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Pathological Study on Anencephaly(Autopsy Cases) : 무뇌증의 병리학적 검색(10부검증례)

Cited 0 time in Web of Science Cited 0 time in Scopus

Chi, Je G.; Park, Kyung Soo

Issue Date
서울대학교 의과대학
Seoul J Med, Vol.23 No.3, pp. 392-405
Anencephaly is the most common and the most serious congenital malformation which
occurs spontaneously in man and other mammals and which is compatible with completion with
the pregnancy but incompatible with life (Anderson et al., 1967).
In this common maldevelopment, the brain is either absent or rudimentary and there is an
associated defect of the cranial vault and scalp (Urich. 1976). Frequently anencephaly is combined with other malformations such as anterior lobe of pituitary body unaccompanied by a posterior lobe and marked adrenal hypoplasia, while such features as harelip, cleft palate. spina bifida, hyperplasia of the thymus, hydronephrosis, hydroureter and abnormalities of major visceral arteries are present also in some cases (Vogel and McClenahan, 1952).
The frequency of the disease varies between approximately 0.5 and 2.0 per thousand births
in the United States and most of Europe; it is locally higher in Britain and lower in Africa,
Asia, and South America (Friede, 1976). In our country, many cases of anencephalic fetuses
have been reported, too. The frequency of the anencephaly in our country is approximately
1.5 per thousand births (이명복 등, 1969). And another report show that the CNS malformations
comprise 17.3 percent of all abnormal births and anencephaly is 7 out of 53 cases of the
CNS malformation(이제구, 1970). Although anencephaly have been reported for centuries,
the underlying cause is still uncertain. In past years, several aspects of this anomaly have been
studied, e.g., etiologic factors, and familial and genetic prevalence, complications, gross embryologic development, endocrine development and their interreIationships.
Recently we have experienced 10 cases of anencephaly during a period of 4 years, from
1977 to 1980. The current study is made to report 10 cases of anencephaly generally and to
discuss the pathogenesis of anencephaly.
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