APA Format
University of Denver. College Preparatory Department, (1894 June 1) Commecement Program of the College Preparatory Department of the University of Denver, 1894 June 1. Retrieved from Special Collections @ DU, https://specialcollections.du.edu/object/0faeddf5-bb1e-4b3c-8698-2c38285e1fa3
MLA Format
University of Denver. College Preparatory Department. (1894 June 1) Commecement Program of the College Preparatory Department of the University of Denver, 1894 June 1. Retrieved from Special Collections @ DU <https://specialcollections.du.edu/object/0faeddf5-bb1e-4b3c-8698-2c38285e1fa3>.
Chicago Format
University of Denver. College Preparatory Department. Commecement Program of the College Preparatory Department of the University of Denver, 1894 June 1. 1894 June 1. Retrieved from Special Collections @ DU, https://specialcollections.du.edu/object/0faeddf5-bb1e-4b3c-8698-2c38285e1fa3. (Accessed February 25, 2025.)