A process for assessing the feasibility of a network meta-analysis: a case study of everolimus in combination with hormonal therapy versus chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer.

Cope, Shannon.

Zhang, Jie.

Saletan, Stephen.

Smiechowski, Brielan.

Jansen, Jeroen P.

Schmid, Peter.


  • Background: The aim of this study is to outline a general process for assessing the feasibility of performing a valid network meta-analysis (NMA) of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to synthesize direct and indirect evidence for alternative treatments for a specific disease population.

    Keywords: Advanced breast cancer, Everolimus, Chemotherapy, ... read more
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  • Cope, Shannon, Jie Zhang, Stephen Saletan, Brielan Smiechowski, Jeroen P. Jansen, and Peter Schmid. "A process for assessing the feasibility of a network meta-analysis: a case study of everolimus in combination with hormonal therapy versus chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer." BMC Medicine 12, no. 1 (12, 2014): 1-17.
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