Notice: Our digital collections contain materials that are racist, sexist, and may be painful or traumatizing to researchers.

APA Format

Maggie Polumbus and Woman, circa 1997 June, (circa 1997 June) Maggie Polumbus and Woman, circa 1997 June. Retrieved from Special Collections @ DU,

MLA Format

Maggie Polumbus and Woman, circa 1997 June. (circa 1997 June) Maggie Polumbus and Woman, circa 1997 June. Retrieved from Special Collections @ DU <>.

Chicago Format

Maggie Polumbus and Woman, circa 1997 June. Maggie Polumbus and Woman, circa 1997 June. circa 1997 June. Retrieved from Special Collections @ DU, (Accessed May 25, 2024.)