Edmarid Dicustag.
Taterson S/.J
C years
Luin Know.
lileover 2 years.
Now york City
7 montt
Edmond Dienstaf.
Mit Lodge J.C.S.A. Galorsan
Mrs Zanting Hientay 2 Felintor I
N.Y.City S.A. Heustant rs. Pateron. V.T. S. MRola. 163 P :.H. Eaterson S
1600 Thoridan Sanlevard
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June 9, 1905
This is to certify that
Mr Edmund Dienstay was
examiied by me troday.
I find the imppertalf of
both lungs offected by
I believe his only chance
for reovery is in a
change of climate
Very truly.
Willan Vees M.D.
Baterson Ete Lodge No.102. O.B.St.
Meekevere 1st 9nO 30 Sunogrs.
Talneon N.J. June 12th 1905
So The Nebrew Consumptive Relief Society Denver
This is to introdnce Mr Edmand Seeefag
who is afflicted with Tuberculosis of his lungs.
and request the admittance in your wortly
Institution for treatment.
It is the wish of Patuson City Loge or OBh.
that you should consider farmably on this app.
By doing so you will greatly oblige
Loge 12 OrBh
Paleson City
S.A. Keushadt by
122 10t N
Attestad. by.
Hany H. Kaufmann Ps
Reroieded Ly
Denie D Sor
weil Master
M. B.A.
Leomand Fevrrshan
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No. 105 OB L.O.B.S
J ad and fr
Paberson B. J. June 20t 1905
Sindar is uo morety
Dr C.D Spivak Sec H.C.R. So Denver Colorado
Dear Sir Br Your esteemed letter acknowledgig
receipt of $500 at hand, and as you know we have
send a fafinec to your Institution, and I think
that you are convinced by this time that the
case needed speidy attention and allthong as
you claim that you have no room, but in thi
case being an emergent one, and comney recom
mended from tws orders, which as I see accordin
your own report contribute the bulk of you
unnconce. This should hoor emidiate axtention.
ar your pat, there is allways a way to help
are if there is a will, remember that we have
contributed freely an your forst appeal without
reflicding opon any returns, and now wher we
were compelledd to take advantage of your hospitulity.
you are parling for more money making all
Kinds of pleuses, As this patient is entirely with out
any means what so eoer, I would urgenlly requst
you to admitt him at once and give him the attentin
needed for his recovery. Hoping this appeal will not be in
of. Sh Meustadl Sy
remain your in O.L.
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Transcript not available for this page
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Boterson Olle Googe NO. 10Z.O.B.S.
Wleksevecr 1st AnO 30 SunODrS.
Palorson N. J. July 23d 1905
Mr. C.D. Spivak Secy J. Consumptive Aid. Society
My Dear Sir Bir!
The sad news of the death of
Mr E Liinsbag has reacted no to day, and you
cas miagine four feelis, as I is a brother
to my wife, as it is allready knowen to you, he
was will out any means what so ever, and be have
helped him to the usmost estend of our ability, andd
wioking that Ief may be humsed wife we lave
spained our might to difray a prt. Spinsis of
the funeral, and I herewath encloss ek for $25.00
hoping that this will be acclpted by your workly institu-
wishing you the biggest suces, that an Institution
o chat kind desives, and my mmermost thanks, for whal
you have done for him. I remain your in soroi
Cd Menstade
my wife prag for you and all at this occasion and
send his best and deepost go ctifude.
Dev. 13 323
NYCky July 24/105
Dr C.D Spivak
Sect Jewish Conmmp R.S.
Dear Dr
Would you kindly do me a favor
I have my deceased husbands
trunk violin & a ring which he
to New York.
I will pay all
ware expressed &
charges here in N.Y. Thanking
you again very much for all
hat you done toward faving
my husbands life
I remain
Very Sincerely Yours
Mrs Pauline Deenstay
25 Clinton St
25 Clinton St,
N.J. July 27, 1905
Dear Doctor Spivak,
Will you
kindly send me the name of
the place and date of my
husband, Mr. Edmund
Dienstag's burial. Please
send me all the things es.
pecially his violinand
ring which my husband
left over, as I am only a
poor widow and I want to
keep it as a remembrance
for my child and he did
not berong to and society
I would like to know
whether you received the
money for his burial and
if you have any left over,
prease send it to me as this
money becomes very useful
hereaster. Please write ko
me his last words before
his death.
By so doing you will
Yours sincerely.
Mrs. Pariline Dienstag.
Tl. O1140 99T.
P0E WsStIER, Presidesl
1225 1116 St.
$/27 195
M Dr Ph. S lerbritz
T0 Wied Febrew Cenetary Association, Ot.
Podoc Ad grrand Binslook
Dock P.2. No.J.
Por Earriages aod Fearse.
For O198og
For Sogex 10 Cinctery
For Collio.
For Sal Misaskion.
Por Pachricher.
For Ctave
For Lia.
Recieed payement infull
71op - 3D Cop.
M. Tamen Doum Lesty
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N0. 100 Ct
Moels. Ever 2nd and Stt
Paterson, R. J. Aug 2nd 1905
Sunday in A0 Morek.
Dr C.D. Spivak
My Dear Sir Br. Io our deep sooor
wve will informed by Mrs C Dinstag that Mr. C.
Decustag died and fromptly I have telegraphed you
that I will find you ack for $2400 as funeral
Spenses, which I didi
Now well you please let me know, whether you
have received same, and what have you lone
will te tidy, where was it bamied ract.
You will can fer a great foor o me by daiy
I remain yours in U. L.S
Ch Meustadl
P.S. Als pplase inform me whether you a
Institution has recoioud its powo rata shore
of the assissment of the O. Bl.
I and ably. yours
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Transcript not available for this page