Censuradas, criticadas... olvidadas: las novelistas inglesas del siglo XX y su traducción al castellano.

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Santaemilia Ruiz, José
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This thesis lays the foundations with which to analyse and study the contribution of the translations of 20th Century female English novelists into Spanish. Four initial hypothesis help us tackle a study of the translation transfer and reception of these novelists into Spanish: the issues underlying the association between gender and translation, censorship in Francos Spain between 1939 and 1975 which affected the translation of some of the novelists dealt with here, the translation strategies whose use or omission can affect the translation product, and finally, the evolution of the theory of translation throughout the 20th Century. While the first chapter examines the existing literature organised around three main axes: women, translation and the novel, the second describes the methodology and corpus. The third analyses the translation of English female novelists into Spanish and finally, the fourth consists of a comparative study of the four Spanish translations of Virginia Woofs To the Lighthouse (1927). Out of the 111 authors analysed, 39 that is, 35% have not been translated into Spanish. However, most of these writers were and still are published and reedited in English. Three texts suffered complete or partial censorship, resulting in the suppression and correction of several extracts. There is a parallelism between literary sub-genders and the volume of published translations, the number of target texts per source text and the lapse between source text and translation. Other results show a tendency towards certain translators and publishing houses being used for certain novelists and suggested that the use of paratext is determined by the modernity of the text and the type of novel. This dissertation concludes that gender and translation are linked, negatively for women as far as the opportunities to bring to light their literary works is concerned but nevertheless positive in the greater affective proximity between writer and translator. Neither literature nor translation should be understood without the contribution of women writers, translators and editors.
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