Teaching Subroutines: As Early as Possible
Authors: Krushkova, MarianaStoynova, YordankaKrushkov, Hristo URI:
http://hdl.handle.net/10525/1411 Abstract:
Students on introductory courses in programming languages often experience difficulty understanding the basic principles of procedural programming. In this paper we discuss the importance of early understanding of the subroutine mechanism. Two approaches for self-training – static and dynamic - are presented and compared. The static approach is appropriate for written text in paper textbook. The dynamic approach is suitable for interactive training using a computer. An interactive module was developed for teaching subroutines.Publisher:
University Press "Paisii Hilendarski", PlovdivSubject: Teaching Methods and Classroom TechniquesProgramming LanguagesSubroutines in Procedural Programming Languages
Issue Date: 2010-11-22
ISBN: 9789544236489
Language: en
Type: Article