAS J. JONES, Pharmaceutical Chemist, High-street, Newport. Mr. Anderson has removed several deep-apated corns from my feet, and without pain or inconvenience. "THOMAS J. JONES." From Mr. W. C. SAUNDERS, 9, Clifton-place, Newport, Mon. Mr. Anderson has very satisfactorily, and without the least pain, removed some very bad corns and bunions from mv feet. W. C. SAUNDERS." From Mr. THOMAS W. NICHOLAS, Timber Merchant. "Newport, March 27, 1860. I have much pleasure in certifying that Mr. Ander- son has removed, without the slightest pain, two soft corns from my foot. THos. W. NICHOLAS." From HENRY JEFFS, Dos Works. "Newport, March 29, 1860. Mr. Anderson has removed, to my satisfaction, and without causing the least pain, a very troublesome soft corn of long standing. HENRY J KFFS." From Mr. AUGUSTUS CATHOABT, Newport. "March 7th, 1860. "Mr. Anderson has extracted two painful corns for me without causing the slightest pain. "AUGUSTUS CATHOART." From Mr. J. H. DAVIS, York-place, Stow-hill, Newport March 7th, 1860. Mr Anderson has removed several painful corns with- out causing me tho slightest pain. J. H. DAVIS." From Mr. J. SIMPSON, draper, &c., 40, Commercial- street, Newport. After suffering f.>r twenty years very severely from corns, I was induced to apply to Mr. Anderson to operate upon them, and I beg to say he has done so to my satisfac- tion. J. SIMPSON-" From Mr. ROBERT WILLIAMS, draper, &c., 40, Com- mercial-street, Newport. "MMch 22nd, 1860. Mr. Andel son has taken three corns from my feet, without the least pain. ROBERT WILLIAMS." From Mr. ROBERT GETHING, Harbour-master, Newport. Mr. Anderson skilfully removed some corns from my feet in a very satisfactory manner. ROBERT GETHING." From Mr. JOHN SEYS, farmer, Bassalleg. Mr. Anderson has, without pain, removed a very painful corn of long standing from my foot. JOHN SEYS." CALTDIFF TESTIMONIALS- From C R. VACHELL, Esq., M.D.. Charles-street. Cardiff, 24th Nov., 1859. I feel much pleasure in testifying, from personal ex- perience, to the skill with which Mr. Anderson practises his profession of Chiropodist. C. R. VACHELL, M.D." From S. D. JENKINS, Esq., U S-. Vice-Consul. Cardiff, Dec. 2, 1859. I have much pleasure in stating that Mr. Anderson, without giving any pain, has effectually corrected a chronic ingrowing of the great toe nails, which had been a source of vast annoyance to me, and has also removed some painful corns "S.D.JENKINS." From W. T. EDWARDS, E<q M.D. „ Cardiff, Nov. 15th, 1850. Mr. Anderson has removed a com for me this morn- ing, with very great skill, and without the sligbtst pain I have much pleasure in recommending him to any one who may suffer fiom such mcouvenience. -0 T T T "W. T. EDWARDS." From JAMES J. BUIST, Esq., M.D., House Surgeon, Cardiff Infirmary. ,tT .j. Cardiff, Nov. 1G, 1859. L certify that Mr. Anderson has very effectually, and without pain, removed for me two troublesome corns. J. J. BUIST." Reference is kindly permitted to H. J. Paine, Esq., Ciockherbtown Dr. Taylor, Charles-street; Alfred Wall, Esq., surgeon, Powell-place, Docks. From S. WALLACE, Esq., M.D. It Cardiff, Nov. 17, 1859. "I have much pleasure and satisfaction in being able to bear testimony to the skill and painlessness of the ope- ration that Mr. Anderson, performed upon my feet this morning, and have every confidence in recommending my friend* who suffer to consult Mr. A. without delay. "S. WALLACB." OBSBBVJI-No. 174, COXXIBCIAL-STBUT. [316 H. JAMES, M AGI!^A?TTSER of the Impmvcd White ■ C*L.nzed STOA.L "\VARR T T>O • Glazed STONE and RED WARE SF\VFr*ci? tnd LAND DRAIN PIPES, BRICKS', TILES 1c COURT-Y-BELLA STEAM POTTERY WOlms Newport, Mon. [21 TO GAS CONSUMERS. GRODGERS, the Sole Agent for JUD- *> • PATE^ OAS REGULATOR, ha. arrived in Cardiff, and begs to lay before the inhabitants the names of a few gentlemen in the town who have the Regulator in use, and have given Testimonials to the effect that a saving has been obtained of upwards of 30 per cent. in the consumption of their gas and have kindly permitted their names to be made use of. Prospectuses can be had at 67, Loudon-square. Cardiff, where all information can be obtained, and at Mr. W. NIBLETTS, 9, CHARLES-STREKT, .NEWPORT, who has been appointed sole Agent for Newport and some thou- sands of testimonials from various towns in the kingdom can be seen. Annexed are a few of the many gentlemen who have given testimonials Messrs. Glass, Elliot, and Co., Wire Works, West Bate Docks:— Mrs. Woods, Cardiff Arms, Cardiff. Mrs. Nicholas, Queen's Hotel, Cardiff. Mr. Cousins, Angel Hotel Cardiff. Mr. Winstone, George Hotel, Cardiff. Mr. Twigs?, Hastings' Hotel, Cardiff, Mr. Armstrong, Angel-street. Mr. Jaequier, Angel-street. Mr. Lacoder, Ange1-street. [399 1 DEPOSIT, ASSURANCE, k IHSt OUNT D BANK..—FI\ E PER CliN I on ii: « for fixed periods, or at seven days' notice, or Three per Cent, at Call. (i. H. LA W, Manager Offices, 5, Cannon-street, West, h.C. [67 rf~ jy ERSEY LINE of AUSTRALIAN 111 PACKETS, sailing fiom LIVERPOOL TO MELBOURNE, On the 25th of each month. Passengers conveyed by Steamer at Through Rates to all par's of Australia, &c. Ship. Commander. T, To Sail. r Register. Burthen. Persian Allen 1069 2500.25th Feb. 1860 New Ship .Salt .1150.3000.25th Mar.,1860- The magnificent Clipper PERSIAN* (A 1 at Lloyd's for Seven Years, 2500 Tons Burthen,) is a parte! of 25th February. Now on her third voyage, is a sisWr ship to the Statelie" and one of the fastest and finest vessels now on the berth. Hns splendid accommodations in the Poop, for Chief and Second Cabin passengers. Loading East Side Prince's Dock. For terms of Freight or Passage, apply to EDMUND THOMPSON & CO., 20. Water-street, Liverno. 1; 01 to G. W. JONES & CO., Ship Brokers. Newport; JAMES GAWN, Aucioneer, Aberdare; TITUS JONES Auc- tioneer, Merthyr; JENKINS and REES, 16^ Somerset place, Swansea; or to R. Vvr. PARRY, Ship Broker Cardiff. [35 the time the Analytical Sanitary Com- mission uas in Session, the only Gr, en Tea at Chiva,ri>u fh which they found free fiom Ih, fflSW usual hlui-h pow iered colours was at tained, by litem, from Horniman and Co's Tmports at A' 'jt.' t,7,'tun,:jit-'f/r/r/ (page 319J, pub- lished by Longmans. -11-11- "Always Good alike" HORNIMAN's PURE TEA the Leaf not covered with color. -}/ 11- _CTRONG RICH FULL- & -—V *•/ O FLAYOUIVED TEA, "AL 2 if 1* V'' »*' •» .1 it 9"od tl»« early ga ,L therins—is obtained by lioruim* *g~lT~frlrv' ^r £ £ aml Co' havin" u 111 thi< pure B-i'- 'f t-4 M_ tig H ij ff "'<coloured state, for by disallowing BB$ft the usual powdered colour on all jL llfia they import, the Chinese cannot I possibly disguise and pnS. 0ff to IiU'AM IU them any brown withered leaves WOHNI "I: >1 s ithollt certain detection. •s •. 3; ,v »a, WORMWOOD SI., ot, j HASSKI.I. writing "On the Pi i.utt'sclr i *>r,f'r"l Teas of Commerce," re — — ——i marks, "When at the DtX-ks, I obtained Teas from many Cargoes, anil founrl both the Blacks and Greens from Horniman and Co.'s Imports tube perfect')/ genuine and 0" good quality the Greens had none of the blveish facing found on other Teas, they exhibit a dull ulw hue, aud being thus ure are perfectly v:ltoltsome." Exclusively in PACKETS. Sold by AGENTS ONLV, in ever Town. Trice's, 3s. Sd 4s., and 4s. 4d per pound AGENTS IN THIS NEIGHBOURHOOD. ABERDARE.. Jones.—Thomas LONDON-Purssell Corn hill ABERAVON..Evan Kvaus. LVDNEY ..Hathaway ABERGAVENSR Gosden (late MONMOUTH..Farror.— Baker. Hirst).—Watkins, High.st. MERTUYII..Stephens, fligb-s t ABKRSVCHAK Wood, Stamp- NEATH..Hutchins, Ward-street office. XHtVPOKT..JoNKs.5,Hif;h-et. BRISTOL..Ferris, Union-street. Ditto..CUERKY,41, Commercial BRECot.White, High-street. street BRIDGEND.. Leyslion. Ditto .BATTERSIIILL,173, Com BLAKENE¥..Philpott3. mercial-street. CRICKHOWF.I.L..Christopher. PONTYI-OOL and ABERSRCHAJR, COWBRIDOF.Thomas, High-st1 Wood, Stamp Ollice. CARDIFF..Kernick, 23, Duke-st R,.ss..Year>ley.—IVrris. Ditto ..James, Bute-street SWANSEA.. Wilson. Castle sqr CHEPSTOW.. Taylor, St. Mary Ditto.. Harris, Oxforn-stree street Ditto.Glover Castle-street COI.E FORD..Williams.—Hough L'SK..Edward". GLOUCESTEB..Fouracre, Cross. 100 f HENRY POOLEY & SON 20, COMMERCIAL-STREET, MON. fTj PATENTEES, ff AND SOLE MAKERS OF 1jj|, P 0 0 LE Y' S PATENT KZ RAIL AND ROAD \¥ WEIGHBRIDGES, [ WEIGHING MA CHINES, Sc., | ) Suitable for all Commercial, Mining, and | I Manufacturing purposes. TRAM MACHINES! sp..cia\Jy adapted (or COLLIERIES IRON WORKS, Ac- Albion Koun- dry, Liver- pool; 89, Fleet street, London Commercial-street, Newport; Wellington-stree t Gateshead. AGENTS for the SALE of VALVES and BRASS MOUNTINGS, PRESSURE GUAGES, VULCANIZED INDIA RUBBER, &c., &c. 10 C. P. PARKINSON, Manager. ENFIELD 4^^ This is th*. 40^ ONLY STARCH used in HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDRY. < c THIS VIEW IS UPON EACH PACKET. » "WHEN YOU ASK FOR GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, SEE THAT YOU GET np, as inferior kinds are often substituted. WOZHEBSPOON* & Co., Glasgow & London, Sold by aU Grooen. Chandlers, &e. 11