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International Socialist and Trade Union Congress London, July 1896, delegates card belonging to Joseph Goodman from Liverpool

This was one of a series of Congresses held in various European cities, following the establishment of the Second International in 1889. As the 1896 congress was held in London, there was a very large British delegation of 476 from a wide range of organisations including 159 from trade unions, 26 from trades councils and 5 from women's organisations. The Social Democratic Federation sent 121, the Independent Labour Party 117, the Fabian Society 3. Will Thorne was the main organiser of the 1896 Congress. This delegate card was designed by Walter Crane.

Title International Socialist and Trade Union Congress London, July 1896, delegates card belonging to Joseph Goodman from Liverpool
Maker --
Production Date 1896
Format Document
Copyright --
Holding Institution TUC Library Collections, London Metropolitan University
Related Objects --
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