APA Format
Unidentified Staff of the Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society, between 1920-1950, (between 1920-1950) Unidentified Staff of the Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society, between 1920-1950. Retrieved from Special Collections @ DU, https://specialcollections.du.edu/object/ded397e5-4bd4-4038-89cd-a9f898946fd2
MLA Format
Unidentified Staff of the Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society, between 1920-1950. (between 1920-1950) Unidentified Staff of the Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society, between 1920-1950. Retrieved from Special Collections @ DU <https://specialcollections.du.edu/object/ded397e5-4bd4-4038-89cd-a9f898946fd2>.
Chicago Format
Unidentified Staff of the Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society, between 1920-1950. Unidentified Staff of the Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society, between 1920-1950. between 1920-1950. Retrieved from Special Collections @ DU, https://specialcollections.du.edu/object/ded397e5-4bd4-4038-89cd-a9f898946fd2. (Accessed February 27, 2025.)