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The Restoration of Diluted Judgment

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The Restoration of Diluted Judgment
Youmans, Robert Jason
The goal of the present research is to gain an understanding of the effect of cognitive feedback on dilution situations. Dilution situations occur when people are asked to consider a mix of irrelevant and relevant information when making a judgment. Specifically, the present study tested the theory that cognitive feedback will reduce the dilution effect. Participants were presented with a judgment task where they were asked to make predictions of people's income based on their level of education. In half of these judgment situations, participants were also exposed to information about how often the person they were making the judgment about did something social with a family member and how they felt about easy listening music, non-diagnostic information that created the dilution effect in this study. Once a dilution effect was created, participants outside the control group were either given task information feedback, cognitive information feedback, or both. All feedback types reduced dilution, although only feedback containing task information was able to reduce dilution when compared to the reduction in the control group, which also lost dilution though no feedback was administered.
Cognitive Feedback
Cue Interference
Lens Model
Outcome Feedback
rob.youmans@alumni.wfu.edu (authorEmail)
Charlie Richman (committee chair)
Eric Stone (committee member)
Andrew Parker (committee member)
William Fleeson (committee member)
Youmans, Robert Jason
2008-09-28T10:54:12Z (accessioned)
2010-06-18T18:59:47Z (accessioned)
2004-12-21 (available)
2008-09-28T10:54:12Z (available)
2010-06-18T18:59:47Z (available)
2003-04-28 (issued)
null (defenseDate)
Psychology (discipline)
Wake Forest University (grantor)
MA (level)
http://hdl.handle.net/10339/14889 (uri)
etd-05132003-134031 (oldETDId)
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