Influência do sistema de libertação na permeação de uma molécula hidrofílica
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Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
Diferentes estratégias têm sido usadas para aumentar a eficácia e a segurança não só de medicamentos tópicos e transdérmicos, mas também de produtos cosméticos. Avanços na tecnologia de encapsulação levaram ao desenvolvimento de polímeros biodegradáveis multifuncionais invocando capacidades promotoras de permeação, permitindo uma libertação controlada de fármacos ou com propriedades protectoras. O objectivo deste estudo foi aplicar um polímero de origem natural – o alginato- na encapsulação de uma molécula hidrofilica modelo- a cafeína. Este permeante modelo foi encapsulado em três sistemas diferentes de alginato - macrosferas secas, hidratadas e microparticulas de cálcio-alginato. Adicionalmente, a cafeína também foi incorporada em três formulações passivas - uma solução aquosa, um gel de Carbopol© e um creme O/A. Foram feitos estudos de difusão in vitro com células de Franz, utilizando membranas de polidimetilsiloxano como modelo da epiderme humana. Quantidades equivalentes das diferentes formulações de cafeína foram colocadas no compartimento dador das células de Franz. Foram recolhidas amostras do compartimento receptor a cada 2 horas, durante 8 horas. Os vários fluxos em estado estacionário foram calculados. Os fluxos mais elevados foram obtidos a partir do creme O/A e as macrosferas secas de alginato. A libertação mais lenta de cafeína foi observada quando esta foi encapsulada em macrosferas hidratadas e nas microsferas. Estes diferentes perfis de permeação podem ser explicados pela natureza porosa destes últimos e por um mecanismo de troca iónica. Estes resultados são indicativos de que esta tecnologia pode ser usada com sucesso na modulação da biodisponibilidade de moléculas para administração transcutânea. Os polímeros de alginato parecem particularmente adequados à utilização na libertação controlada de fármacos com elevada potência farmacológica e estreitas janelas terapêuticas. Por outro lado, a sua aplicabilidade também poderá ser estendida a ingredientes cosméticos que, por razões de segurança, devem estar limitados às camadas mais superficiais da pele.
Over the years different strategies have been employed to increase the efficacy and safety of not only topical and transdermal medicines, but also of cosmetics. The encapsulation technology has enabled the development of multifunctional biodegradable polymers claiming permeation enhancement features, controlled release or protective properties. The objective of this study was to test the performance of a natural polymer- alginate- in the encapsulation of a model hydrophilic permeant- caffeine. The model permeant was encapsulated into three different alginate systems - dry beads, hydrated beads and calcium-alginate microparticles. Additionally, free caffeine was included in three passive formulations - an aqueous solution, a Carbopol© gel and an O/W cream. In vitro diffusion studies with Franz cells were conducted using silastic membranes as a model for human epidermis. Equal amounts of the different caffeine formulations were placed in the donor compartment of the diffusion cells. Samples of the receptor phase were collected every 2 hours for 8 hours. The multiple steady-state fluxes of caffeine were determined. High flux values were achieved with the O/W cream and dry alginate beads. Conversely, the release rate of caffeine was the lowest when caffeine was encapsulated in hydrated beads and alginate microspheres. The different permeation profiles obtained with hydrated and dry beads are probably attributable to the porous nature of the latter and also to an ion exchange mechanism. These results indicate that this encapsulation technology can be successfully used to modulate the bioavailability of molecules for transdermal administration. Alginate polymers seem suitable to be employed in the controlled release of drugs with a high pharmacological potency and small therapeutic windows. On the other hand, its applicability can be extended to cosmetic ingredients that, for safety reasons, should be limited to the superficial layers of the skin.
Over the years different strategies have been employed to increase the efficacy and safety of not only topical and transdermal medicines, but also of cosmetics. The encapsulation technology has enabled the development of multifunctional biodegradable polymers claiming permeation enhancement features, controlled release or protective properties. The objective of this study was to test the performance of a natural polymer- alginate- in the encapsulation of a model hydrophilic permeant- caffeine. The model permeant was encapsulated into three different alginate systems - dry beads, hydrated beads and calcium-alginate microparticles. Additionally, free caffeine was included in three passive formulations - an aqueous solution, a Carbopol© gel and an O/W cream. In vitro diffusion studies with Franz cells were conducted using silastic membranes as a model for human epidermis. Equal amounts of the different caffeine formulations were placed in the donor compartment of the diffusion cells. Samples of the receptor phase were collected every 2 hours for 8 hours. The multiple steady-state fluxes of caffeine were determined. High flux values were achieved with the O/W cream and dry alginate beads. Conversely, the release rate of caffeine was the lowest when caffeine was encapsulated in hydrated beads and alginate microspheres. The different permeation profiles obtained with hydrated and dry beads are probably attributable to the porous nature of the latter and also to an ion exchange mechanism. These results indicate that this encapsulation technology can be successfully used to modulate the bioavailability of molecules for transdermal administration. Alginate polymers seem suitable to be employed in the controlled release of drugs with a high pharmacological potency and small therapeutic windows. On the other hand, its applicability can be extended to cosmetic ingredients that, for safety reasons, should be limited to the superficial layers of the skin.
Revista Lusófona de Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde
Reis, C P, Carvalho, P, Cangueiro, M, Fernandes, C & Rosado, C 2010, 'Influência do sistema de libertação na permeação de uma molécula hidrofílica', Revista Lusófona de Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde.