Seguimiento y control de pacientes fumadores en proceso de deshabituación mediante SMS: una experiencia en e-salud

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Tobacco consumption continues to be an important cause of morbidity and mortality. The therapeutic process of giving up smoking consists of the physical detoxification of nicotine as well as maintaining abstinence from its consumption. Our study lies in this context, offering a strategy by means of SMS support and monitoring patients throughout their treatment. Material and method. This longitudinal study compares two groups of patients, one with support via SMS and a control group without this support. Patients randomly received support messages and positive reinforcement as well as questions about their status. The rest of the therapy is equal in both groups. Results. The abstinence rates obtained among the group with SMS support were better than those of the other group (57.1% as opposed to 42.9%). They themselves value the methodology successfully, recognizing that it saves time and travel. Conclusion. The use of ICT in the monitoring and support of the detoxification process of tobacco consumption appears to be effective and well accepted by patients.
Bibliographic reference
Abella, Francesc ; Vilarasau Durany, Assumpció ; Cuadrado, Josep ; Solsona, Francesc ; Alves, Rui. Seguimiento y control de pacientes fumadores en proceso de deshabituación mediante SMS: una experiencia en e-salud. En: Revista Española de Drogodependencias, 2014, Vol. 39, No. 4: 77