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Title: Repensar a vocação oceânica da Ordem de Cristo (séculos XV e XVI)
Authors: Olival, Fernanda
Keywords: Expansão Portuguesa
Ordem de Cristo
Atlântico (séc. XV-XVI)
Crónica da Guiné
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Ed. Desassossego
Citation: Olival, Fernanda, «Repensar a vocação oceânica da Ordem de Cristo (séculos XV e XVI)», in Atualizar a História: uma nova visão sobre o passado de Portugal, org. Paulo M Dias e Roger Lee de Jesus, Porto Salvo, Ed. Desassossego, 2022, pp. 101-111. ISBN: 9789899033696.
Abstract: This chapter questions the vocation of the Order of Christ to be involved in the process of oceanic exploration in the 15th century. Nor did it get institutionally involved in the conquest of squares in North Africa. The emergence of the patronage is explained by the rivalry between Portugal and Castile in the mid-15th century. It is noted that the Order of Christ did not even have clerics to ensure evangelisation at that time.
ISBN: 9789899033696
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:HIS - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros
CIDEHUS - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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