Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/10106
Título: Supervising and Improving Attentiveness in Human Computer Interaction
Autor: Durães, Dalila
Carneiro, Davide
Bajo, Javier
Novais, Paulo
Palavras-chave: Ambient Intelligence
Learning Styles
Innovative Scenarios
Data: 2016
Editora: IOS Press
Resumo: The collection, storage, management, and anticipation of contextual information about the user to support decision-making constitute some of the key operations in most Ambient Intelligent (AmI) systems. When the instructor has a computer-based class it is often difficult to confirm if the students are working in the proposed activities. In order to mitigate problems that might occur in an environment with learning technologies we suggest an AmI system aimed at capturing, measuring, and supervising the students’ level of attentiveness in real scenarios and dynamically provide recommendations to the instructor. With this system it is possible to assess both individual and group attention, in real-time, providing a measure of the level of engagement of each student in the proposed activities and allowing the instructor to better steer teaching methodologies.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/10106
DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-690-3-255
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