Vigilancia del trabajador mediante dispositivo GPS colocado en el vehículo de la empresa: límites y garantías. Comentario a la STSJ Madrid núm. 260/2014, de 21 de marzo (AS 2014, 823)

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The Court ruling that we are analyzing decides the case of a worker whose company places, without him knowing and supposedly for safety reasons, a GOS device in the company car that the employee uses exclusively for professional reasons, only to be used by him and remaining under his custody at all times. The Court ruling analyzes the possibility that the company has of not only knowing at all time the location of the vehicle but also the exact place where the employee is situated. As well as the treatment of this information by the company.
Bibliographic reference
Toscani Giménez, Daniel. Vigilancia del trabajador mediante dispositivo GPS colocado en el vehículo de la empresa: límites y garantías. Comentario a la STSJ Madrid núm. 260/2014, de 21 de marzo (AS 2014, 823). En: Revista Boliviana de Derecho, 2015, Número 19: 748-757