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j t ■J 1 I ,11.. i.l -menlaiy or I'll, ;01, j News, Cardiff. 701 OHORI'HANO (I'i'.man's) EvenniR Lessons.—Pu'iili tausht and Qttalilied for appointments by an experi. enc°d tui or, ur:U!' or by lior,t individual tuition, every soeed clas^e-.—Ap;>ly Prmcip.il. 21, Ue Burgh-street, River. side Cardiff CjPANiSH~(C'-nimarciiti"and conversational) Tauplit bv^7, e^pori-ncvd Synviiwh teacher ciasscs or private lessons. C!;IS,M S re-commence early 10 January.—WritO II. i-5, Kcho OiiiCrf, Cardiff. 65b W ANTKD, Two Goverxiefs-Fupils on mutual term?.— V Apply Sf. Erimundsbury High Sciioo! for Girls "Wfllaeld-road, Cardiff. „ 901 7 West bourne-cresccnt, Cardiff. Miss Hibbs begs to 0 sunoaiicp tint her Danciai; Class will be Resumed on W>dnes.!ay..January 9ih. 113 13 zui.iew voarlv for Board. Laundres*. English. French, Music. SinVinj;, and Dancinj; tomgt, Kover.iess. »isitin" p'i.fp-i-iors, ^vnui., tenm-. Milk tifirn own dairy. Heferent-es. prospective. view ot larce bouse and (trotinda. Separate school for lit,: le boys.—Madame. 3, North-street, Chelrenh.,nl.v- 51 309-. jssctJsss'Ax. r» i Foi >-pa-i. Pharmaceutical Chemist, requires 1*1 Am' put ice or Pupil (outdoor) for the Drug Tr.ulp.- Apply *Z, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 5oQ tOST A<» rOSJRP- T*OUND, on Saturday !a?t. a Fox TemerBiteh. black A ami can h**ad, with leather co-lar.—Apply 25, Green- street, Kivprsiuti. S2 FOUND -B' Owner can have same on giving aesc.iption.—\V rifcs Y. 9SS; Echo." Cardiff. !Jó3 I^OUND, a short tail rthcep Do*.—Apply to T. John, Newton Farm, Rnmney. SS6 FOUND fawn colour Greyhound Bitch, black iauzile.- Apply 19, (jilbert-street, Cadoxtou-barry, If not ilaitn?d iu three days will be old to defray expenses. 85 FOUND, Brown and White Spani'l Dog unless claimed in tb'e» days will be sold to ddray expenses.—Jones, iiutcher, Fleur-de-Lis. &3a POUND, Sable Coliie Puppy. If not claimed within -C three days will be sold.—Apply Dairyman, 31, stoujrh- ton-street, Snltmea¡], 829 I .TOUND. Co!iie Pup, brown and tan. on Thursday. If L unclaimed iu 3 days will be told.—Apply 67, Broadway, Koath. 726 iTHjTJNDT Urinal." TNI:>stiiT. Gwuer can Uavi; Slme ),v defrt'yini' expenses uniess claimed in Wee days will «e sold — 2d, AI >erystwy th-street. 702 T^OUND Sable Collie Doe. If not claimed within" thrtTe r days will he sold to defray expenses.—Apply jr,nc,Si iiuperra Amis, Bossales. OST Saturday aftm-noon. between Claude-road and 175, New port-road, small Brown Leather Purse, con- tainini'goM. Claude-road, Roath. 933 J~'oST.wi-e-bair Fox Terrier BUch. with spot oyer one eve, J damaged left ear also stolen Iri-h Terri«r n0*, wit,h cropped ears, wearing collar with address oIL-Finder will be rewarded by reluroinx same 9, Stuart-st^, Dock»,Cardiff. TOfiT, 011 damiarv 3rd, from Kryn Tafi, Ijlundat)' (op- J posice U i-.vell's School), a Fox xerrier Pup (dos); about six months: black face, with all white body anyone rcturnin same wUl he rewarded^ 826 L-0811. lID December 3!st, z Barry, Sheep Dog. 11;d Kelson, hiack anlll.an WIll reward tinder.-12. ¡\ ¡)cr. thaw-terrace, Barry. 8i3 I OST~ Friday, Colli" Bitch, six months old saol" and J whit".sm:d) white spot 0'1 back; la"ct e"n in Hi;h-street with two 1:"lies. Finder returning same wlll be rewarded. —Blacksmith. Tudor-lane. SOI I OST or Detained, Youn- Black Retriever: mange -ô;, i neck and face: answers to Jack; seen wIth a nmn at the Docks tridev rewarded, detainer prosecuted.—81, Sea View, liower Cniipc. i*'< IOST, October 19lh, betweeu St. Cynon Church and J Travellers'Rest. Aberdare Junction. Parcel, contain' 'ini Family Bible and },nmor0U:; ar(ces -Any peisonre- turniliK same toll. Lloyd.^procer, Ton, will be rewarded. C'i'RAYKD or Stolen. Spaniel Dog. named Bruce O Fmder rewaided detainer prosecuted.—Oxford liotel Cardiff. _J75_ STKAYMD or Stolen, 3 Brown Ducks and 3 White. Any- one giving information will be rewarded —aicre)- E:ist Usk Siiie. Newport. ^ISe Usl. Siiie. Newport. ^ISe S Reward.—Lost, Fox Terrier Pnppv,, Hack <sp-jt on back ans'.vvivs name Spot.—Apply 60, Duvbaiji-voad fv'i-wpoit. BflH EST2<3 SKKVAN'KH. ~~jk~ Respec: able Cirl, about 17 years, as General Servant ■ comf'ii'iahls home to,good girl.—Apply i'4, B^ngoN foad, {loath Park. 96-1 A" good Oer.tf'-al Servant Wanted immediately; able to plain cook wcil. —Mrs Nance, 5, Plasturton-place, oft Ciithedral-roaci, Cardiff. 842 A""too-1 Gt iiersl Servant wanted at once, able to cook and wish.—Apply Sirs Palmer, 99, Con9tella>l:on-street.77B 4 trood Genera! Servant wanted at once: comfortable "home.— Apply Mrs Lew:f, 128, Castla-road. Roath, 618 A liomeTor f ritncllcss liirls and Free Retfistry at. 13 The Parade. CardiH All Kirla needing a friend and ^heiter are welcome. 7-9i; DIsT'"NOAGKD. — Good Cooks, plain Cooks, Kitchen- uiaiili. Parlourmaids, Housemaids, and Generals ladies suited everywhere.—Write for testimonials, Mrs lV>yter. Kfui^t-ry. Gl»uevster. 8-10 I~ ,XPKI! IMNCED Nurse Wanted immediately for three u chihli'fii, four, and three, and to take charse d mouth uld baby in tho daytime miv-t he fond of children, obli¡;in¡:, iiind, and good lH'cdl',l\'oroI1.- Apply, .with full particulars, n.. Kcho OHice. Swansea. C"1 ENH1IAL Servant Wanted, able to wash country girl Jf prefer'ed; ,,ge IS to 20.—Apply 31, Crwys-road. < athays. Cardiff. SJ1 S i ENJ^BA,L Servants wanted immediately, 16 to 18 years. Bank House, 312, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 787 X Mrs Davies.^07. Castlo-road, Carchff. 743 ï:ŒJ.¡ ¡.; I: A J J'r"¡¡v.nt-App]yGP rice-t;t. U' Newport, Sion. 382e ("iSNEKAT, Servant wanted immediately: are about 20. y j—Appl.v'j_r: lorr¡ot. 2, Gtaigwen-place, Pontypridd. G~~ Ooi> General Servant, as Nui^-j^rlourmaTdT another [ kept; iioctors house must lie cltan, respectable; good references. Write W. V* l''cho OUiee. Newport. /1 OOf, P'ain Cook for small family; early riser hcuse- \jC parlourir.nid kept.— t;ro:ime, Stow Park, Newport.379e ^OOD Cenern! wanted, wagi-s £ !2 also respectable Gir about lp years orphan would have comfortable home. 59-5 "fC" K<" U hoiue lo hpnesw, industrious Girl: three il rauuly washing mcderate salary srate Cardiff. 9lC "1 h-pSi-5try, Cranbrook-stroet, Kichmond-roid, .1 A Oaf"1' j*unteut Servants for Cardiff and district. housekeepers, tiurse^iri, pa^'e. Stamped 80S Jj good i U'irse p.nd housemaid kept. —Appiy Mrs Frcke, 20, Kichniond-roa.^ 694 Wanted.—Anply 14, Bichmond-tor- race, *-ifA-pUcc, Cardiff. 892 HSPKCTA13LE Girl wanTed7about 14 to 15Tsl^T)Ut. —Api'ly personalxy^Bangor-strcft, Koath, Cardiff. Rj2SFkCTABl,K General Servant: good referer.cf.— ^Apply 10,_ Ciytha-square, Newport. 410* £ AKLVy General Servant wanted, about 18: i> must have ^ood references and be fond of children.— .Apply cvcninp, 47, Albany-i oad. 78t STKONGI General wanted for small family jrood home to M suit^wl^ one Chris..ian nreierred.—Apply lirst, 30, Ilisrh-sircct Arcade, Cardiff. 375 WA^TKl*. good General Servant; xnunt be foud of children.—Apply «-. ^ards-tfcrrace, Cardiff. i>.7ANTKl>. lespecUble, c.ean Girl to help in housework Vt age between i4 and l^1. Apply jvirg ju, Jones, Three Salmons, Basaaley, "27c "aNXKD, respectable General ServantTableto wash T and Iron; three in family nurse kept wag! £12; Billet have good references.—Edwin Llewelyn, 10. The Parade. Barry. 426e 'I'tTANTl'J' a'|°''ce, a good General Servant able to do » T plain cookmpr.—Ajiply personally to Mrs Thomas, Wi.-at Sheaf. Pontypridd. 947 f.AN'i K". atl, once, good, respectable Girl, about 15. to V help i;\( il?v,s^-VVl,r'K no children good home.— Apply Penarth J^o office. Cardiff. <533 ANTKD. good General Servant for the country plain V cooking, washing, &L. Also a Housemaid.—Apply ♦Irs Akers, rentrebane, St^ FaKaii's^ S76_ WANTF D at °n9e* strong working Girl of about 17, to assist with housework and children.— 5, Grorcar- frrace, Court-housr-<reet, Pontypridd. 977 ANTED, » Plaiu Cook.— Appl^Tstating" agei VT waie. and references, with all particulars, to Mra Ji.irkhouse, Bryn Bedw, i ylfirato^n. l'ontyprifld. 988 ANTED, good General Servant good refer«nces re- quired one acciistonied t0 children preferred,— Apply Mrs Morris. 3o, Albany-road, Cardiff. 4^7 ANTED, good General Seivant, unders anda plain »V cookine. washing, and ironing.—Apply at once. Mrs *es, Bute Hotel, Llantrisant Station. "24 \\7 ATED, Generals, disci gaged Cooks. House-parlour > Maids. J.Jad1es suitet1 "verywbere.1rs Salvage, Employn.tuf A^enny,(6A, AVood-road^ Pontypridd. ^2ie \17 ANTED, a 6t.rOl1. rgpectabl", Oirl for housework. » v ahie to do washing DO f,\I)1JlY.-Apply 26, Conway road, Canton. 923 IV ANi'Kl), General Servant kept.—Apply Mrs Uarpur, 197, Severn-road, Canton, Cardiff. 954 WANTED, a gd, respectable General Servant: small t'cvHiily comfortable home. 39, Neville-st Cardiff.. V\7""ANTJ;D, good Servant with brio"wledl'e~of "general »v house duties character required.—Apply 26, IJan- bl"ddian-gardens, C;thays. C:õnhff.. 931 WANTED at once, good General; £ vo ;n tamilv if nurse and boy kept.—Apply, givIn5 references. Mrs Wales, Norwood, rontyurida. w/'i \\7 ANTED, respectable Girl as General Servant.—Apply > v nfter 5 o.m.^8, Claude-road, Cardiff. 927_ *\7ANTEdT» General Servant. — Apply jj, penypeel-ro»d, v T Canton 903 1ANTED "immediately, Young Girl as Bcrvant age 1 t about 14 very comiortable nOl11e.-Apply 33, Clare. Btteet f.:SH.d,I_ 914 WAfirii) linmediateiy trustworthy General .Servant one child mu.st be »ond '-hildren no wa^hin/v • good references indispensable. — 55, Hairii!to1).stree' 804. V17 ANTED, (;ene.r:11 8(,rvan(;o\ P!11y, after two o'c:ocI;, V V No, 5,), Crichton-street, Cardiff. 884 «7 yTNTKD. experienced Laundress to do~Shirts, Collars, r V "c for II. small family, country prcferred.-Aùdr."ss H 887 Echo" Ofiice, Cardiff. £ 57 iV" ANTED, clean respectable Girl. abwtnTas General, 't' sleep out "ooll character in<5ispeusable.—Apply 80, Alfred-street, Roath. 870 ANTED, a Genera! Serppíyql-0a:;aelù. If ôtiHt, Roath, CirdifV. No children. 861 WANTED at. once, strong Girl .is General.— Apply, M1e 6 p.m., 24, Woodville-roatb Cardiff. 832 \i7ANTED, a ^ood General ervant-J8 to 20.—J^och"- 1 v broom House, Henghenydd-road, Ca t.hays. 84i \\J ANTED, (look. £ 30 ^kitohei>nja)d, B17 Parlour- v f maid, £ 24: Housemaid. £ 18 r Nurse, £ 16 GlIer;1!s, £ 5 to £ 20. — Write Mrs (gt.ogIS:ty.Iolr..ces..te, £ 30 WANTED7aronce. Gf"er;¡1 ServantTused'to plain V T cooking.—Apply, stating references. Evans. GrocN, Treharris, tilam. 662 Vvr7 AN TED. smart, tidy Gir!, from 18" to 20"goodrefer- t eiu;es »cquir^d.—Apply 75, Albapy.ro^x^ Can:2 \:»,7AN'TED at once, t-'osd Gurierai about 20: small v V family comfortable home for rcspectble irl.- Mrs Fr ster, 34. Angus-street, lloath. £ 05 \\J ANTED at once, a good, clean Giri aR General Ser- II vant.—Apply Mrs 1). Desiuoud, 194, Bute-road, Cr>.rdiri. 803 WANTED "irnnied'i'iteiy. a good General" Servant.— t App1y 5, Charles-strrei:. Caruili. 733 -T ANTED, Cool:3, £ 13: House-Parlourmaids. £ 16: M Cook-Genera l. £ 12 to £ 14 Scullery Maid. £ 12; General Servants, £ 10 to £ 14- Situations wanted for ex- perienced Ch"mberroaids, Waitresses, Housemaids. Honse, ke1>TJe:5-ltiyersid.) Registry, 27. Tudor-roart. 791 \\J ANTED, gnod Gen.r!1.1, plain cooking good refer- T f ences.—Write or apply before one, after six, \V., 2, Brecon-street, Roath Park. 732 1 ANTED, strong, respectable Girl for housework also 'v Woman for washing.—Apply, stating reference, Mrs Le;.eh. 25. Wood-street. Cardiff, 775 W ANTED immediately, General "Servant, age 17 or'lS, able to wash for two in .family.—Apply 70, Miskiu- 8treet, Cai.b"y. u_ 775 WANTED, n. good strong Girl It- G-J-:=Appiy 32, i t Burnaby-stivet, South uSplt, Cardiff. 750 .'7\?>TI';D, General Servant: references required.— » Apply Precot Villa. Berw-road. ^Pontypridd. 39'8 \\7 ANTED, good General Servant in :-f-mh,ï;:e that TV can mill,. ¡1ply Miss Lewis, Brigam, Cowbridgo, Giamorsaushire. 7f2 \S7 ANTED at one?, a ood General Servant.—Write ,Q V V 936, Echo" Office. Cardiff. 936 \>,7 ANTED General Servant; three in family.-—Appbr 16, s fliehmond-ro'id, Cardiff. 754 WAN i'ED immediately, strong active Girl: another 'f ]¡e¡;t.-Applv Carpenters' Arms, Blackwood. 755 \\7 ANTED, Ganural Servam (experienced) for" hotel": also irustworthy General Servant for umall priv!1.te family.—Ayply Sei-vaiits' Agency, Station-road, BrYllm;wr. \\J ANTED, an experienced General Servant, able to do Vf plain cooking—Apply Mrs Tuunadine, One A^h, Miilpas-road, Nev/port, Mon. 399e \87 ANT1<0, respectable Genera! Servant, about, 18 v country cirl, able to 1fnh prefeired small family.- Mrs Trounce, 23, Diana-street, t 1a r(itT. Î40 \\J A"NTF.D. a'th;1;;gÜy- good General Servant for a "0/ smail r",milv.-ApplYu 101, Richmond-road. Roaih. \'»7 ANTED, a strong, respectable Girf \'0 ait in Light » V Housework mornings slep I!ut.-Apply 23, West Bute-street, Docks. 728 WJ ANTED immediately, good General Servant: good I wages to a suitable person.—Mrs Gorman, 7 and 3, Bridge-street, Cardiff. m 723 -1Ü ANTED. Laundry^ Maid, Cook-Genorals, Nursea \» House-Parlourmaids. Cook, nnm Iwrr, of General Sc¡vanls.-Miss Crockfjrda Registry. 115, (tueen-st,r"3, Cardiff. 721_ \A7 ANTED, General Servant, not under 30 years of age v t good reterence reQL1Ïred.-Appll' 1, Btook-street, Cardiff. 70 WANTED II}" January 14th, a respectable General Ser vant -App]y Suffolk Villa (opposite Pembroke t-errac?), Penarth, near Cardiff. 711 \\I AN0?i,D, a re)1<:ct:,ble working Gil 1:¡;I-to'l); vv work.—A pply Rising Sun, Marches-road, Newport, Hon. 39Ce V\7 ANTED, respectable girl as General, aged about 19, 1 gOi,d rLJÍel",nCd re Ulred.-AIJPly Cross Keys Hotel, Qn-en-street, Cardiff. 703 WANTED, respectable Girl as Housemaid previous experience and reference necessary.—Mrs Simons, lbs-yr- Y wen, Cefncoed, Merthyr Tydfil. 6E.5 'J ANTED, a food General Servant in small family: » ood character required.—Apply 3. Bute Esplanade, Docks, Cardiff. 680 V,VT AN i'LD immediately, GetJeral Servant: must he » c1elm in person "Dd work good I'efereocc.-App]y :e,h III House, Glossop-road, Roath, Cardiff. 663 '11.7 ANTED, a respectable Girl as GenenJ 1?ervnt; one V v usd to plain cooking, wash,.t and ironing, and fond of children.-J\Pply Stafford House, ret Navigation. 661 \XJ ANTED, experienced Nurse-Housemaid for private IT house (one baby).—Apply 76. Broadway, Cardiff. 651 I\7 ANTED, It strong Girl, "hont 16, for public innst be v V carly riser.-App]y, with references, !I1rs Smith, Globe Inn, Newton, Porthcawl. 664 \\7ANTED, a General Sut,-ÄppIY 37, Church-road, T Maindee, Newport. m 3B6 \\7 ANTED, Wait-ess anti Chambermaid combined ai if good General tIat understands cooking,—Apply Bristol Dining Rooms. Newport. _3/ (> WANTED, a good General, able to do plain cooking, washing, and ironing.—Apply Mr Ventom,163, Cuer- le >n-road, Newport, Mon. 381e \SJANTKD, a respectable Girl, »ge about 14. for morning V V work. Apply J'ne Globe Eoo Stores, llcrbrt-8tj'(>et (off Bute-street), Cardiff. 614 WANTED, General B;1t-;b01Ü 20; also Mother's Help or experienced Nurae for young children.—31, Bridge-street, Newport, Mon. 375 WANTED, cood General ServiLut character required — Apply, Mrs Verney, 1C6. Queen-street,, Cardiff.597 WANTED immediately, good, strong Gi-Aïv¡Ÿ if illetropole Temperance Hotel (opposite T. V.l,) Cardiff. -_u, 605 Y/47 ANTED, an eJl:Pc-r¡"l1cG;1 Servant, able T plain e'ok1l1!: and attend to dalry.-Apply, with references, to l\1r J. Ed\;a.r Webb, Cedar LaWlI, Croey- ceilog, near l'ol1t.nool. Mon. 589 \7 ÁÚÜ), good Housemaid must be a good worker; age about. 20: state age. salary, and j'eferenc.-A f)p1, Mrs Williams, Draper. Aberdare. 5 ANTED, cleftn General smll bmiiy: hou5r,nJaiù "f kep: no wIIs>1Ing,-Apply, wrth references, Mr5 Leigh, Llanfabon Rectory, LIInc'1iacb. near Treharris, R.S.O. 576 4\7 ANTED, clean, active H01¡semaid not, under 20 years » ot a:;e.-Apply, with references, !\1rs Jones, Fron- haulog, Cdn Coad, ncai Merthyr. 677 WANTED, good General Servant: references required. —Apply Mrs Griffiths, 27, Castle-street, Swansea. 368e 4\7ANTED «oo'd General Servant, ODe from country f t prd,.u, must have good references.-Apply 30, Churcb-rond. Kewport. 565e WANTED, a good Girl, to attend to two children and make herself generally useful.—Apply Mrs Clarke, Cambridge Hotel. Cardiff. 533 WANTED *t once, a strong Young Girl as General Servant. —Apply, alter 6 o.m., 91, St.icey-ro.ul, Heath. 521 \\J ANTED, a good Plain Cook. one accu-tomed -tol; 1 ♦ family: experienced general not objected to.-?\115 Howell, 2i, The Walk. 512 HJ ANTED, ;o;pe ;;tN-se tot-;¡;; CJ;-al:g;Of-Y;;¡; Children good l'derences required.-AppJy Mrs 8ession, Marine-perade. Penarth. 591 VA/ ANTED, f;r-; small family, a steady youne: Servant '1 GlrJ, haviog good references.—Apply 5, Plasturton- avnur, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 497 f 7 ANTED, Two strong Maids as General and House- Vi ninid.—Apply (with rsferences) to Miss Pr.yne, Plas Hn Scl1001, Cowbridge. 465 \\7ANTED, a. clean, respectable Girl to assWin Honse- i v work.-A pply 17, Pe!llyn,rnad, Canton. 44(1 \XT ANTED, a clean, honest Girl for Housework, age 15.— 1 1 Apply Mrs E. Parfitx, 80, Holmesdale-street, Lower Gmnge, Carditf. 464 417 ANTED, at once, good General Servant.—Appiy 1 » Mr- Johnson, Parade, Rarry. 5&1 f"'5, Stacey-road.—Wanted, an experienced General Ser- vunr, fond of children. mum, = *!TSIx'-i 10!.s » %«:a."V'r T>AKEKS.—Wanted, Lad 17 01' 18, for bakehouse "nd ;> d..n"er.Vrite, with reiereucc3, G., "Echo" Office, Newport. 364c POOT Trade.—Wanted, lirst-class handsewn 1'epairer at il3 once.—Apply Stockdale, 48, Queen-street, Cardiff. U79 BOY wanted.—Apply Tudor Chair Works, 23. Tudor- lane. Cardiff. !S £ ?S39'V»; Foroman wanted at once, for large ) job; 12 months' work: must he good manager, nUll well rU'01l\u¡e,hd. phin work. ,References and wages to Ri 1: CI11tr<tdor. Merthyr Volle. 764 i_»UEAD and Grocery.—Respectable Man wanted to J) Deliver and Canvass willing to be U3efnl: liermanency for sober, energetic tcan.—Salary, particulars, Bon Marche, M ilf rd Haven. 989 DRESSMAKING.—Wanted at once. Apprentices to the Dressmaking.—Apply Mrs White, 92, Plasturton- avenue, C:wton. Cardiff. 866 f IiOCEiiY.—Wanted, ;¡;¡;over or Junior at once. vJT Slate age, salary (inctoor:1). references, «c.-E. ,John, Grocer aud Prevision Merchant, LIlLnho.rrau, near Lhiu- trbant. 984 G1 ROCEllY and Provisions.—Wanted n.t, once, good T Assistant mut produce first-class references full particulars.—X. Phillip5 and Son. Abertiliery. 951 CI I:aCE I:S;-¡"(:=\V ;t-;d ll-í<1-t:;igJ¡t experienced Porter ud to drive out, and muat, be accustomed to warehouse work; none other nepd apply: wages 18a to £ 1 per wet k.— Address .N o. Ill. at Locke and tising Offices, Newport, Mon. 1ge G1 ROGERS.—Experienced Pmv1$ion Hand wanted by f Monday next use(1 to town trade; indoon;-Apply personally. Edward Jenkins, Maindee, Newport. -21)" f 1 ROGER'S Porter, steady man, wanted at once, accus V71 tomed to the tuisiness 110 others need apply. University Stime, Queen-street, Cardiff. 926 G-' Ji6Öli:t y.Y-a nt;a: strong, aet(v;-Y ouoli- Man to Jf drive and a6sist at counter. -Apply, with full particu- hrs, Gwilym Thomas, Tvli.rstown. 570 I"-i-AJlÚ)L:E'3SEH.antel n. smart nd repectabJ Lad as Apprentice malI wages to sta.rt,M. Jacobius, PC1.hroke terrace. Cardiff. 467 H3?.->PECTABLK Boy- Wanted to deliver Newspapers, 4c. must b 1\ sharp, active lad.—Apply Morgan and Co" 53, Queel1.st,reet, Cardiff. 895 S 1'i¿Ol\Ó activ young man, age 20, for travelling bazaar O experience unnecessary good references.—Apply, immediately, Model Auction-rootn, Barry Dock. 793 rsio Butchers.—Wanted, Young Man with thorough .1. knowledge of the business, and used to horses.-Apply. with references, 101, Glebe-street, Penarth. u 949 '1'0 Butchers.Vante{] Young Man to look after horses A and Ii round: to live in.—145, Clifton-street., Cardiff. '1'0- Shoemakers.—Wanted, a good all-round Hand must X be steM1y sober, arid industrious œa.n.-Apply H. F., 11, James-street. Ebbw Yale, Mon. 666 WANTED, smart Errand Boy, 14th January, 18S5.— Richards and Co., 15, St. Msry.street. 996 W/~ ANTED. Young Man t; look after bcm5e and ca.rt.- f" Lock, Paradise-place. Queen-street, Cardiff. 921 \7 ANTED. Chemical 1 lumber for Temporary Work,- V 1 Apply Soap Work?. E.ist Moors. 913 WANTED, a young Girl, about 16f a«sist in wardrobe \V shop: o/le with Îlllowledge of DreEsmakin preferred. -,lrs Gorman, 7 l1d 8, llru.1¡;e.street, Cardilf 725 \17 ATED, Assbtant br Pawnbrokmg and Outfitting \i 1 » tm e11C-r¡,nc Young Mal); ;ooù handwriting e5senti..1 unexceptional references.—Apply 19S, Bute-road Cardiff. 17: WANTED, Errand Bey, about 14 or 15.—Apnly 160, Bute-road. Cardiff. 744 WANTED immediately, trustworthy Young Woman (20) for Grocery trade: one that knows the oudl\(,ss preferred. — Judd, 194, Castle-road, Cardiff. 750 \v ANTED. It stroDg Erraad Boy.—Apply 15, High- f street, Cardiff. 652 WANTED, Coach-smiuh, used to light and heavy work constant.- HOllow:.y, 1,laueJly. 559 Y\? AN i'ED, steady, respectable Lad to assist in bske- v 1 hOUSë, part delivery, and generally usfu!U 528, Echo," Cardiff. 528 Y\7ATCHMAKHR.—Young Man wanted at once for V» watch, clock, and jeweÜery front shop: age, wages, reference.—Wiieatley. Abergavenny. 97 4*2 weekly unwatds muy he realised by either sex without d'r hindering prtsent cccupaflon-F r;r samples (return- abie), Ó;:C enclose addressed envelope to Evans. Walt". & tP 135. Merchants, Birminghaui.—This is fcennine. 242 ,'n;A'n4H'i!'> WAXTKW. A Situation Wanted by a Youne Girl as Improver to Dressmaking; able to cut.—Apply, stating terms. Z 973. "Echo O.'lice, Cardiff. 973 13Y Rtspecfable Widow sewing at Ladies Houses; chil- J> dren's clothes made Is 3d a day and food.—H.. 136, Strathnairn-street, C.di1f. 74S MASTER Bakers.—Situation Wanted as Bread and Cake Hand; single or second.—George Ashton, 41, Constellation-street, Cardiff. 722 ,1. AP..INE Engineer In) seeks Situation on land do own lJl repairs; well un iu pumping machinery; take other berth, 01' good ag(!1)cy: g-.od references and securi,y.- Apply Eif.meer, Eeho Office, Pontypridd. 429e SITUATION wanted as Smith \vell_ up in shoeing and wheelwright work.—Apply T. 763, "Echo" Offices, Cardiff. 763 '1'0 Master B"er5.-Y():lU:; man seeks Situation, second A 01' good tIard.-App!y T. Crossman, :o. 6, Uoion- sti eel. Bridgend. 856 *7 ETiORAN* wants Situation attend on invalid or v imbecile gentleman or place of trust 16 *e"r8 character.—22, Holmesdale-street, Grangetov/n. 815 Vy] ANTED, Situation as Nurse able to teach German 1 disengaged by the 18th January.—L. M., 20, Giyn- fach-rond, Porth, rear Pontypridd. 9/4 t/\7 ANTKD. Situation by Young Lady, age 17, of good • i address and appearance, in any business willing,to be nsfuL-Addl'e3S O 905, to Kcho Oce, Cardiff. 906 Wr ANTED, Dresstnakiug at home or at ladies' lioiises 't' bv day or week.-Apply K 691, Echo O!lke, Cardiff b.-l_ WANT15D, Washing orCleanins by respectable wonwn: good lanudrcsci -Write G 323, Echo," Cardiff. 823 WANTED, by an experienced Laundress, Washing or 't' Ironing a good pù)i8b"r.Addrt:'s Laundress. 64, Clare-road, oil Tudor-road, Caidiff, 812 \\J ANTED l;y" persou (28), a 6iluatiQI\ as \Yoridnj¡ I Housekeeper; good reference. — Apply 3, M*rk- lane, l'h(.,nH\rstre_t, Lh\neliy, Carmarthen. 753 \]\J ANTED, by a respectable Widow, about 33, as v/epo v 1 ins;- Housekeeper.—M.A.V., 10, Durham-sweet'. Grangetown. 639 YV ANTED, situatioa as Improver to Bookbinding and II Machine Ruling, seveu years experience: first-ia'S references.—(, 592, iViily News Office, Cardiff. 592 ANTED. Position as Manager, Hotel or Club eX- 1 v pe.lenced good references wife capable manageress, —K.J.O Porthcawi. m- ,up' 560 4X7ANTED by Lady, lomesticated engagement as T 1 Housekeeper, Companion, or p03iloiun of truôt; good reference.—Clare, 28, lJhandos.rold, Redland, Bristol. 567 \7 Ó UNG- Lady, 20, seeks ¡ tua ti;i-u-y" business 3 X yeir.s' good reference will make herself useful.—J 92U. Echo Oitice, Cardiff. 920 VOU.N'G L'idy desires Engagement by second week in J February <1S ASS¡8tan Dressmaker good reterel1ce,. —Write A. 8:14, echo" Office, Cardiff. ;S \7 OUNG Man wants work, auy capacity cau drive.— A Address Morris, Echo Office, Newport. 405e 't-m!5' JUNIOR Clerk wanted knowkd^e of double tn1.ry.- Apply Heath's, 51, Queen-street, Cardiff. 865 SOLICITOR well up i High, County, ur.d Police Court o Work, is opeu to engagement: several years' experience. —Apply H. 441, "Echo" Office, Cardiff. 441 vfcTkai«;««.> i'ttA»s;s.»,Ke{>. *«:«.. BRITISH Workman's and General Assurance Company. U -Vf\.uted. respectable lct1. residing In Re-olven, Neath. ¡\ bemwln, and Brecon, to act as Agents, whole or snare time. Book vacant.—Apply Superintendent 45, Queen-street, Neath. 540 HOSIERY.—Wanted, Secretaries of Friendly Societies, ..1. Trade Socieiies, Managers, Foremen, uld others to bell Dirct [mm Manufacturers: salary and commission; security required genuine increased income.—Apply, with particulars. E 675, Daily Ni-s," Cardiff. 675 100 B},UGI A-sl1mne require smart, energetic. JtJ go-ahead Agents in various pLrtõ oÏ South W lca books vacant.—B 858, Echo," _+1!!4_- 859 ^jALF.SMEN and Collectors wanted: salary aud com- O mission: good opening (also Commission Agents).— Bradbury and Co.. Ltd., 2, Dock-street, Newport. 378o f|"<Q earn money in your spare time. Agents wanted, A whole or spare thne: ocs paying asreoey going DO risk constant income assured experience unnecessary particulars free.— Ireton, Gracechurch-sti eet, Loudon. 657 )nlS_t:rUK.; A comfortable Home.for Lady engaged during the day USt; 01 b'u.h aud piano: term. very moderate.—J 695, Echo," Cardiff. 695 Ah, Large front combined Room to Let, gas, piauo uiode- ruto terms to respectable people Oiare-street—S 539, Echo," Cardiff. 539 APARTMENTS wanted for single Gentleman within live minutes' walk to Taff and Rhyniney Stations. Terms nuL to exced 10s per woel:Write J 889, "lcho" Office, Cardiff. 8c9 APARTMENTS. — Cftptaio'B wife would like young Vouple to take Two Rooms with her IU house near Roath Pal'k.-AP1J:Y (first inslance* 49, Angus-street. b52 ("1 ANTON.—7. Ryder-street, front .sitting-room and bed- J room, piauo, broth; boatd or otherwise: suitable for brothers or two frienlls moderate. S33 COMFORTABLE Lodgings required, with elderly people, 'l..J tor Young Lady, near H,.lton-ro;¡,d, Barry Dock.— Terms, 1, Eeda-road, Canton, Cardiff. *J71 I COMFORTABLE lilll'ui2hed Apartments, 8uiL geutle- "4. man, on Mackintosh ésLate.-Apply 29, Keppoeh street, V,\st12-roat1, Cardiff. 878 rf tOMFORTABLH j,od§ings 01' Apartments to Let, hot V^' and cold bath Olie minute's walk from tram.—12, Denton-road, VIIonton- S88 C~ OMFORTABLE Rooms to Let for a gentleOl sharing V with another.—32, Ryder-street, Catnedial-rd., Cardiff. COMFORTABLE jxitlgings, suit one or two quiet Men V no children or other lodgers.—25, Kent-street, Lower Gr3.üge, Cardiff 612 CCOM FORTABLIC Apartments, Board for Two Ladies, J 189 weekly two sharing same rooms: piauo ten minutes from Cardiff.— Replies K. 571, Echo Oillce, Cardiff. 571 CCOMFORTABLE Lodgings for two respectable men. or J sitting-room and bedroom for gentleman,—2, Graiiyr- hesg-piacc, Berw-ror.d, 1>l)otyprl,lrl. 370e 4 COJLFORTABLF, Furnisiied Apartments, 2 room (bd 'Ll room aud sitting-room); terms moderate.—48, De Burgh-street, Cardiff. 439 ij^URNISHED Apatrments to Let in Rawdon-place: suit married couple or lady engaged dunng day. 995 (C KNTLEMAN requires Apartments. Roath orCantnu X bath, 110 childreu 01' other lodgers distance no objec- tion; lowest terms.-A 857, to Echo," Cardiff. 851 IODGJNGS required by Gentleman, dimng oat,-C 850 J Echo Office. Cardiff. 860 LADY engaged during d.y'¡i;i':1e-;ce or separate A¡>I\rtments, Caerleon or Newport term moderate. -Mrs Willhms, 63. High-street, Newjwrt. 58U and B;lco;¡æ. furnished or unfurnished, J without attendance lIO children bath terms moder- ate.—311, V01Ybotio,:e-road, Canton. 331 rgMIREE Unfurnished Rooms, Conservatory, to Let, part A of 12, hoùse, l'1en.r trams, t-own.-Ma.¡,.¡'i1evn; 6, St >ck- land-street, Upper Gmnge. 5 ^f'CO Let, in centre of town, Bedroom and Sitting-room. A furnished suit two friends terms moderate.—S. C15, EdlO" o ffic Canliff. 945 Fl,ör:;t,gZ¡'ÚJ,ili'n;5hed Apartments -Apply 71), Wynd A ham-road. Canton. 828 '1-Õ- Let, comfortable Lodgings f;-rspectablY;I;i or A rniddlt<-H¡;ed womsu 2 ód per week.—25, Leckwith- road, V'LlHOu. 6W f J'tWO comfortably Furnished Rooms, suit one or two A gentleman frknd sharing same.—38, Longcross-street, Cardiff. 919 nPWO Front, Rooms to Let, unfurnished two in family 1 thoe with children need not apply.—13, iMoira-stivet, Splotlands. Cardiff. 732 WAN 1 ED, by youug married couplt, two or fhtefl "f Unfurnished Rooms, with oven grate or nsc of IcjL- chen.rit, fil 1 particulars, V.I., 51, Lower Catbedral-rd. 4 XT ANTED comfortable furnished 8¡tt;-i- "f rooms would share sitting-ioom terms modeltlole —11. 9S2. Echo, Cardiff. 982 Y\7 ANTED, a young Lady to share sitting-room and bed I T r«om terms moderate.—Apply 3, Andrew Villas, Penarth-road, Car:!ifV. 900 WANTED, by two respectable youug men, Sitting and l' Pedroom. close to town: must be comfortable and have food ntt.er.danee.-St.te lowest terms to M 899, "Echo" Office CT(1iff. 899 WANTED, Apartments for three gentlemen piano and 1' bath within five mi0l1tes' wall;; of Castle.—Write Y 820, Echo," Cardiff. 820 Y*7 ANTED, Two Rooms (furnished) iOr-¡Üng man 1 V terms modert.t.e.-Write It. 759, J',cho," Cardiff. 7b9 WELLFIELD-Road.—Comfotrable Apartments: front: every convenience: terms, 12s per wcek,-Vr nte J 565, Echo," Cardiff. 566^ YOUNG Lady desires comtortanle Home, act 11.5 Com- pa111011 or Lady's help; no wages.—P. 742, Echo Office, Cardiff. 74 .MI —I—— HI, mm -;i'U-='iOit':Z- C^LAUDE-road.—To Let or Sold five bedrooms, two J reception-rooms, usual offices, greenhouse, and con- servatory.—J. 939, Echo Offiee, Civrdiff. HOUSE to Let back entrance rent. ]0s per week.— Apply J, H..DOTll, 1, Violet-row, near Albany-ro^d, Roath. MOUSES to Let, 16, Minny-street, 6 room". 7s Clarence- rod, 7 room, hot-cold bath.-Apply 94, Clifton- street. 713 MOUSES to Let as under (apply Edward Penney, House and Esiat* Agent and Rent Collector, 59. Duke- street, Cardiff) :—87, King's-road, re-papered, rent 13s 61; Paget-place, Penarth, large garden, £ 40: Brecon-strcet, rent Ss 6d Pembroke-road, rent 8s 6d. 513 rnt lis 6d Pel2lbcoke.road, rent 8s 6d. 613 HOUSC, Dvoton-road, Cauton, hot aud cold bath, 10» weekly House, Madras-street, Grange, 7s.—Apply 7i, Ad im-s'reet, Cardiff. 499 P- ÃïnStrë;t, Temperance Towu.-House to Let.-A.ppIY 1,0 Phil Phillips, Jeweller, N, St. Mary-st., CarcUrf. 863 l_>LOTS, suitable for villas aud cottages, to be Let iu the 3- rapidly-rising neighburhood of Court-road, Salt mead, and adjoining streets arraugements mde for the finance of responsiblo lmilders.-Apply J. P. Jones, Richards, and Budgen, 18, St. Mary-street 415c 1JONTYPRIDD.—To Let, a very convenient 10-roomed Villa hot and ccld bath.—Apply to Mr Lewis, Merlin Hotel, Pontypridd. 437 fjnO Let, 311, Cowbridge-road.—Apply Gleaves, Canton A Cross Vaults, or 161, Newport-road. e57 r [CO Lei. small House, l'ay window, 7s: 110180 one Ss per A week.-Apply 142, Diana-street, Roath, 902 rgco Let iram' diately. Roath Park. Two Houses, with aU A latest imprflvements.-FuU particulars apply Comley, Moira-terrace, Cardiff. 910 r|CO Let, Llantrisant-strect, Nos, 45 and 47 7 rooms, all A modern convenienc6II.-For prticulars apply Haw- kins, 25, Albany-road. 369 'I" '0 L, convenient large Hous, 8 rooms: best part- of A Canton luw rent.-Apply 51, ue!'n-3t.,(Jf\rdllf. 871 rl;Ô- Let 0- to ùe lt: Úoomed DwiÏing-hoseS, situated A in Saltmead conveniEnt for coaltrimmers or railway- men: price moderte.-Apply A, Shlbko, PaWDbroj{(r, Broadway, Cardiff. 565 npo Let, House, No. 1, Stacey-road, Roath immediate A possession.—Enquire 46, Broadway. 537 fllO Let, Myrtle Villa, Rliydlaver-street, Corporation- A road se^ren rooms, bath-room, scullery, eto. rent, 12s per week.-Apply Mr WallÆr Cook, 98, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. 4:2- '-1'° Let, 401, Upper George-street, Cathays: rent, A weekly 11011 rates p'lld by la.ndlord.-Apply Rd. cliffe, 178. Cathays-terrace, Cardiff. 445 rjco Let at once, commodious House within one mini*6?? A walk of trams: 2 reception-rooms, 5 bedrooms, b room (hot and cold water) modern conveniences: rt, £ 33 10s.-—Apply Powell. L Gold-street, Roah, or 20, John's-crescent, Canton. Cardiff, í V retWO Eisht.-roomed Houses to Let, near Roath Pnrk, A with bath av-d hot and co'.d water; papered through- on!.—Apply f_8, Bangor-road, 1'oath. 7U_ fpO Let, 23, 41, Dalton-street- (Crwys-roadj. 112. Cottrell- 8 road (Albany-road) newly papered: baths,—Apply rslHE South Wales and Monmouthshire Property Register A for January free on application or post.—Hern and l'ertwee, House Agents. Auctioneers. Valuers, kc.. CajditT. »"*Te L LFI ELD-PI ace, Roiich"Park.-House to Let, con- VV taining 2 sitting-rooms, 4 bedrooms, bathrooms, all modem conveniences: 13s per week.—Davies, Wilkias asd Co,, 10, Albert-Chambers, High-street, Cardiff. 420 <■>5 Bute-street, with two-stalled Stnble and Coachhouse 'attached: rent moderate: immediate possession — App'y 011 tho Premises. -a Romiby-crescent to Let, pleasantly situated neai B Thompson's Park hot and cold bath and lavatory; '"bur. passes.—Gibbs, Par.ridge-road. 712 »5~] Romilly-cresoent, Canton.—Commodious House to 'Let containing hot and cold bath &e. immediate possession.—1L Mount Stuart-squai-e, Cardiff. 678 r)6 "diskin-sf.reet: ten minutes from Queen-street: nent & 'Villa: 4 bedrooms: side entrance.—O 503, Echo Oitice, Cardiff, S c oUSES to Let, as under.—Apply Evans'and Hughe LA IIous'- and Estate Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers, C,11111 v Fire and Provident Life Offices. ISorough Cham- bers, Wharton-street, Cardiff. 464e Albert-street, Canton. 4 3: Miuney-street, Cathays. 5^ James-street, Penarth. 5s. per week. hJ tj HOP, with or without Cellar, Pier-head Chambers. >5 A 7, Christina-street, Docks. -jj 9, Uewell-street, Grange. Rent 7s X6,"Green-street: rut: 123. 2-ii_James-street) Penarth. Rent, 5s, %i »>4 tiev.'eb-street, Cogan. Rent, 5s. 0 55, Severn-road rent 9s 6d. OFFICES, Dowlais Chambers, Bute Docks. 461c miss.MESS S'itS-.MKSSiS 1VAI«TK!lt. 3" AN'TLD, small Confectionery Business in Cardiff.— V I Particulars to O. 741, Echo Office. Cardiff. 741 -=- lilBT —}{I!.S I S( K.SS l'StBSJISE!* BAS-RV- Deck.—House and Shop to Let at Hoi ton- road splendid position good opening for fancy, boot chop, or chemist.—Apply John Jones, Brynteg, Holton-road, Barry Dock. 457 TI>USU\ Premises to Let, suitable for stores.—Apply o 46, J'lTnes-street., Docks. Cardiff, 4p_ JOOM^^HHOUS Otficcs to Let in Mountstuart-squaro.— Particulars MoEachran, 113, Bute-street, Cardiff. 413 J AltOb Room lu sr. Mary-street, with good top light; S.J weekly otherwise.—Apply Messrs Hern and Tertwee. "4, St. Mary-street, or Mr John Jenkins, 10. West- gate-street, Cardiff. 800 N>;WPt>l»'i'.—To be JLet, Suite of Offices tour room' and 1" Lavatory; centrally sit,uatedin Tre3egar-place.— I'ariioulars CTManager, "Dailv News" Ofiice, Newport. 33e SMALL -j'lop. With good house, to Let, 104, Cornwall, .J road, Cardiff, gii 3 und fixtures, 9s pc: week lùr every- thing; jus; done out: suit any kmd of business.—8, Robert- street, < 814 STABLL, for 4 h- rres, to Let: centre of town.—Aunly B, Evans, 4^ Th(J Wal!{> Sv-8 ;r,et. rhe spacious Shop and Cellar Prince's Chambers, A ?• °r*;i'g-st!et. Cardiff. AI30 Offices on same 1'ietiiises. AlH.iy Thomas Jenkins, junior, 22, Edward-ter- r,lCe, Qitseii-s^eet^Cardiff. _857 ffO Let, at Vontarduiais, called the Old Post-office, A meit^ lHissessioii, a commodious Shop, Warehouse mid .*■ rt:IU1'—Apply J,lr W. Williams, Caeparc, Pontur* dnlais or nomas Williams & Co., Timber M rchants 7.3.3 rgco Let, 4 1a)'t(" Rooms, Studio and Dark room, very con- J venlent, It, low reut.-Apply A. J. Howell, 5, Queen-b-ree,, Uardi{T_ rscOLe', 'ttouse. Shop, and Bakehouse, 73, Blewit-t" A stre.ei" 185, Cliepstow-road, Mr.indee, Newport. MpO Let, g'* d'Pine-end of Hoiua for advertisements full VLT ('iinti i^ £ e-i'oad, Canton.—Apply 2, Wyndhau;. crescent,y JU. 4J5 rj'-O of Rooms as Offices, ribove "South Wales X Daily, Wti" Office, St. Ma.ry-5treet.- App!y •• Daily News, < 100c 0^< R,iR8Se«)'mti~CaP!tal SboPl 6 newly-painted 0 ?»d d<C0^d.~J. J. David and Co., Estate Agents e, f(\if_ cS7 9,2%U^eor alled Stable and Loft^lft". ry ■ ivat»r. 51l\t"bl" for store or workshop, with bench, fOK I, AN IK. ,tc ,4 RRAN^L ell-lmilt House for Sale modern A c"nt/y "deluding hot and cold bath, cellar.— Apply4 10 Office, Cardiff. 434 Two good Houses for Sale (cheap) — > AppWi-I- 's14. Gordon-road, Cardiff. 684 a ^'lubhc Accountant aud Au-iitorTuouai 1J »nd.1j4 Broker, 19, Bcauchitmp- street and i*n House-Street. BUCXLij-T^ 7-roomed Houses, bath (h and i'i* 863.. «jUCKbK.-Cat.\ys (off Sslishury-road); Twelve 6- i> roomed ^.conservatory, to be sold in sixes only, £ 300 each Engage. ^3" B^li^iVi!bayed^?ri"rit'road Several eight, roomed a "■M rs • B^fi-i T,t"> Houses, containing two hilli (h- and. ,'1of;,?en' scuil-ry, pantries, five bed- rooms. tai" 9ed years: £ 4;)0 eaoh. 863 R^lo'Houses^10 f Buckle ~B^kleP 1' Newport, ln,„ j, JraI' Kingaiand, Tudor, Moy, CI""de. N'e\p ¿"¡,\Jte, KLacey, a.lJd L!audatf-roa.d.: IlIBO Brecon. Alfred, St. Mary, Coburn, Gray, «• n4 New,, va 1 ialbot-streefcs also at Barry, Llanisto i1',—3ort. 563 FOB iv,'1fava'tory,8'lJa"f^reet ■' 5 bedrooms, hot and cold „ '—Apply 15 'T, w,'C- • S430 part can remain on • Rinhmond road. Cardiff. 941 STl^>'n m'dern eor.vl',11"fill'~i|led Houses bath, lavatory, -i- all Pj— ntences.—Harding Bros., 105.Diana-3S. I^OR '{^L-oriieVli00^3,. Cardiff: two Villas in Castle- /bedrooms, iu 1,1 Albany-road Eating-house, witn iff and Barn'^ute-road several Villas and Cottages in Carol Docks.—Apply 25, Talygaru-Etreet, Cathays, 7ii "tr^^reeiihouse,' la^io"'s.t'r,ett- 4 bedrooms, bath-room: ,f,WiUC, etc.—Ar>ke shed: hot and cold: gas through—* 2v, Moon-strcet, Cardiff. 653 -:7^o rtale. Villas i\ -7— «airo-street, Cot. ^°n-street. Crwys-road, Strath- A u?,o Oastle-roair '"10ad, Albany-road: baths, etc.— AppbLi _534 f^°Mi)try': situ°.tecl!nlt houses; six rooms with Jiable tenants pi'ady-road, Ystrad Rbondda let to TS3i?,!q"'Shady-road, P'-r month.—Apply Thomas Jcli»3^5' — rad Rhondda. 447 "V/TL? gale, desirabP"— containing 2 oil mcdern convvttrawiue-rooin. 5 bedrooms, bath- r0 2,'nrts' Roath (ii;f'e-iccs: £ 0ou saiden side and back « lies Wilkius aid CICU vAe,l>" easy terms of purchase.- pavies. •> 10, Aloert-ehan;hers,-High-street, Carai"- 413 Carai"- 413 1.' Sale (Roath r 1 Tt bathroom, all vourl; well-finished 7.roomed House 0f the purchase Jr" c°uveniences: a large propor- Wilkins i'.ud Co101>e5; may remain oil mortgaae— j»aV»eN « as above. 4j9 -if if OUSES for Sale, p ,— jut B. Evans. 41,ThajyJj^1"road and Llaoelly-streef^— — .•■t*, L-ardiii. wot) jj JJjn the best poaitic ')'e'i^'d H»use and Shop for Sale *ew, Mountain Ash. J-Apply Thomas Evans, Plessant- TVTO. 3O. Longcross-p'^7 .,—r. — r- T N street Chapel), "vit Ko;uu (opposite Longcross- etc.. apply on the 1'rena^ 111 »fod couditiou. For If) ENTS Collected, f~ —: H, rendered and ea,per .«"t. memsive: accounts never to allow arrears. monthly•. My system is Ucuso Agent. SUtion-t. f( J »5orough Auditor, Tace. 8, High-stre-t, Cardiff. 9Cfce lE7XNDSOIt-road, PaV v,- vr •—r—,v—, VV venient DivellinB.arl'h'■I'Xceptionahy cheap, con- i„,i, s Hern and PertrjU3e U1 tllis improving locality.— APPU eiVee, Auctioneers, Cardiff. 318 (f»350.—Immediate Sul „ Tr 99 yars' lease —A* De,v Houses rent, 7s each Grove. Liandafl. Great^.P^ Bartlett- Fa,^[er ST57 ANTED to Purc'nq ~rr —— VV -Reply, full p.irtii. Property, small or large. SR LRTESTOR' VVA Workmen's ,JJ(lu.ily oi Redemption of    mortis Y'V ^wbhi^ 10 {^anibers. Wilkins & Co.. 10, Albert W^mideTate^i,"1 orf°Pai5eui"K (3 t0 4 acres) rent Apply Gardener,'« kc>,o "l, Vo"t>'Pndd or 1 reforest._ J-ciio _ip.ce> Pontypridd. 369<* ———VT—WAiVTKH. \VAcUiIy'—Prio»(>e' iai Round from 10 to 30 callous Cardiff W1(h Pticulars. Q 745, Echo Ofiice, 1 m OK MSPOSAl. C 'or.inc for si! for diiposal, with Registry ^rS.ii^3erMntS at ^ed.—Apply 116. CliftoW, Roath, U,mhff. 932 F°mai-y years oId-eEt^b'Ved Stationery Business; for i4, (wgizr»es ■carriod °n by a- ^.)ra Business, now doing C^^L'COTBS ft!1? Provisioi, w)tb off Wine and Beer £ 2,000 a year' priee^BlM »d" = tratA al!t)roa0^s Miller and ci™ valuation.—Apply R. W. Ur'tol 0UQpany. L ed, Stokescroft Brewery. "I-' 424e_ illi4 F»ocy i'Biness, immediate disposal. C^d5broaT^W«ffoffer jused.-Bu6selU 57, Lower Merthyr rent- £ 2°-Apply S„ "Echo" Office, .=:=- PUESWC 1 timUy — A^Ctnse<^ Sous to Let, exceptional oppor- Bennertja Company^Cider Stges. A P,i:»io, cash £ t can be seen any time.— .Jll'J^JPenyard, rnydarran, Merthyr. 76S RASioroijffh!d'0' Adainsciov uquare.—Either Banjo ••Danse Ronh tautht by R- 4en, author higttly popular Danse^ lion bop. ■■ pUyed by^io^ b<tt,joi>.teK 819 Reed Instrnn0lli for gale, cheap (full M Church v'oaS r,e^onable offerefused.-H. J. G. Fusaell, ^,i £ )urai-iojid,;vuind £ e.Nlw1|.(_ 362e HA^Cha^e*s' P'a"os' &c., on the Hire Pur Hayes, Cardiff J- Crushing Company, Ltd.. Tuning, 3s 6d 1fS-rQoads' ( *0-guiuea Piano for £ 24. ^J'q-Castlc Arcade, Crdjft° and Newport. ljOe M ^cVanpi^tfk^&s* ^>tiran'^fc^d Choirmaster of Bethany Piano, ^n*?nVSi: Mary-8treet, arofessor of the Organ, mences Jin 7tV, C ha* 3,ancies- Next term com- mencs Jan. 7th. i'errf8 and ^moninls on application. g:street. R 609- P cele^-ated^? Tuning-— Wp Ridgway. from th« Caatle-road, Card™ °' Mis F terms 33 Lty compelled to sell 70- bargain—11 \Rr'«ht Iron ir*ni\ 19 guineas approval; "B-lbl A rouK'htoti-road, B,han)i ljO!li0n, 61S_ A e^(?maLCbord Cottage, spleiiia walnut aud gold case, | -27S^fe-5 b*r^n ml,S° be 6%d; j. Kstablished 17 years. Organ, f T t7] }u\\ ^inSi»s, and Theory taught. A le™' JauUary 7th.—Thatcher.^63, SP^Pi^0nit!-V^Un,o8 6,1: CoMwTriiite, by Meti \Us,6i Case of Mathematics, 7s. —Bar- nett p» Caroiine-street. 7?9 v^onrTl v^,V5S'°al pox, 3 hells, 8 tuues, 52sfid grand 18a 6u.—Bamett's. 6 and 7 Caroline-st. BSCKXJS. TRICi'ttES Ac. A ^o'^w,rthr!p?af-vn' sP'°"did condition, to be disposed lardi: worth £5. hat Oorers :-0. 981, Echo" u!.c, A 15?^LYTJi. (Uearante fo solid-tTO BicvciesT Will 'r ,vfn; "Se In el"h^t»s:e. Send P.O. 15s, fuii ai.i.re^ foi t-ampb-Morris Bn,sl'ontypiidd 27e jj t iv;'1' 'r't-]' 5° 'f' Monis Bros..Pontypridd A 0 too diL.cult,»oJoh too emaU. Don't forget.27e R ''nmm-ia' r'1' kltH' t0 Pneumatic Tyres, or Repairing AV °uillU I4 Puncture Proof Bands, aud how to l^s 13ro^. Pontypridd. Uu"l°P tyre Safeties ;"lui-comp1et(TToncTiS", — one £ 10 roomjwanted.—Apply 11, Augusta-street. 492 AFLfY.—Lady r, Detachable Pneumatic, balls throu-»h- ,ou< scyatcned £ 9, worth £ 22.—Write Z 782, ii.cr.o OJBee. Cardiff. 752 .—New Rapid, unsoilevh detachable, Dunlop's, fil2 10s coat £ 25.-Write Z 783, Daily News Office, Cardiff. 783 SA r KIT 3^, f heaa cost £ 23 10s; never used: weight, 3i'b.i biake and guards cash wanted. £ 6 15s: will send on approval. Apply to 6, jltjei ;t-street, Weston-super-Mare. "IAl'JèTY Pneumatic, quite new, balls throughout fmme: £5 10s. worth £ 20.—Write F. 6S7, Daily Aewa Oihee, CardlfV. 687 T° Rj^uk Men and Touriat^Writc for our ""iliMtrated X list of the famous Defiance Cycles, which arc the fa.,ve?, cyclesfor road and path, as ridden by all the cracks or w,.it-s. Kepairs promply attended to at. moderate Ciiarges. Large quantity of second-hand safeties always 111 s^ock. Lists free. — Arthur Williams and Company, Dfjance^Oycje Works, Glannniman. 394e THE Ninirod (Tycle.—Tho mi-lending and nrauthorised Statement eirculated through the cycling journal* to the effect thai Zimmerman, the World's Champion, would not noe a Nimrod-ZiniMiy next yt-ar recaivc3 a drath- blow fron: the hands of Mr Dakin, one ot the of the New Zimmerman Manufacturing Co. Fortunately this gentleman has just arrived from Freehold. th, home of iJimmeraian, lor the purpose of carrying the Nimrod- Zunmj show macnn,e3 to New York, Mr Walford, the M.a>ni\ £ -T of the iSjjjirod Cycle Co.. v/iil probably r»-Lurn v,ir.h him. letters ^received from Zimmernun by the last »l3il ye full of the brilliant prospects of the .Ninirod- 4-mimv in America. A large liumbsrof first-elass A^^nts have aireauv b'2en appointed, and app'jicacioos are coining into .Bristol fron< alt parts of the world. Zirumeinitkn will ride u 2-nrorod-^uumy ar.d no other. Jealous and mis- leading statements of this n.itore will seriouslv damage the reputation of those who utter them, and"the Nimrod Cycle Co. will derive considerable benefit. The West of !<lal1<1 tirm are in a strong position, nnd ready to meet all comers. Ag?nts wanted throughout the- world where unrepresented for the Nimrod-Zimmy Circle. Early appli- es; ion IS rq\1"tet1.-1 Ile oue anù unly home of the Kimrod Cycle is Coilegc-place. Bristol. 4]4e «-ARUiA«KW. VKMIC5.KS. Ac. A Bargain to imniediate dealer equal to new, Light Wagon Suit hawker or greengrocer,—Apply 46, Thornwood-piacc, Treharris. 620 Sale, cheap. 4 good busines-t L Gig. Potty Governess Cart, Pony Phaeton, excellent Pony Crankaxle good Wagonette, light Greengrocers or Furniture Wagon, excellent Handcart, suit bak r or confectioner: 18 sets of Single and Double Harness. 25 pairs o Carriage l amps, and Saddles and Bndh's.-1\pply Commission Yard, 2,16, Pearl-street, Roath, Cardiff. 930 g ("'OR Sale, a good stron? Trap. £ 2.—Apply 24, i>alw- i. street. Canton. 76 i-POR Sale. Tip-cart, useful Trap, Safe, Spring Mattrcai, 5- Bliods, Oil Stove, Perambulator, several other articles. —Ei,quire 138, Castle-road. 535 JIGHT Miniature Brougham for ODe horse, quit" new J also Light Second-hand WIIonette with moveable hood.—-Fuller Birtill, Cardiff. 505- MINIATURE Canoe LlHldaufor one horse, quite new im. also Second-hand Pony Surrey Cart.—Fuher Birtill, ilope-street, Cardiff. 5(16 SALE, good Spring ip, suit grocer or baker; also Set of Harness Bold cheap.—2, Habershyn-street. East Moors, Cardiff. 615 WANTED, a good set of plated Cob Harness, new or second-hand, cheap.—W. Haddock". 59, Vere-nett, C!Hloxton. 995 \\7 ANTED, a pair of light Trucks, suitable for cloture » v frame maker.—Send pne and V:1rticu!:trs to E 800, Echo Ofiice, Cardiff. £ gj i 17 ANTED to Buy 4 Pair good Second-hand Trap or I » Carriage LamJJ.-App¡Y E. J. Poole, 285, Bute- sreet, Cardiff. 763 '7 ILT. be Sold [or any reasonable offer, strong Haulier's V » Cart, nearly new no room to keep it.—Phillips- Green, Lla.nd.-iff. 709 HOJI.SKS. MVH STOCK. J& A Bargain.—To Colliery Proprietors and otberg.-A strong-built Cob, with plenty of bone: 13.1, four years warranted sound aud good in every respect.— 102, Wellington-street, Canton, Cardiff. 749 AI Ba r¡¡;¡¡in.-One of the prett,ie51: Ponies in Wales, 12,2. t'i.. five years, fast, With splendId action warranted sound quiet, to ride or drive.—Apply 21. Picton-plac:, Canton Cardiff. „ A Thorough good Turn-out, comprising f,st Cob, 14 bauds, tiv¿ )"ea! 1 wi'h new HnsioeM Cart and Brass- mounl-ed Harness also new Pair of Wheels, 4ft. Sin., suit brake or parcel cart. Will sell cheap.—Apply 102, Welling- ton-ftreet. Canton, Cardiff. 621 A Good Cob, 14 hands, suit any tradesman, with Set of Plated Harney*, £ 12 trial allowed.—26, Stacey-road. Cardiff. 615 B-)A:RGAIN.-Ü;;fC;b!\lar;;l3-2. Business Cart ar.d D Harness, Pnir of Lamps, all iu c ><»d condition. £ 12 the lot: will sell separately: givinc UP business.—129, Rhys- street. Treaiaw. Rliondda. 98/ street. Treaiaw. Rliondda. 98/ hands, warranted Bound, ocxl ■J worker, with Pleasure Trap, or new tlt. Cart "nd Harness suit greengrocer or fishmonger trial ,,¡¡owed, Wheelwright, Bast Usk Side. Newport. ARGAIN. To tMd»«nen and others.-Thick-set Horse Cob, 14 hands, o years warranted staunch worker, sound suitable for bakers, grocers, oy cranu-axle pnce, £ 11.—New Inn, Pentonville, back Station. Newport. 407e 6 years, suit butcber's. baker's, or potato merchant's carts warranted sound, good worker in all harness 14 ui!1eas; seven days' trial allowed.—19, Edward-street, Cardiff- 868 CCONSEQUENOE of Demise.—Property of late deceased J J. Smith. Active, ciean-leggea Cart Mare, four ycai 5, 15.2, 111 foal to Trie Swell, 20 guineas two active Horses. su years, 15.2, suit gingcrbeer or <:r"IIJr-xl carls, good for long journeys, 12 and 14 guineas arSO B.>y. Cob, four year", H.2, suit doctors or "ny tradesman. 18 guineas Carts i nd Harness rn suit. The above are aU warranted sound and good workrs in ail harness, and five from vice or blemibh prindpals ooly trated with.—78, Stacey-road (Newport- road), Cardiff. 821 17*011 Sale, good Bay Mare Cob, 14 hands, 4 years oJd; Jf good in harness and saddle, and sound: trial allowed price to immediate purch:1.ser, £ 18. Oriffifchs, Church-street, I'wllgwltun, Pontypridd. 428e If OR good Cardigan Cob, 6 years old, 13 hands 1 hich, £ 16.—Enoch. Castle-road, Cardiff, eZ7 Sale, Entire lioadster, 15 1Ii.llds i- going away: quiet in hamess.-App1.v 27, Thornhill- street, Canton, Cardiff. 5911 Ij^OR Sale, Pony, Cart, and Harness, suitable for coal or greengrocery.—Apply 73, Carlisle-street, Cardiff. 500 MUST be Sold, Pony, Trap, and Harness, EUH trades- man trial nnd warranty if r^uired the lr t £ 13 will sell separate. Also Saddle and Bndle.—Apply 40, Kins- street, Roath, Cardiff. 9..9 ORKShoulders, Grease, Thrush, & Quickly Cured by O Condy's Hnio. Horses sl1l1enu Ílom Sore Son, Sho\;Ider.«, broken knees, wounds, cuts, bruise?, th,-ü"Í1, craoked heeJs, create, mud fever, mange, &c., quickly cured by bathing the parts atfected with a tablespoonful ci Contly' 8 Fluid in a pint of water.^ It, makes the hair gro*v7 where rubbeci olt. Prices iooj:. l«5 2O02. 2s* of all chemists. Insist on having Condy s Pluij. 407e USE Jeero!" Oiutment for speedily cuncs: sprains, over-reaches, capped hocks, rheumatiRm, windfalls, scurf after blistering,—J^arse box post tree for Is 2d from Condy's. 3)7e VK f ERTNAKY Book Free, coiTaimne full instructions for the Treatment aud Cure Oa Ailrueuta affeetinir Horses, Dogs, Cat! Cattle, Sheep. PigS, Poultry, &c.. from Condy's Fluid Works 83. Turninul-Btreet _Ix>udnn, KC. 307e \70UNG Retriever Found on the 5th. Owner can hate -S. upon payment of 1'J:I,eus3S.-S, Beynon, Crown and I A chor, A ber a man, ^„M WM,Mi,n 978 r«5 S.TKY. KlCfOVS. jf,. wythcr, "Salisbury-road^ Cardiffr~has v_y grand Yorkshires and Cinnamons for Sale cheap w in- oers room wauled for hneI1i_- 495 self-acting spring Net > Traps. Is 3d free. Testimonial 'Am perfectly satis- ¡ fied with the trap, having caught a 'ot of bullfinches with it. IS. Ch*ney Heui;by.Kmsht«.,J^rmonth. _9.-3 i?C)R SalclTDuckvring Cockerel (March hatched)7l^Taek- red, yellow legs each at fci lg; bred from piize- takers.—Address O. Thomas, Newton, POriheaIV1, 772 IT'OWLS.—A few first-clr-ss Black-red and P>le~ for S'.Ie Jt: (cheap) from 10s each: approval; deposit.—S:iell, Llanhennock, Caerleon, Mon. 402e i' nearly new, 40s.—Apply Roath, Cardiff. ("^i RAND prize Orpington's f"r ^a'e' price 7s 6d cau be JT seen at any time.—Elliott. "intchurch Common, upar Cardiff. 756 I" Morris and Co. have re-ope'e^ Bird Stores at 17. Alexandra-arcade, 8wansea; A. si>iendid C 'ljrcaon of HarLZ Mountain Rollers, Norwich Canaries, Goidtinches, Sic. Birds and P'"lGEONS""w^edr"any"sort, °r Juantity. On sTilT Homers, Tumblers, &c.: a's *ancy Birds,—Puicell, Queen-street Arcade, Carc¡,ff. 516 "|3BIZE-bred Norwich Canaries. a'I varieties Fanciers A can rely upon being hupp1' Kenuine birds at ransotinhle prices. Some gran';1 -norwich breeding hens goldfinches, bullfinches, aDd linnets. — LloYd, Mounrain A 992 ra^UMBLERS.—A Kit of and Long Flyers for Sale. X F. Vincent, 92, Broa^ay^Cavdi({_ 557 WAN TiilD, 500"Goldfinch as »t ou,c,e bestprice given.- Write P 907, Echo Qlfi^^rdiff. y *907 FlrR.VH'iIKK* AT less than auction prices. Cornic* Poles, Is 4-'d, Is 6jd. and Is AHarris's special line. Princes" Rocker, 9s lid, usuw]IJ at, jjg gd, useful present, thousands sold — E. /*■ ns Emporiuru, in the Market Hall, Newport. Esta'hl' 790 A T Less ihan Auction Pries' ~L*]?o«any Dining-room -Ti. Suite. £ 3 7s 6d, complep' ,'deboard. 25s; Har- manium, £ 2 I9s 6d Piano, *"i| 16 learner.—Harris's, Newport.. 739 I^URNITURr, Bought on tSe notice cash at JL' onoc- no waiting.—ApP1^ ?, Cyril Second-hand Furniture Stores, Broadway, Bo»tn, _^ardiff. ijl(JRNIT(rul'rof-everv ijoOOOO n vaTue to JL' select "om, on the. Hire strictly privae;. The Largest Premises and StOff v t fOf I^mdoD.—Atlas Furnishing Company, loniiteil ■ ^K.' ^rdltT. 411) SECOND-Hand Furniture or Stock Eought o C? Sold on commission.—j.'»r Salt-room, Custom House-street. -=- 907 OECON'D-HAND, pretty D'room Suite, silk O velvet, only 3A guineas •vrs°iied. Organ, uine stops, £ 0 10s.-E. io. Harris, in :'trket-hall, Newport. To avoid_mistake3, see name ov5 Qix" Oak t hairs, 17s to match, 7s 6d O also Bedstead, Bedding, W»"i^taQd aa^ Table, Bed, &c., 45s the lot..—Harris's. SIX farlour Tables—two two walnut, one oak, one ash, 16s 64 each- Bs Emporium in the Market-hall, Newport. SOLLD Walnut -R¡dboard:7ft. hihdb!,a,t.i fully designed, 3 shelves and 4, p^ea plates, cost £ 20. equal to new. a bargain 'Apply the Cyril Second-hand Furniture Slorcs^Bj^i^y, Cardiff. EOS Ij'URNlSH ou our new nire Houses or A artments a new system adopted solely by us, whereby a 'city, exposure, and nquiries usually made l-y other ^"™Pa.nie8 are dispensed with. We have- an immense F 4n ^useho'd Eurnit.ure of cheap and superior quality. {1'e »° sold ou the Kire system at ready-money prices- ,n.aice no extra charge for credit, and all goods sent 7;.111 a private van free Of charge. No stamp or agreen^pt 'iarggg maije ,,0 v>i'vt Ul,everything private, ^vl.^uients completed Without delay, and. being "1^ Vs' we guarantee quality and will undertake 10 s.°Pp-y furniture, etc., at r fi'ff °enKi less t,mn f,uy priCe SSa by any iirm in Cardiff. Eleven showrooms- *Qd inspect our im- mense ^tock. a rt cotnilare prices ( fore bnr«:asing eUe- wnere. *> e will supply B6 "d weeklv -Cif", worth, 4s weekly b"i, „orl,h fdr ss weekly 6s weekly, aiia so ou iU j„oPl rnon. Specia; terms for larger quantities. PleMtt note the Wales Furnishing Company ■ 41, Castle-street (opposite th«s Caxtie) Cardiff, j 10e IKI.niMK AlMKIhs MANGLES. a-.i.iri_- Machines, Sewing Machines on the Hire System.— Atlas Fur isbing Company Ltd. Hayes Cardiff 41e I'Jili:A:.i1BÜ LATõh Mail (Jans on tile Wre Atlas Furnishing Company. Ltd. Hayes Cardiff. lp FOR S.II.E—91 mmuSIK«8S. ATTRACTIVE Forfeited Pledges.— Flicelstoue, the Popular Pawnbroker. 22. Cnstlc-road, Roath, Carditf. 4 T Fiigelstoue s. the Popuiar Po.wnhroker.-Just for- -r3- feit?d, Benson's Cr1>tal Glass 5gs. Silver Lever, only 55s; new. AT Fliseistonp s. Popular Pawnbroker.—Just forftited, solid Gold hall-marked Curb Albert; only 45:. AT Fiigelstoue' Popular Pawnbroker.—Juso forfeited, Lady's IGot. Gold iVctch. cost 5 guineas only 35s. AT Fiigelstoue'?. — Just forfeited. Lady's hall-marked P,mcyGold Albert, only 25s genuine bargain. ,1 T Fiigelstone's, The Popular Pawnbroker. — Nickel X\. Clocks, Is 4id: Alarms, Is llid; Wooden Clocks, Is lid: warranted. _m_ AT'F¡¡'Ï:i¡:one'22ct. Solid Gold Wedding Rings, idwt., 15s 4dwt., 20s. A 1 value. No presents. AT Fiigelstone's.—Grandest assortment Gold Keepers, fancy cbase6, 18cr., very heavy, 12s; gold keepers from 2s. A TjFlitrelstone's. the Popular Pawnbroker. -Just, forfeited, xa. Gent s Solid Siivc-r Watch, 12s 6d, cost 2 guineas. A T Fiigelstone's, the Popular Pawnbroker.—Just forfeited S\. Lady's handsome Gold Watch, 21s, cost 4 guineas. A T I;];tõ'=.JU3t:'f¿ri¡ted, Gent s Golc1 Pin, hand- painted retriever's head (by Ford), only 35s. worth £ 5. A TTlikrelstone's, the Popul ir Pawnbroker.—Full-size real 1" Welsh Flannel Urawcrs, Is SAd Challenge Shirt, Js lid. AT Fiigelstone's, the Poplar Pawnbroker; best known pawnbroker io Crdii. See "i".do.5_- A-T- Fiigelstone's. the Popular Pi.Jb;o:r.-Ju3 for- feited Gent's Gold Lver, cGlllPenslltion bala/Jce: only 3 guinens. AT Fiigelstone's, the Popular Pawnbroker.—Just for- feited Gent's solid Gold Siguet Ring, 5s: hali-marked. A JT Fliilst"F.-{{:nV solid Silver Curb Albert, over £ «- 2oz lO: hall-marked every link. A-"i; solid G¡1Albert, over 2cz and Seal, 1mll-marked; only 4 ¡;Ilioe"s. 'A' '£ Fiigelstone's. the Popular p;b;;kt'!r.-irigh/"5t Prices on Gold and Silver Valuables lowest interest. P'ivat-e hoses. A Li J Visit, Fiigelstone's, the Popular Pawnoroker.— [ Hundreds of Ihrc.ius. Ladies' and Gents' Diamond !I_s_rnm2__t <0gs. 0" LY One Ad'lre8.-FHge¡stoni>, Popular Pawnbroker, 22,_«.ast!e-road, Roath, CaTdi. 8->ARNETTS.— Skates Skates Skate« < Acme pattern, JJ all siztf, i'.id.—49, Bute-street, Cardiff. 8S3 CCOUNTER for Sale. Sft 6in. long l.y 20 in. wide to be J sold a bargain.—0»en. 153, Woouvillc-road, Cardiff.994 C^ARPENl'ER'S Tool Chest and Tools fcr Sale.—Apply J the Cyril Second-hznd Furniture Stores, Broadway.509 i-"i.X,L or write, AI cade. — ISct. I,dy¡; haif hoop J Diamond Rim: p1.,d¡;ed for 56s take 6.38. C^ALL or write. Bhiberg's Arcade.—Silver Watch and J Albert: pledged for 7* úd; take 10s: same reo advanced. -_u_ 1 ALL or write, Blaiberg's Arcide.—18ct. Gold Watches; v^1 forfeited pledges. j 1ALL or write, Blatberg's Arcadc—30s Silver Levers V^; forfeited pl-dges. Our Mr Hannem, practical watch- maker, hä, examined each lev -r. n_ Al.L or write, Bl.iiberg's Arcade.—Eorfei'ed Pair of J s. l>ianiond Earrings. £ 6 pledged for £ 5. (">ALL or wlite, Rlaibcrg's Arca.de.Ncw 22ct. Wedding J Ring, 3fÎwt 193. Gold Earrings, or theIr value, gratis. h- C'1AJ,L or write, Blailerg's A.r=s.de.-Reù Band Shirt, 2s > 611 Carmarthen Welh Shirt, 41.d, made ,to e, If -,A:Ù, or write, Blaiberg's Ar!\de.-Pi!ot Cloth Over- ct. velvet collar, 12s 6(1. -h CI ALL 0,' write, Blaiberg s Arcade:-Railwav Overcoats, J 55 101 Real Welsh Flannel Shirts, Is 10-id. CI ALL 0:' writ", Blaiber;"8 Arcade.—For ,1:> k m;i;gš, suie to wake you at the right tIme, An5nia Clock Co. Alarm Clock, 45 C^Al Jj 01 write for Suits, 15s, 19s, 21s, 25s. 27s 6d, 50s. J We will let you have approval—Blaiberg s Atcacle. C- ALL or wr'ue. Our cu,lou¡erg never leave us CRU and J bur regular like c1(){'k'rir.-BI:\ÍOC'r's Arcade. C-:1LA Y Pipes, Clay Pires.- Send direct to the Manufacturer > fur Illustrated LEt aud Tesdmomals (post !r.).- Corcoran, Manufacturer, Limb-street, Bristol.$45 • CIOAL—Best. Hou3e Coal (ail large) can now be hd frum J R. Ou"n¡-e. Coai Merct¡;¡J¡t, 131, Britannia-buildings, Bute Docks, at "«6s 6d p_e.on delivered. 78i CIOAL. J65 the best hile, very clean, delivered, c:h.- J Write C. 445, Echo," C rdiff. 445 ^OALS.—For Uest and cheapest Hcuse, Steam, and Nut V J Coais go to The Briti-hCoal Company, 40, Miskin-screet Cardiff. Speeil terms fcx large q\lantili,. Pric list. ou application. 473 I^XCELLENrLV-Purihc.d Poultry Feathers ready for ■J8—i beddiin;, 6jd jier lb,, delivered free in Glamo-gan.— Apniy Matt.h- wy, 0, tocklónà-tre"2t, Upper Grange, Cardi if. jLj*IREWOOI) Splitting Machine, Two Patent Bundlers, m. Leather Belting, Saw Bench, and Circular Saw the bole el1e:z.p.-ApI;ly T. f-43. Echo Office, C"r<i.it! 45 f-^lBEWOO.D Firewood ■ Firewood j=-BI;;Cks, bundles. A al1d chojipt'd 8\.ick8: parlour blocks, Is per cwt. de- livered.—Send P()5tc!rd, 14A. Cairns-street. 965 TtpIREWOOD.—Chopped SLicks and Blocks for burning i.' Quantities of cwt. and upwa.n¡f.-Tbe Cardiff Fire. wood u¡Jp¡y, Windsor-road Yard, Adamsdown. 453 11'1EN'I'S Fents Fents !-To Shopkeepers and others f- couimencing. —Write for an assorted 50s sample bun- dle of Velveteens, Prints. Patches. Hollands, Flannel- I'tte3, and Muslins Eeut, carriage paid :mouey returned if not approved of.—Calam Iwd Co., Fent Merchants, 15, York-place, Leeds. 278 F aIt Saie, Grand Head -c;tM- Deer, 1: guineas AmHic3-u Bison, 20 Guineas Reindeer, Red Fallow, and ltoeuurlr.-Cortlin¡¡ Taxidermist., ClI.rdïO:. 673 (lliASS Shades, all iz: forclochs. figures, k^Jcht-iv X also fish GWÍ1es.J. Cording, Naturalist, 42. Rcyal Arcade. Cardiif. 672 i 1 LASS, Gl!lss.-R-;ëeivd, carpo ot 3CO.OC0 feet of ,,i;" doIfGlasg. 228 per case, or cut to customers' mefosurc- nieuts, lZs per 100 feet. Putty, ÎfI per cwt. Mixed pai"t, 2bs cwt.Oa?is and Son, 11, Queen-street.. Cardiff. <j*c MAGIC Iiaat^rns,—1Thf. only Teal maker in Wales or the West of England is Allen, 207, The Exchange, Cardiff. I'rize medal Bristol, 1894. 573 \J 11XIN!>RV-—iSpecial prises—60 Trimmed and I7n- trimmed Hon net?, Hats, &c., frora Is llid: Ribbons, ibices. Flowers, reathers, Gloves, Hosiery.—Harris'?, Maiket Untratice. gjg MIM^XXERY Underclothing.•—Warm Clothing at Special lU, Prices. Flannelette Nieht Oressos, Is d, 2s 6 £ d. oven and Kui\t,e.<=- Petticoats 8t.erIin 1\1 and Children's OutftHitij?.—A splendid lot .1.J of Children 8 Mantl..g, .Jackets. (11)(1 Ulsters, al1 f!l>w Bhape8. 1s lJ,?s ,6(1, 2. lUd, 35 6id. 3s ld marvel- Inns —HariisS 111 Ml\,i'kt Entrance (Dock-street). X ,.wport. E?>8 ONiOXSl Onions Onions !—For Sale, 1,000 cases I hnest Bordeaux Onions, just arrived by s.s. Dordogp.e andLsk.-i or price appiy F. Uiise, 55, Queen-street Cai- dltL_ 515 OB Set Stocks aud Dics and One Bdlow5, nearly ew. for bnle.-Apply- Ree5, Churcb-road. Whitchurch. 516 1- .>Li;-OG-Ü'" Carditf.—Gert s Gold Hu7rthiK~"SV'5^h and u t.h.^7.v Curb Albert, ovet;2oz,.weight, through distress, sell ticKet for £ 3. -N 305, t.cho Office, Cardiff. 905 SA^f' i,riceV^eci" Silver Watoh, keeps perfectlimeTSs _^L__6,i soad R¡lvpr Albert, 5s.auett s, Caroline-street. SALE Prices. 22 carat i¡dGold Wedding Ri-)&, 8s 6d solid Gold Keeper, 3s 4cL— Barrettjs, Caroline-street 739 SEoOND-Har.d V-shuned Si{;n*hoard to b Sold a bar- J gain.-Apply Atlas FurnishiDg Co., Ltd., Haye's Build- ups, Cardiff. SKATES Skates Acme pattern. ad sizes, fie*- Is 61 to all parts.- KarneU. 49. S"te-street. Cardiff B55 SKATES! Sk..Les! Skates !—Hundreds to select tram ll^d per pair. -Barnett's Empori^' 6 an-'l 7. Caroline' str2el. 739 SKATES I Skates Skates !—Baruett Bhave the t atk 1\ t one quarter other people's pricef, l1:d ue'.t's, Csio'iin»-tre' t'. 730 OOLIO Silver Watches in good going ordr, from 6 6d_ — O Follick, 40, Bridge-street, Cl\rctitf. 6926 S. OLID Silver Watcliea in good goinr order, fram 6s 6d. Follick, 40, Bridpo-street, Cardi/r. COl'iID Silver Watclies in good eoing order, from 63 6d.— O Follick. 41, Bridge-street, Cardiff. 8Of ID Silver Watches in oa going order. frrD1 65 M.— J Follick, 40, Brioge-strest, Car<iifl. 801.10 S¡I-r\tb-i:Ùpi0;m 6s 6d. o ¡"ollick, 40. Bridge-street, Carditf. OLif) Silver Watches in good going order, froID 65 — ':J Folliek,40, Bridge-street. Cardiff. SOLID .Silver Watches in good going order, from 6s — Follick. 40. Bridge-street, Cardiff. SOLID Silver Watches in eood going order, from 6s^ Foliick, 40, Bridge-street, Cardiff. OLlT) Silver Watches in good going order, from 6s 6A"" k? F.illick, 40. Bridge-stra?t. Cardiff. SOLID Silver Watches in good going order, from 6s 6d. Follick, 40, Bridge-st.rnet, Cardiff. SfPCTAT. Values.—Our Silver-plated Cruet reduced to as lid; superior Pariour and Alarm Clock, warranted, 7s 6d.-narul'rt'. 75'1 8FECIAL.—Our Cardigan Jacket at 3s lid is pqual to f:J any In town at IS see heJ1l.-Ba.I'DI"¡;t'S, Caroline-st.739 8UPEUIOR Stiver Lever Watch, high-class jewelled f:J movement, tiv years' warranty, £ 2.—Barnett,, Caro- line-street. 739 S-ijp Fill OR. Engine, Lubricating and Cylinder (iii;, Tallow, Truck Grease, and Varnif.h*s low p'¡oe.- *v"te ( H fven, Oil Merchant. \fachen, Mon. 723 \n;DJ;:fS a!lc^ Mangolds,—Any quantity delivered in Caidiiforon rail, 18s per t-oH.-H..rdtn¡:, Monachtv 1mim, Maindv, Cardiff. 911 rI^ .1' ish I' ryers.—Packages of fresh fidi, suitable fcr frv- ,0 lngl m:de up at the following rates 3 stone, 10s 6d 12 stone, 15s.—Cash, with orders, to Mr Molyneux, Fish .derchant, Milford Haven. 76?c '¡'WItt Shon atti, in }<;DiU;h. postage Dai<l, Is Id nom- P'?te set, in 3 voLs., Adum (Jiark 5 Commentary 011 wn >ie Riole, for 17s 6d, carriage paid; quite new edition.— Davies. ookge;¡<,r. Femå.a.JI". 991 100 Tons- Pitch-pine Firewood also Dunnage Boards. Deals, Scantlings, 1::0. -Sl1tpland, 18, Loudoun-sQuare, or^bottom East Pock, _r!li4. S72 8S buvs s rong Silver Watch at Abrahamson 3, Pawn- biokei-and Jeweller, Newport. 5 s buys massive Gold ICeeper.—Afcr&haKsotn *>S buys Government-stamped Dreaa Ring, at Abraham- son s, Newport. rybuys solid Silver AI[¡rt.-A-ha.ui80n's. 1';08 BaJ English Concertinas, 48 keys, by Lachena), v' "t nhamsou's,1\t'port. Us 6n Buys Capiral-Vmid Violin at AbrahainsonV, who reourns money if :un¡;ati:f6\cwry. A BRAi-IAMSON. Pawnbroker and Jeweller, facing :JC-i?.rt» Theatre, Rridge-st.reet. Newport. Mon. 556o ABR.AÜišoš-1i t:" Diamond Brcoch, 7 od. 55óc ABRAHAMSON, Newport., Silver Lever 15s, warraI2t,>r. 55ts HfT OiF CLOTHS .\li. LApiEH, Gentlemen'r., Children's Loft-off Clothing nought.—Mrs Rich, 57, Castle-road, Cardiff. Good prices orders p\1ntually attended to. Furniture bought. TyjRS D. Gorman, 7 and 8, Kridge-slreet, 31, 33, Wyndham- ar9ade, {Cardiff. Purchaser i^adies' Gectlemen's. and Children's Wt\rdrobe. ES\l\;lished 1859. 724 MISCKlitASEOtiS UASTS. ELECTABLE f>ersoó-wo\;ld like t- take Child to A1, j?,6' or would adllpt:F own preciium requied.- A'1.jrec, W. 9Se, r¿ch Office. Cardiff. 95s W Magic Lantern or some entertainment for I Chlldrenis party. -Addffss D 852, "Echo" Office, I Cardiff- 8S2_ WANTED by respectable person, Healthy Child to Nutse. or win lÍopt as own premium required— Write N 715. Echo Office. Cardiff. 715 W ANTED, to Put, Ba,liy Boy out to Nurse with respect- able perol1 month old.-For particular*, wne A. 646, Echo Offi^. Cardiff. 6 I "IA(mYF..RY. FOR Sale, saiall VmioafBoiler, suitable for driving la. or other 11:al1 m>ohirie —Apply Serjent, DolohrlOn I Waterloo-road, 1\£wport. 3Bge FOR Sale, portable Forge, large Lathe, Sto^^T" Dies. Taps, and various Tools, chr»p.—Apply 2, Wood'- vill.road, CaLnavs, Cardirf. 693 *1II 8. f,.i H EOI's. A Dance will be held at the Town-hall, Tonypandy, on V the Jlth inst. Admission, Is Ladies, 6d. 873 ALL kinds of Herbs. Roots, Barks, Leave*, fcc., for all kinds_ of complaints for purifying the blood—a plea- sant ruedicine; for indigestion for liver complaint for chest affections for kidney troubles for piles. Family medical guid: free-Trimnell, The Herbalist, Moira-ter- race, Cardiff. 594 IS Life Worth Living ?—Yes, since we have been using Charnley's Raspberry Oreani and Paradise Biscuits. All smart grocers keep them. Don't take any others. Whole- sale, E. S. Stevens, Eastvd.e, Bristol. 02 IF you want, your Dining or Drawing-room Suite Re upholstered, send for James Stinchcomb, Practical Upholsterer t Mattress-maker, 22. Lead-st., Roath, Cardiff. I AVER Bread.—Market Women and Shops supplied J fresh daily.—Apply Z., Manufacturer, Daily News Office, Sw"nsa. 425e TJEAKCE manufacturers of Artificial let, Arms, Eves. I Only address. 14, Station-terrrace, opposite T.V.R Station, Cardiff. Repairs of all description done. 474 F> UPTLTRE Cured. Crooked tl Wak Spines :or Legs F> UPTLTRE Cured. Crooked tl Weak^ Spines Hor Legs A' Str?ngthened and Straightened, Artificial Legs weight. 511)3., Ladies Belts, Trusses, and Leg Irons, made ouly at Allen Penrce.'s, 4, Charles-street. Cardiff. 517 SPLENDID Print Patchwork Quilts. Is &1: Cretonne o (1ir,to. 2s 6d, lar;:p size.—Mrs G-IMA, 32, Addiugton- street. City, Manchester 463 SWEETHEARTS' curious Letter, three funDy Photo graphs, and six Magic Cauls, teven penny slapips.— Hyams, 1, Court, Saint Luke>-roud, Birmingham 876 MpO Drapers and Fent Dealers.—Write for price list (free -J. of 51b. and 101b. bundles Manufacturers' Remnants in Stuffs, Prints. Flannellelts, Shirtings, Velvets, al?o Under- clothing and Pinafores wholesale oalv.-J. Mitchell and Sons, 44, Weil-itreet, Bradford, Yorks. 156 ri^RUSSES and Belts made and repaired upon the shortest JL notice at the manufactory.—Pearcc, 14, Station-terrace, Cardiff, opposite Taff Vale Railway Station, Cardiff. 475 YENKTIAN Blinds. 4d per foot. rtiined and varnished or painted any colour estimates free.—Blind Works, 19S, Cow bridge-road, Cardiff. 681 ATCi 1 i S Clocks arid Jeweller < on the Hire System »v At.las Furnishing Company. Ltd Havens Cardiff 41e \iOt; jgji 1 CO Wanted for a few months; security good, annuity, no risk, no loan office.—Crane, Echo" Office, Ntwj'ort. 550, MR I ■. Rud, 56, Railway-street, Moors, Cardiff, advance, from £ 2 to £ 200. Borrowers receive courteous and prompt attention. 961 INTENDING Borrowers should call or write to Lewis's, The Borough, 67. Castle-road, Roath, Cardiff. Money lent Ïr..m 2 I1pw¡.rd8. 96C Wr ANTED to borrow £ 150 at fair interest ou security I f worth £300 (no uioney lenders).—Address G. 6S9, Echo" Office. Cardiff. 689 j\f ONEY at a fair rate of int-erest, advanced in any 1 IvA sums, without delay distauce 110 oiiject.— Apply, by letter or personally, to W. Williams, Vine Cottac'e, 1, Station-terrace. Pontypridd. 50e ONEY advanced from £ 5 to £ 500 without delay.— n L Apply ltO, Covfbridge-road, Canton, Cardiff. 157 "u' n_- <*25 to £ 5,900 Leut Privateiv, 111 any part of town or Country, t.o respect*hi? people, ou a Note of Hand alone, without Bondsmen or any Security. Exceptionally Low Interest. alone, without Bondsmen or any Security. Exceptionally Low Interest. Apply to H. THOMAS, Manager (Head Office), Victoria Chambers, 25. Bridge-street, Bristol. 421 \1 ONE ¥ Lent upon Note of Hand, without Bill of Sale 1*1. or Sureties, as follows — £25, repayable in 24 monthly instalments of 1,1 2 5 £ 50, „ 24 II tI £2 4 10 24 „ £ 4 9 7 Larger stuns in proportion. Slrict privacy guaranteed. No commissions charged. Distmce ro object .—Apply 1), Williams. 15.York-road. Waterloo Bridge. l/jndon.S.E. 321 'I MONEY Lent ou Note of Hand, from £ 5 and upwards within short notice.—Apply to the MANAGER. CASTLE ADVANCE BANK. 32 207, CAST3.K-HOAD. CARDIFF. <•2 to £ 500 Advanced withoui delay to Householders. 3»- Farniers. Trndesmcn, and Working Class generally, ou Note .,f Hand alone. FAIR INTEREST, EASY REPAYMENT. Apply Manager, ou -Not,, ,.f Hand alone. FAir. INTEREST, EASY REPAYMENT. Apply 1\.lR.1Jn.ge)", TREDEGAR AND DISTRICT ADVANCE BANK, 29. B RI 17Gi:-ST 111 :BT. TKEDEGAi:, MON. 968 t*5 anri upwards granted daily to householders, without sureties, no detaj', 110 fees, and confidential. Apply, by letter or peisonnlly, to F Gould, B8, I'ontmorlais. Merthyr Tydfil, 20, Caroline-street, Bridtrend, and at .,w sureties, no delay, 110 fees, and confidential. Apply, by letter or peisonnlly, to F Gould, B8, I'ontmorlais. Merthyr Tydfil, 20, ()Moiine-8treet, Bridtrend, and at 3. Friars Park. Lamicas-st, Carmarthen. E37e C<ASH Advances nii.d" to any amount promptly, privately J and at a fair rate of interest; distance no object.— Apply, Uy letter ouly, to Mr C Lloyd, 24, Kagiau-utreet, Newport. 726-> Apply, Lv letter ouly, to Mr C Lloyd, 24, Kagiau-utreet, Newport. 726-> <>NEy~ lf,n" r"~wTTHOUT BILL OF 'SATTiTTR SUBRUTES,on approv«d Note of Haud, as follows:— £ 20-24 MONTHLY INSTALMENTS of £018 4 £ .50—24 81 It £2 5 10 £ 100—24 £ 4 11 8 No C'Jw:ni"fjon or Legal Expense1!. A guarantee given of strictest privacy. Apply for piospectus to UNITED KIN<;i)OM DEPOSIT BANK, i5, Craven-soreet. Strand, Ixandon. 5S4e A. G. WILLIS Manager. "loxi.;vT- j,10X[Y ¡-'MONEY w t 1..) lonev when rOl can obtain an Advance From £2 to ANY AMOUNT. on your own Security and Easy Repayments, as arranged. Apply S. HARRIS, Manager, 85 Central Advance Bank. 40, Wood-street, Cardiff. I-)R LOANS FROM-E2~to~ £ SCO Call or wite to R. PHILLIPS. 1S. CHURCH-STREET. CARDIFF, ,Ionev I,nT, to il clafoR of ù,;rl)wers iu lows or C'O N Tr, Y. Terms and interest quoted rieif.re business is done. "O delay. Absolute, privacy. ;;0 dedcti0lls 1645 3 to ;CY)) Advanced 10 Hous.-liolders without Delay.— õ'I Apply to WALLACE and CO., 98. Oueen-si rect, Cardiff (side entrance). Slrict privacy distance uo objection with or without securities a repavYnenf.n, ADVANCES MADE IN CASH NO CHEQUES GIVEN. Money Advanced in Town cr Cotintry. 562 HONEY.—If you v ant it promptly, privately, and at a low rate of interest on your simple promissory notes with or without sureties, apply immediately, enclosing stamped envelope, to Mr W. P. Thomas, 20, Market-street, ANo inquiry fees reasonable interest,.which is quoted beforehand nni er-al promptitude, a dr y 6 notice heing generally rutlj:ient. no oppression ot honest and solvent, clients. The Carlton Bank, Ld for whom Mr Thoma.% is Branch Manager, has been established 10 years, and has a capital of £ 30,000, consequently no genuine and respectable application is ever refused. 673e e *75,000 to Lend bv the Southern Counties Deposit Bank, Limited, in guru* of £ 10 to £ 500 on Not,0 of Hand, without sureties, or 011 Furniture. Fanning Stock, and all other personal securities, without removal. Easy repay- ments, distance no object. All information given free.— Apply, personally or by letter, to the Manager, Mr Stanley Dowdiug, 1. Oneen-square Bristol or to t,h e O.strict Agent, Mr E. W. Webber, 3. Working-st., Cardiff. 1\1 ON E Y FRUALLTLY, AND CHEAPLY. THE NATIONAL MERCANTU; BANK, BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL, Toe Directors o* this old-established, well-known Office, having large available funds, offer unusual facilities to all respectable and trustworthy persons who require either temporary or permanent assistance. Cash iu amounts from £ 20 to £ li"1.000 advanced in all parts of the kingdom without, sureties, delay, or publicity, and on the security only of the 'I borrower «, written promise to reouy. These advances may be repaid by wtekly, monthly, or quarterly instalments extending over a period of t.ime convenient to the borrower, Üf the princinal may remain so long as the interest is paid. No Bi'ls (If Sale taken, and the transactions are Lot pulJ- lished in sny newspaper or gazette. Apply, stating amount required, to Mr T. C. MIL1HJnx. General Manager. NOTE.—Specially advantageous terms for Loans on Life !.8:IICC 1 ohcies, Reversions, and Second orts. 29Se S. FIELDING AND < JOM PA NY. LIMITED (Establirhc, over half a Centurvi FINANCE, MORTGAGE. AND INSURANCE iiaOKEKS HEAU OFFICE—THE HAYES. CARDIFF. DEPOSITS RECEIVED £10 AND UPWARDS, At the following rates of interest, payable Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly Withdrawal on demand .4 per cert, p-eor annum. at 3 months'notice .5 oer cent, per *• 6 months' notice.6 prr cent., per nnunl. M at 12 months notice. 7 per cent, per annum. Dfpositors have the lirst charge upon the entire assets of the Company one of the safest and best paying invest- ments of the day. Advances made in any Sum upon personal and every kind of Security from £ 10 to £ 1.000, in Town or Country, without deiav or \\utJ1ic;ty. TRADE HILLS DISCOUNTED. Prospc-cius and particulars free by applying to Manager, as aoove. BRANCHES: '>nc1oD, Oxford, Bath, Newport, p' Kxeter. Gloucester, Pontypridd, llU&y Liverpool, Cheltenham, Leicester, Manchester, ke, fcc. 252e E. TJIIIESTAN L)c0., I KrNG'd.ROAT), CANTON, CARDIFF. (ttAT"VAMZKD \V1 UK InETTING, IN 50 YAttD ROLLS. ^n. 2ft., 3/- 3ft., 4/6 4ft., 6/- 2m. ]\]eRh 2ft., 4/- 5ft., 6/- 4ft., 8/- GALVANIZED CORRUGATED ROOF VN'G SHEKTS, 2ft. Sill. wide. °U"> ViVi Oft., 1/5% 7ft., 1/8 8ft., 9ft., 2/3 10ft., 2/8 PATSlr Fi^LT, in 25 Yard and 7s b& per Koli. STEEL TAKES, ALL KINDS. 4;e POSTAL DELIVERY I <~>y THE S 0 U T H W A L Ea DAILY NEWS. kZ1'6 J>°PrieWf! SOCTH WALES DAILY NEW »!w,? .al,?ou?' ihL y a special concession of the r';lMiinr^i,ar<? enabled to despatcn their 'j vV clOTi e<K'\i'» ^b>" tbe Mails leaving Cardifl ^tii^ f.m-an<1 Country .Subscriber* rpeiiiing wittm. t ?io 0r r CtL AMOR^AN SHIRE. OA £ ;,MAR f HJSNtSHIRJR, .CAliL-lG^^HlRii; London « AVost of »abscribers receive (he' (»». tii8 forenoon^1 PUD"wation npers (»». tii8 of PUD"wation The Tiuuii KJJIXIO.V of the :Sv1TH WALES DAILl NkM-S jS -orwr, r,ic,i (Prep»,d^ !Ù3irle.nts of the follow- 1 ing rjjd .Ail. ot.ier plac^ ""n t)io CaiuifF Postal District lit tIlne for the firs^ morniii- delivery — I'encoocl St. Niciiolas • I Bonvilstone Peterstone Liandaff Peterstone I Rtulyr Morgan stown Melingriffitli Peutyrch St. Andrew 3 Peutyrch St. Andrew 3 Jsuiiy „ Courtyra*18' Dinaa Po*ls Cadoxton Barry Caerphilly lied was Y.si rud Myn*cU Bwllypant St. Mellon s Cefn Mably -1 Michaelsbone-Je- Vedw Castletown Marsh field Penarth Llandough I^isvpiie Llanish en rWhitc]jUrck TafPs well .SRWYNLAIF ,.Vjn't 'lYee Bclcv As well <«3 portions of ^HIKE and MONMOtJi H*- HlJ.lE comprised wit1110 the Tredetrw I Mid Rliyiuney\ alley Postal Districts-may now have the SOUTH "ALEs DAILY NEWS delivered &t thei residences daily by the same post as that which coi1. vvy-s their London lett-ers PEE QCARTF.R, POST-FRKE 0 9 9 I PERHAW-YKAR 0 13 6 PekY^R „ 1 19 g I SOUTH Nv ALJ' i)-kILY* NEWS OPPIJ^S, 'Saint Marr.ror, Ca-rdlf QREATAMERI "CAN^IIES^P^ION Twenty years' research has brouhfc to I ht a fjuaranteea Remedy for NERVOUS DEBILITY Weakness. Dimness of Sight, Bladder, Gravel, Ki<lney and Liver Complaints. Piescriptiou in 1? the hands of a, Minister, who will befriend anyone suffenn« ¡ from these enervating diseases. It has THOUsAN OS. Merely send self-addressed stalJlpeti envelope to the Rev. David Jones, Bay Villa, Le^3 ten this Prescription will tse sent FREE of CHABGE- name the p^per.) 678 3puMir ntustmtnts. I CARDIFF. rp H E A T R E ROYAL. JL LESSEE & MANAGER, MR ED WARD FLETCHER, TO-NIGHT, TUESDAY, Jan. 8th, at Seven o'clock, The Comic Christmas PANTOMIME, JgABES IN THE w OUD. (UP TO DATE.) NOW IN THE FLOWING TIDE OF SUCCESS. BRIMFUL OF FUN AND MERRIMENT. THE BABES IN THE WOOD By the Sisters MORGAN. Don't Miss the Glorious Transformation—the talk of Wales. THURSDAY, Jan. 10th, Special Train from Swan- sea. See bills. G.W. Railway.—On Saturday, .Tan. 12tli, a.n Excur- sion Train wiil run from Bristol (Temple Mead) at 1.50. Return train leaves Carditf at 11 p.m. Day Performances every Saturday until further notice. Prices, bel to 2s. Early Doors (1),(,,11 at 6, Sixpence extra. Doors open at 6 30, Pantomime continence at 7. Booking Offices at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Ltd. Telephone No. 521. Ie 1041 -u-t E insriKE.: MANAGKB OSWALD STOLL, TO-NIGHT. ROBIN REUBEN RAFFIN'S pERFORMING J) 1 G A PORCINE REVELATION. Also his BABOON AND DONKEY. A reotiey group as amusing as thev :,re mixed. THE EROVERBIALLY STUPID PROVED TO BE HIGHLY INTELLIGENT. LAMBV.RT & GLOVER in "The Novice." SAM JESSON,' The Sheeny Man." CLARA N1SBET, Serio-comedy Songstress. O'CONNOR ar.d TRAYNOR, Eccentric Comediaus. TOM VINE, Topical Singer. GRAHAM and VINE, Dnettists. KAIN and LOllENO, Continental Comedians. Next Week VETERANS OF THE CRIMEAN WAK, in mamtnoth military tableaux vivants, repre- senting Miss Hose Thompson's and other pictures, with recitative and vocal descriptive effects. 2033 IT RT A N DTK E A T R E~ V.7T U'ESl'GATE-STREET, CARDIFF. LESSKE AND MANAGER .Mr CLARENCE SOUNES. TO-NIGHT, AT 7.30, The Brilliantly Successful GRAND COMIC PANTOMIME. Admitted bv Press and Public to be THE BEST IN WALES, O BIN SON ^JRISOE. Special Attraeuons Everv Week. GRAND MORNING PERFORMANCE EVERY .SATURDAY at 2 o'clock. Doors open 1.30 (Early Doors at 1). Seats booked :tt, Messrs Heath's Music Warehouse, Queen-street. Prices, 6d to £ 1 Is. Doors open at 7 (Early Doors 6.30). 823e- 737? Fully-licensed Refreshment and Smoking Saloons now open at every performance. ^TOLL'S P A N O PTICOS, ►3 Philharmonic Hail and Buildings, St. Mary-street, WAXWORK EXHIBITION AND NOVELTY PALACE. MILITARY BAND. THREE STAGE PERFORMANCES at 3.30, 7, n.nd 3 o'clock. The AMERICAN BOOTHS. Madame LELAH and Dr. LEPWOHL, BLITZ, and VERNO and VOYCE. CO OMAN'S PUNCHINELLO. PIERRE. •JOM THUMB'S WIDOW. DIVERS OTHER ATTRACTIONS. 60e ADMISSION, 6R..T6i0_ PONTYPRIDD. 13 0YAL CLARENCE THEATRE. .1 PROPRIETORS, Messrs TRENCHARD A JONES. FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY, oommencing MONDAY, JANUARY 7th, 1895. Important emrasement of Mi-s ANNIE OAKLEY (Late of Buffalo Bill's Wild West), supported by a powerful company, in the Comedy Drama, iu Four Acts, entit!ed- ,I- 1 1\1188 RORA. Introducing the Arabian Horse "Gipsy," a Pack of Fox-ioun Is, and a I Hunt. Incidental to the play MISS OAK LEY will do her world-renowned Shooting Exhibition, as per- formed before her Majesty the Queeb, the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Teck, and the Duchess ot Yoik. January Kth.—No. 1 Company, in the MANXMAN, the most marvellous Play of t :e age. Dcors open at 7 performance at 7.1:5. Box Office open daily, 11 to 2. Seats booked by letter or wire. Prices. 6d to 3s. 545e MERTHYR. "VfEW THEATRE ROYALXND OPERA ll HOUSE, MERTHYR. SOLE LESSTE AND :MAAGEIt, .MR WILL SMITHSON. SMITH SON'S MODEL THEATRE, ILLUMINATED THROUGHOUT WITH ELECTRIC LIGHT, Installed by Messrs Clay Bros. & Co., of Cardiff. POSITIVELY LAST SIX NIGHTS of the MOST SUCCESSFUL PANTOMIME PRODUCTION in Wales, DICK W HITTINGTON. The Finest Pantomime in the Principality Unequalled Company of 60 Performers. Every evening at 730 early doors at 6.30 ordinary doors at 7. Grand Illuminated Day Performance, Saturday, at 2 o'dock. 506e rrhi Pantomime will be produced in its entirety at New Theatre, Swansea, for One Week Jan. 14th. Victoria Theatre, Newport, Jan. 21st. Theatre Iloyal, Gloucester. Feb. 11th. SWANSEA. rjp 11 E E M I R TO-NIGHT THE AMERICA N MILLS, IN FLIRTATION." PETRIE & ELISE in "The Toll-gate." Varieties by otlier Artistes. f¡:e ——- 2034 Next Week—Raffi i's Protegee?, Kain and Loreno, Ac. OOLK s 4^L BERTTH A L!7, JL A SWANSEA. J. POOLE'S POOLE'S i AMUSEMENT f RGANIZATION. LAST Just added, the China aud LAST .1 apa.il War. TWO BATTLE OF THE YALU, TWO With the iTeets in action. WEEKS NIGHTLY AT 7.45. WEEKS 9B7J Wednesdays and Sa inn lays at 3. NEWPORT. THE E MP ire. .iL MANAGER OSWALD STOL1,. TO-NiGH'i THE KEENE-REEVES COMBINATION and THE MA SCOTT K QUARTETT'E In the Xm>s burlesque comicality, entitled, "THE SCAoLET TOWER." Varieties bv other Artistes, including such specialists as Mathews' Goats, the Wood-Traveliies, Fall" and Cu^ick, etc. 62e—2035 j^EECHAM'S PILLS. B EECIIA.Ni'S PILLS. BEECHAM's PILLS. Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECliAM'S PILI.. BEECliAM'S PILLS. For Bil ion-s Attacks. B~ EEC HAM S P1LL-T For Nervotis DIOrdflrs. BEECHAiM'S 1'ILL^ For Indigestion in all its forms. B fEECHAM'S PILLS. -fl y For Wiud and Pains in the Stomach. EECHAM'o PILLS. J&-) For S'ck Headache. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Have saved the lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Giddiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Ftilne-, and Swelling after Meals. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Are Worth a Guinea, a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JD A Wonderful Medicine for Females of at! A 148" ^ILVER £ ULVER SILVER (^IILVER S^ILVER GILVER ILOVERI ^ILVER ^ILVER QILVER! SILVER| SILVER! 6iJ3a 5T00 a SOLID s ILVER ATCHES (LlnredeemedPletices), in good going order, from 6S 6" F OLLICK, Pawnbroker A Jeweller, 40 and 41, BRIDGE ST., CARDIFF. j^^fATCHES LYYATCHES JYY-ATCHES \yatches Y^ATCHES j ATCHES YY ATCHES YyATCHBS YyATCHES I YyATCHKS YyATCHES iWATC^s VIUlSSl OF f 1CK OF THE SOUTH WALES DATLY NEWS,' No. ?. COLLKC E«STREKT No. 2, COLL.EC E-.s'rRi& m, usintss jkbbtisstz. MASTERS & CLOTHING. BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAP. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHKArffliT. MASTERS' CLOTHING PKST AND CHKAPKST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTKKS' CLOTHING BEST CHEAPES'J. MASTERS' CLOTHING BRST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST, MASTERS' CLOTHING HEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS'- CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTH NG BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTEKS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. I MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. I MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHKAPKST. MASTERS' CLOTHING HKST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST, MASTERS' CLOTHING RXST AND CHE PEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTEKS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MAST:S' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. I MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING ERST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTEUS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTEKS' CLOTHING BRST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. MASTERS' CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. ASTERS AND CO. /CLOTHING, V/ 9001-727e BFST AND CHEAPEST. I public £ lntitts. I -■* COME^ND HEAR A LEX. MARSHALL, OF GLASGOW, AT ADAMSDOWN HALL At ?.50fTO-NIGHT. 6.30 SUNDAY. 9tI ^LDiRMAN ^JpHILLlPS (OF WEST HAM, LONDON), Honor&iy President of the Coalporters', Stevedored, and Seamen's and Firemen's Unions, and late Trustee of the Doc tee rs' Unions. WILL ADDRESS PUBLIC MEETINGS ON WELSH DISESTABLISHMENT AND THE I LABOUR MOVEMENT j AS FOLLOWS MARKET-HALL, BAREY, Wednesday, Jan. 9tIs, 7..i5 p.m. TUDOR-HALL, FERNDALE, Tlmrday, Jan. 10th, 7.30 p.m. 1124-423e ADMISSIOIS rREE. QUESTIONS INVITED. aU5 bg ÂnrtÍon. QUEEN-STREET SALEROOMS, CARDIFF. LARGE UNHESERVBD SALE OF SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITORE. removed from Woodville-road and Pafk-nltvce, Cardiff. M ESSFtS MOORE and CO. are instructed by Miss Fisher and Mrs Candy to remove from the above addresses (for convenience of Sale) and SELL by AUCTION, 011 TUESDAY, January tfth, 1895. the whole of tr llOUSrRO D FURNITURE, Comprising 6,fl.. mahogany dining table, hair suite in mahogany, three mahogany wa-d>stands, three chest* of drawers, walnut sideboard, oak hall stand, m&ho- gany chifionier, loo tables, tv.o walnut overmantels, was.iist«.ndii and dressing tables, tayiestry SUlt, leathei suite, feather beds, wool bed, spring mattiesse*, bed- j ste¡¡ds, leather easy chairs, hair sofa, octagon tables, coal vases, fenders, brasses, fire dogs, ashpans, oil- cloth, carpets, organ, 100 chairs sniuvble for kitche use, piano, beclroom suite, book cause, bamboo t1.bJL wardrobes, cabinet, mangle, sewing machine, etc., etc. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock sharp. No reserve. On view morning of Sale. 361e 11- I NEW SERIES SHORT TALES BY VARIOUS AUTHORS. A VARIETY OF TALENT. I EXCELLENT READING, THIS WEEK will be continued in the CARDIFF fpiMES AND gOUTH "TALES YY^EEKLY l^TEWg A NEW SERIES of SHORT TALES of « I particularly brief, pithy, and attractive character. The whole of the stories are welt written, aoa most of them are by Authors whose work If welcomed in every household. The following is a Full List of the Series ot Stories and the order of Publication :— ONLY A PHOTOGRAPH, I Justin McCarthy, BETWEEN TWO PATIENTS, George Manville Fenn THE GHOST MONK, Mrs Campbell Prmed A SHOCKING EXPERIMENT, Fred Bay let TWO TETE-A-TETE3, Hetea MMben. NORA'S LOVE LETTER, Hume Nisbet. ¡ A HAPPY MISCHANCE, Iz" Daffus &rd,. THE INTRIGUE NEXT DOOR, Edmund Downfj, THE STRENGTH OF A BROKEN LIYK. Riokard Dowlmg. THE POISONED KREESE, Herbert PeMNoe. ON THE ROAD. Marie Von Tbilo (of the Pseudonym Library). AT CLOSE QUARTERS WITH A HYENA, CPliaW C. W. Young. WANTED, Harold Conway. A DETECTIVE STORY, ES-Chief Inspectdr CavMMtgh< A GREEK GOD, Captain Random NOT FAR TO SEER, Ida THE BABIES' TEACHER, J. H. Yoxan. THE ROSE OF-GOD RUBY, Richard Ashe Kins- A WHITE ANGEL. Professor F. H. William*. INTO THE LION'S DEN, J. Johnson Leak. PHYLLIS' LETTER, L. E. B. Stephen*. A DEAD LOCK, WITH A SKELETON KEY, w. W. PMft. A HUNTING FLIRT. Mrs Kennard. THE LAST HOUR, F- M. Hovm4 The Fifteenth Story of the 8eMI, A- Oreek GOD. 8r CAPTAIN RANDOM, Will appear in the column* of the QARDIFF fJlIMKS AND SOUTBWALESwunYNEft I ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 12tb.